Fox Terrier dog: description, external standard, care

Fox Terrier dog: description, external standard, care
Fox Terrier dog: description, external standard, care

The history of the fox terrier, the appearance of the dog, the behavior of the animal and its health, the nuances of care and training, interesting facts. Buying a puppy. These good-natured hooligans and at the same time, the knights of the dungeon, in their homeland at all times were loved and respected. One can hear about them non-standard stories that sometimes seem like legends: he caught a badger, frightened the dog. Dogs served as a prototype for writing books, because of their sharp, mobile mind, subtle sense of humor and ability to treat all obstacles and troubles in their life with a positive attitude.

Some believed that outwardly they looked like a racing horse with shiny smooth fur. Others claimed that its coat was smooth and spiky. But all the disputants agreed on one thing - the dogs have remarkable courage. If they love, then to the end and unlike people, they are not inclined to falsehood and compromise. And if this happens, then they really hate. But they, like us, have their own affections and of course one of them is hunting. In this lesson they are masters, which is why they are called the secret weapon of the hunter. Having met these dogs, you will never remain indifferent to such a breed.

The history of the fox terrier breed

Two Smooth Fox Terriers
Two Smooth Fox Terriers

Historical references indicate that the category of dogs called fox terriers was noticed by travelers and conquerors in the British Isles, even during the heyday of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, with the expansion of cattle breeding, small, nondescript-looking, angry dogs, along with herding dogs, performed special and important functions in the peasant economy. They tirelessly exterminated rats, mice and other rodents, destroying grain crops in barns and fields.

In the period of the 17th century, and almost to the present day, along with the Foxhounds, Fox Terriers became important functionaries of the parfous fox hunt, which justified and consolidated their name, glorifying it over the centuries. And it denotes an earthen fox hunter: "terra" - earth, "fox" - burrow. In his veins flows a cocktail of genes of such breeds as: beagle, foxhound, terrier and even spaniel. It is curious that earlier they were brought to hunt in backpacks, from which they were nicknamed - the hunter's secret weapon.

Famous people in history who influenced the formation of the breed were the British: Count Montaigne and the nobleman Francis Regmant. At the beginning of the modern period, the count began to select the most spiteful towards the beast and striving to work in the holes of the undersized dogs with powerful jaws. With their participation, he carried out the initial selection.

Later, in 1886, Francis Regmant, fixed the tricolor elegant color in fox terriers and practically divided them into two subspecies: smooth-haired and wire-haired. Until the end of the 19th century, it was one breed with two varieties. Currently, there are two breeds of fox terrier that differ from each other: with a short coat, which was allegedly bred earlier, and a hard coat, which appeared later.

Each of them has its own breed standard and each has its own army of fans. There are two directions in their breeding and use. Some are decorative, others are workers. Among the indoor dogs of the show class, there are very few individuals suitable for hunting. In pursuit of beauty, constitutional data were lost: the strength of the teeth, the power and length of the muzzle, the growth parameters. As a rule, such dogs are all overgrown. At the withers, they can reach from 45 cm to 47 cm, which is a bit too much. With such data, the exhibition fox terrier will not only not crawl into the hole, but also will not be able to overcome the beast. After a couple of generations of mating such dogs, their working qualities fade away.

In the 20th century, the fox terrier conquered the hearts of German hunters. Practical and rational Germans, taking into account the Fox's genetic passion for barking animals, began to use them as universal hunting dogs, for hunting wild boar and deer. Including, for the pursuit of prey on the blood trail and the search for a wounded animal. And for the extraction of fur-bearing animals in the holes, they created the so-called Fulda training hole, where the initial training of young Foxes took place.

In the conditions of the hunting grounds in Germany, the fox terrier, along with the jagd terrier, is the most desirable hunting dog. It is multifunctional and universal: it brings battered waterfowl, works in aviary hunting for ungulates, and of course in burrows. In Germany, such "workhorses" are successfully bred and many fox terriers are imported to Russia from there.

Description of the appearance of the fox terrier

Wire fox terrier on the grass
Wire fox terrier on the grass

Small dogs, always watching everything. They have a height at the withers for males from 29cm to 39cm, for bitches from 27cm to 37cm. Weight from 7 kg to 8 kg.

