Historical data about the Norwich Terrier, appearance parameters, characteristic behavior and health, care: walks, nutrition, procedures, interesting facts. Puppy price. To many people who are not very versed in dog breeds, all four-legged ones seem to be on one face. This is as much a misconception as considering all small pets to be decorative. The dogs that will be discussed, although not large, are wildly active. The animals are classic British bullies.
Small, lively and cunning, with fox-faced faces, these "simple guys from the working-class neighborhoods" of Norfolk County. Due to their bright appearance, small parameters and intelligence, these kids are in demand in Hollywood and TV commercials. Among the fans of this breed are top interior designers, movie stars and ordinary people.
However, these crumbs are difficult to care for. Their puppies are born by caesarean section, because they are large enough. They can be willful. The terrier compensates for its small size with character. Do not confuse energetic babies with decorative dogs. You will not be able to take them with you to drink tea in a conversation with a friend.
Historical data on the origin of the Norwich Terrier breed

The Norwich Terrier arrived in Europe from east England. And the breed arose in Norfolk County in the city of Norwich, in the 19th century, 70s. Some believe that their ancestors are red Irish terriers and small English terriers, black and black and tan, although there is no reliable information.
Their purpose was utilitarian. They were taken out as barn rat catchers. In the olden days, they worked in kennels and stables and even in sanitary services. Later the Norwegians were used to drive foxes and badgers out of their burrows. These small, cocky dogs were easy to carry. During the hunt, they were placed on the ground.
After some time, the Norwich Terriers became the darlings of the aristocrats, and their destiny changed. From rat-catcher dogs, they turned into companions. We ran across the lawns and lived on estates.
Such terriers are sometimes confused with their ancestors, the Norfolk Terriers. But they do have one distinguishing physical feature, pointed, erect ears. In the Norfolk, they are hanging.
These dogs are just gaining popularity in Russia. Norwich can also be called exotic. Even many experts are surprised, what kind of an unknown animal is it? It seems to be not big, but incredibly strong and strong, as it should be for dogs, whose specialization is burrowing hunting for foxes and badgers.
Because of the tousled, thick coat, the breed has long been called "rex", which means - shaggy. Its present name, this type of dog received from the name of the area in which it originated.
Description of the appearance of the dog Norwich Terrier

Norwich Terriers have a funny appearance. Dogs are small in stature. The animals are not badly balanced, compactly built. They are covered with a thick, coarse hairline. They are hardy, have a well-developed, knocked-down skeleton and strong muscles. Scars on the skin acquired as a result of robots should not be a defect in the exterior. They are used for the control of small pests and as companion dogs.
People are treated kindly. They have a balanced nervous organization, as well as a lively, restless, active-energetic, cheerful temperament. They are fearless and courageous. Spiteful and fearful individuals are discarded.
According to the norms, the height at the withers in males is from 25 cm to 30 cm, in bitches from 23 cm to 26 cm. The parameters of individuals can vary within 1-3 cm. The weight of breed specimens reaches 3 kg to 5 kg in males, and 2.5 to 3.5 kg in bitches. They move quickly and at the same time smoothly, with good drive from the hind limbs. The back is straight when moving, the limbs are rearranged leg to leg.
- Head medium in size, looks harmonious in relation to the body. The frontal part in the upper zone is strong and wide between the ears, slightly rounded. The furrow on the forehead is insignificant. Cheekbones are flat. The brows are not high, well developed. The bump on the back of the head is not pronounced. The bones at the temples stand out. The skull under the eye sockets is filled.
- Muzzle less than the length of the cranium. It is elongated-pointed, wedge-shaped, strong. The bridge of the nose is straight. The stop is clearly drawn. The lips are tightly filled, compressed, perfectly closed, black pigmentation. Scissor bite only. The flews slightly overlap the lower jaw. The jaws are well developed. The teeth are powerful, white, with perpendicular incisors.
- Nose - eye-catching, developed in volume. Lobe pigmentation is coal-black.
- Eyes Norwich Terrier, deep seated, located on the front line. They are of medium size, round oval in shape. Their color ranges from dark brown to coal black. Dark shades are preferred. The eyelids are dry, dark. Animals look warily, intelligently and attentively.
- Ears not very widely placed. They are erect, medium in size, triangular in shape, with sharp ends. Cartilage is volume-filled, dense. When alert, the dog directs them forward more, in calm folds back.
- Neck moderate to medium length, oval in shape, with strong muscles, gradually merging into the shoulders. Set in harmony with the skull and body. Has a slight bend. The withers are developed, there is no dewlap.
- Frame elongated compact format, knocked down, with dense muscles. Chest: Moderately widened, roomy, oval in shape, reaching to the elbows. The back is in a straight line, well muscled and short. The loin is widened, shortened. The croup is slightly sloping. The ribs are well developed and arched. The line of the abdomen is slightly pulled up to the area of the croup.
- Tail - thickened at the beginning of growth, narrower towards the end. Its natural form is straight. Set on high, covered with thick hair that adds volume. When moving, the dog raises it above the level of the spine up. Docking of the tail is permitted.
- Front limbs - erect, shortened, strong bones. The shoulders close to the body are strong. The elbows are close to the ribcage. The forearms are vertical. The pasterns are straight. Hindquarters - when judging from the back, parallel to one another, straight. The thighs are broad and well muscled. The shins are powerful. The hock joints are harmoniously arched, the knee joints are strong. Metatarsus vertical.
- Paws tightly compressed, round, directed straight ahead. Curved toes, with firm, pressed claws. The nails are pigmented black. The pads are dense and voluminous.
- Coat Norwich Terrier is not a uniform, rigid and straight structure, like a wire - it grows densely. Printed undercoat. Longer guard hair on the neck and muzzle. The hair on the tail is thicker, which makes it a little more voluminous. The shortest hair is on the head, on the ears, excluding the small mustache and eyebrows.
- Leather - tight, fits the body well.
- Color there are several types: bright red, wheat, black and tan or with gray hair. White marks or spots are undesirable.
Norwich Terrier character and behavior