  1. Head looks like a brick. Large, elongated, but not heavy. The stop is visible, but not pronounced. The frontal part is slightly wider towards the ears.
  2. Muzzle. The jaws are powerful, rectangular. Dental formula 32 teeth. They are strong and smooth. The upper and lower jaw have 6 incisors. A scissor bite is required. There should not be any defects in the teeth of premolars, because this is his piercing-cutting instrument.
  3. Nose harmonious to the muzzle, black pigmentation, the nostrils are wide open.
  4. Eyes fox terrier small, round deep planting. Only dark brown in color, with a lively and intelligent expression.
  5. Ears the small ones, in the shape of the letter V, fall forward, next to the cheeks. They never hang over the sides of the skull.
  6. Neck dry muscles, length equal to the distance from the nose to the occipital protuberance. Gradually widens towards the shoulder girdle, no dewlap.
  7. Frame should be close to square, especially in males. Bitches may be more stretched. A sharp transition from chest to stomach, a kind of undermining. The ribcage is quite narrow, because the dog has to work in the burrow. Must have a strong back that provides jumping ability, good running and traction. The loin is slightly arched.
  8. Tail necessarily docked, but not very short. Its base is high. The fox terrier carries it up.
  9. Front limbs - straight as posts, with strong bones. The shoulders are elongated, sloping, the forearm is vertical. The hindquarters are well angulated and well muscled. The thighs are long and strong.
  10. Paws small, round, compact. The toes are slightly curved. The pads are hard and resilient.
  11. Coat: in smooth-haired dogs, it is straight, smooth and thick. The inside of the thighs and belly should not be bald. In wire-haired - the coat is longer and tougher to the touch.
  12. Color mainly tricolor predominates, although there are dogs and bicolor. But at the same time, the white color is predominant, since it must be noticeable during the hunt so that the hunter does not shoot at the dog.

Fox Terrier dog behavior

Wirehaired Fox Terrier sitting with a ball
Wirehaired Fox Terrier sitting with a ball

Nowadays, fox terriers, having become wonderful pets, live well in the city, but such dogs are not suitable for everyone. The person who will become their owner must be mobile and energetic. Foxes will not let you get bored, they are hyperactive and humorous. "Renovating" home renovations is a piece of cake for them. And if the owner forgets about his pet for a while, he will be offended in earnest. Here it will not do with a broken mug and dug out flowers.

You can calm down this mobile dog with the help of toys and fun games. The main thing for him is that there is something to chew on. How else can you train your dog to have naturally strong teeth? Running with their beloved owner is their best reward for good behavior. For cats and rodents, they can generally chase without a break for sleep and rest. The hunting instincts of the ancestors take their toll. They are very sensitive, with an excellent sense of smell. Everyone notices and closely follows what is happening.

Very sociable and funny. Companion dogs for the whole family. The Foxes will restlessly play with the children, weed the garden with you, wash the dishes, whatever, but just be in the center of the action. What does this breed buy? They are soulful. Terriers show their gentlemanly qualities with their habits and behavior: to become a winner, the tail is always a pistol.

Hunters, first of all, appreciate his working ability, contact and understanding of the owner. Fox Terriers are very sociable, always doing what is required of them. The hunted game is released at the first order. Returning tired from hunting, the dog will never whine and complain.

They never steal anything from the table or beg, even if they are hungry. They are very charming in appearance and besides, they are small in size. Instead of carrying them, you can use an ordinary wicker basket, because their height is not more than forty centimeters, and their weight is eight kilograms.

Fox Terrier health

Wire Fox Terrier Running
Wire Fox Terrier Running

These dogs live long enough. Some individuals survived up to 17 years old. Their immune system is excellent and they practically do not get sick. But in any case, the content affects the state of their body. The pet needs to be properly fed, enriching food with vitamin and mineral supplements. Give the right physical activity. In addition, up to a year, the pet must receive three routine vaccinations. And then, he is vaccinated once a year, throughout his life. Do not forget about the treatment against internal and external parasites. That is, from worms, fleas and ticks.

The nuances of caring for a fox terrier

Wire Fox Terrier Train
Wire Fox Terrier Train

The fox terrier is taught to all manipulations related to grooming from puppyhood. The dog should be allowed to do anything with it: bathe, comb, trim, etc. Having got used to it, she will endure everything calmly.