Despite the cocky look, this is an incredibly companionable and cheerful dog. If you ever see this funny face, somewhat reminiscent of a fox, or even a bear cub, you can always distinguish the Norwich Terrier from other breeds.
Living in an apartment suits Norwich Terriers, but they are full of energy and do not want to sit still. They are kind to children. They cannot be started if there are small animals in the house that can easily be mistaken for prey, since the animals were excellent rat-catchers.
Surprisingly, with such serious, strong-willed qualities, they behave delicately in the apartment. They don't bark over trifles, they love everyone at home and are good-natured to guests. Therefore, as guards, they have nothing to brag about.
As defenders, they are also not suitable, but thanks to their fearlessness, they still make attempts to defend their owner. For neighbors, Norwich is ideal. They will not bark and howl in vain while waiting for the owner to come home from work. Therefore, they are also suitable for busy people.
Norwich Terrier health

Norwich Terriers are strong and hardy dogs. They live from twelve to sixteen years old. But they do have a range of genetic diseases. The first thing to start with is that the birth of offspring is associated with difficulties. The fact is that the puppies are quite large-headed and large in size. Therefore, they are born, not always in a natural way. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.
In addition to having a caesarean section, they are prone to back problems. To avoid spinal problems, in the first place, you do not need to overfeed your pet. As a result of excess weight, an additional load is created on the spine, and not only. The heart muscle and gastrointestinal tract will also make themselves felt.
Norwich Terriers often have eye conditions such as cataracts. Such a flaw is revealed by the method of special testing. Also, their upper respiratory tract and the activity of the respiratory organs require additional attention.
In order for your dog to be healthy, you must not only properly feed and physically load it, but systematically vaccinate and treat it from internal and external parasites.
Criteria for caring for a Norwich Terrier

These canines are not easy to care for because of their hairline.
- Wool "Norwich" must be combed out constantly, despite the fact that they almost do not shed. They must be taken to a groomer to remove the top layer of the guard hair. Trimming an entire dog takes a lot of time and money. Distinguish between exhibition grooming and household. An ordinary hairstyle is done every six months. The competition hairstyle is done every 2-3 weeks. With the help of plucking (trimming), the layers of the hair are built up, and only one layer is removed. From a peculiar technique, the wool becomes fluffy and printed. Before the shows, cosmetics must be used, which create an additional effect. Bathing shampoos are diluted with warm water so that the pet does not have dandruff. For extra volume, you can use conditioner. All soap products are thoroughly washed off. Dry the "Norwich" with a hairdryer to give a special splendor and hair is not pretreated. Dry the dog in warm air mode, in the direction of hair growth, while they need to be constantly combed.
- Teeth Norwich Terriers need to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, after some time, plaque will be deposited on them, which will form into a stone. Its presence will lead to the destruction of dental tissue and inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth of the animal. The procedures are done with zoological paste and a brush. All terriers love to chew on something and you can take advantage of it. Buy edible bones and special toys for your pet from the store. This will serve as an excellent prevention of dental plaque.
- Ears in such dogs they are erect and well ventilated. But inside the auricle thick hair grows, which is better to thin out regularly by plucking (trimming). Timely cleansing with lotions will also help keep them in top condition.
- Eyes "Norwich" check constantly to avoid complications and infections from mechanical injury. If you find something amiss, then take the dog to the veterinarian.
- Claws trim regularly using claws. You can cut them off with a natfil or a hacksaw.
- Feeding Norwich Terrier on the part of the owner must be very careful and attentive. These pets love to eat a lot and densely, and as a result they easily gain extra pounds. Walking on the street, they can pick up incomprehensible pieces, which is very dangerous. You won't even notice what the dog ate. Often, workers of the special komuntrans services poison the dogs by scattering poisoned food. So, first of all, teach your four-legged friend that you cannot eat what lies on the street. Whichever diet you would prefer for a Norwich Terrier, you must choose it carefully. Do not forget that natural food is primarily meat and offal, and only then a small amount of cereals, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Vitamins and minerals in food must be present at all times.
- Walking Terriers must be active enough. "Norwich" are lively, temperamental and quick-witted. They need physical and mental activities. They love to be trained and played with. These dogs are very convenient for keeping in a small apartment. Dogs tolerate frost well. In slushy weather, it is better to wear them in protective overalls, because they are short. So the dog will not get dirty. When you get home, all you need to do is take off the terrier's clothes and wash his paws. With animals from eight months to one and a half years, they go out four times a day, and then three times.
Features of raising a Norwich Terrier

Norwich Terriers are energetic and mischievous, but training is easy if you know the basic rules. First of all, the owner must show the pet who is in charge. All commands should be given with a positive tone. Otherwise, feeling irritation or anger in his voice, the dog will lose interest in what is happening. Like all terriers, "Norwich" needs physical and mental stress. To release energy, agility is perfect and of course walks at least three times a day.
Interesting facts about the Norwich Terrier

While working in sanitary services to combat rodent pests, one of the Norwich terriers set a record. In twenty minutes he caught and destroyed twenty-one rats.
Russian pet Norwich Terrier named Nora, starred in Alexei Fedorchenko's film "Angels of the Revolution". At that time, the dog was only nine months old and she did tricks at high altitude. But despite this, Nora did an excellent job with the task.
Purchase and price of Norwich Terrier puppies

These are small, active dogs that are suitable for an apartment, subject to regular training. Norwich Terriers are suitable for families with children, but not with small animals, as genetically, the rat-catcher's instinct is clearly manifested. This breed has very funny little puppies, but do not confuse the breed with the decorative one.
If you want such a pet, it is best to buy it abroad. Because in Russia the breed is small in number and dogs are selected for breeding according to their exterior, and behavioral features are rarely taken into account. That is, they knit dogs with flaws in the nervous system. For example, shy or overly aggressive individuals.
Future owners, unknowingly, buy these puppies. And as the pet grows up, they often face problems in their behavior, which are difficult to correct even by experienced trainers. This is genetics and it is extremely difficult to deal with inherited data.
Take your puppy seriously. Learn all of the Norwich criteria. You should have a complete understanding of the characteristics of the variety. The brightest and best representatives are in foreign nurseries. You can find them on the Internet.
By contacting the experts, you should clearly know what you want. After listening to you, the breeders will give you full advice and practical advice. If there are no offspring at the moment, the breeder will let you know when it will appear. You can see and choose a puppy on Skype. You can also negotiate delivery. That is, go by yourself or you will be delivered to a future four-legged friend. The cost per puppy ranges from $ 900 to $ 1300.
More information about the Norwich Terrier breed, see below:
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