  1. Wool wire-haired dogs that are used at work are not so presentable, because they are trimmed not for beauty, but for convenience and health. After all, in winter it will be cold to walk through the forest. This manipulation is carried out only when molting, or in the spring and summer. After all, the specificity of their coat is such that the fallen hairs remain on the dog. If they are not removed, then pets may suffer from eczema, scabies. Before the procedure, the dog needs to be combed out well. Then the wool is plucked in the head, neck, torso, on the tail. On the lower abdomen and on the legs, it is left longer. The fox terrier's head should look like a brick. A typical mustache, beard and eyebrows are formed on the face. If a pet has problem hair on its paws, then special lotions and gels are applied to it. For show dogs, some minor conformation flaws can be corrected with hairstyles. For example, a low-set tail, wide cheekbones. The hairs between the pads are trimmed with scissors. They are rarely bathed, as they have a hard, self-cleaning coat. It is enough to let the dog dry, it has dusted itself off and is already clean. Basically, "bathing procedures" concern show dogs. In the process, a lot of special products for wool are used.
  2. Ears fox terriers are trimmed not only outside, but also inside. There should be no fur flaps. They will look good and will be well ventilated. Also, check and clean them systematically. If there is a strong odor, lumps of sulfur, contact your veterinarian.
  3. Eyes do not require special care.
  4. Teeth. To avoid stone deposits and periodontal disease, it is best to clean regularly. To do this, use dog flavoring pastes and brushes. Foxes love to chew on something, so you can give him bones and toys from pet stores. This will also prevent dental problems.
  5. Claws mostly working dogs grind down. In urban conditions, they grow faster, so they need to be cut or cut with a file.
  6. Feeding should include the necessary composition for active canines. With a natural diet, most of it consists of: lean meat (beef, poultry, lamb), offal (liver, lungs, heart). The rest is from complex carbohydrates, that is, cereals (buckwheat, rice, barley). You should also include cottage cheese and eggs in the diet, as well as vitamins and minerals. When feeding prepared foods, be sure to feed the dog by weight. Concentrates must be of high quality, super premium class.
  7. Walking. Since terriers are mobile, wherever they live, physical activity is simply vital for them. This means walking three times a day, for an hour. You can play sports, your pet will be happy to do it with you, or come up with an obstacle course in dog stadiums.

Fox Terrier training

Wire Fox Terrier Jumping Over the Crossbar
Wire Fox Terrier Jumping Over the Crossbar

Fox Terriers are preferred by many hunters. They fight very cleverly in the hole, trying not to get injured. At the first call of the owner, they leave. When approaching the burrow, they do not need to be carried in a backpack like a dachshund. They are tireless. The wool cover allows you to keep them in an open-air cage outside. An ordinary hay bed is enough, and Foxes winter well.

From childhood, they are taught that the owner lifts the pet by the tail. If the fox terrier is not accustomed to this from puppyhood, then immediately there is aggression or cowardice. These are kind of brakes for controlling the dog. In order to be able to pull it out of the hole if necessary. These gentlemen are terrible fighters. It is very convenient to pull a fight by the tails.

You also need to train their jaws. For this, fox skin is used. They teach to get out of the confined space correctly. There are special artificial burrows equipped with cameras that allow you to monitor the work of the dog and correct any shortcomings, if any.

Interesting facts about the breed

Smooth fox terrier for a walk
Smooth fox terrier for a walk

The famous writer Jerome K. Jerome, in his work Three Men in a Boat, Excluding a Dog, in addition to three losers, prim aristocrats, describes a supporting hero, a fox terrier named Marmorancy. The prototypes for writing the book were two of his friends, and he himself, but the dog, the hero is fictional. The creator was so impressed by the humor and ingenuity of this breed that he decided to immortalize the Fox on the pages of his novel.

Later, a certain number of years after the book was published, in St. Petersburg, the writer was presented with a dog of this breed. During Jerome's lifetime, Troy enjoyed the greatest popularity in Germany and Russia. In England, the work has been filmed more than once. A musical was staged on it. A film of the same name was shot in Russia.

It is known that the first representative of the breed was brought to Russia in 1980. For some unknown reason, she was mated with a bull terrier. One puppy obtained from this mating, got to Prince Golitsyn Sergei Mikhailovich, born in the family estate Buchalki on March 14, 1909, in the family of the noble prince Mikhail Vladimirovich Golitsyn. They say that the dog became his favorite, and took part in the hunt in bringing up wounded animals.

Fox Terrier puppies price

Smooth Fox Terrier Puppy
Smooth Fox Terrier Puppy

The choice of a dog depends on why you need it. A dog for work purposes, it is better to buy from breeders-hunters. But for exhibitions, on the contrary, it is better to take in urban nurseries. But always, when we go to choose our fox terrier, there will be no end to emotions. And from two sides.

You cannot be limited to simply obtaining documents and certificates of vaccinations. You should ask how to properly care for him and about his behavior. So that we do not have a fury that has broken loose from the chain, gnawing everything, it is necessary to educate the boy by controlling his games and make it clear right away: the owner decides what, how and when should be in the house. Only in this case we will have an obedient, controlled four-legged friend.

The price of a puppy will depend on the prospects of the exterior and working data, as well as on the gender. After all, from a good girl of a fox terrier, you can get wonderful offspring. The cost ranges from $ 100 to $ 750. Having got yourself such a dog, you will never get bored sitting in one place. The four-legged friend will set the rhythm of your life.

More details about the Wire Fox Terrier:
