Pedigree of the garlic, features of behavior in the wild, reproduction and characteristics of the exterior, tips for keeping and caring at home, price. If you are interested in such delightful creatures as amphibians, then there is fabulous news for you - they can, and even today it is very fashionable, to have these "animals" as pets. If you are interested in this turn of events, then you can start choosing a particular amphibian. Pay attention to such a miracle of nature as the garlic.
Some will say that they are not much different from the common toad, but that was not the case. Taking a closer look at this creature, you can notice all the beauty and grace of the colors and patterns on the body, in addition, it is not at all difficult to take care of such a domestic pupil. You can be absolutely sure that you will be able to surprise everyone who comes to visit you with such an extraordinary pet, and you yourself will be satisfied, because, returning home from work or school, there will always be someone waiting for you and it does not matter at all that such a pet will not purr or bring a ball, but you will undoubtedly love him and he will be able to become your friend, comrade and even a full-fledged member of the family.
Home territories and the origin of the garlic

If any of you have ever shown interest in frogs, then you probably already know that the world of these amazing and peculiar creatures is quite diverse and has not yet been fully explored until now. Every year and even daily, people who have been engaged in scientific activities all their lives open up new horizons for us in the field of science and technology. The large animal kingdom, including various frogs, is no exception. So in a relatively distant 1768, the common garlic was presented to everyone's attention - a previously unknown species of frog. Scientists who studied this extraordinary living creature classified it into the class of amphibians, the order of tailless, the family and genus of garlic, and a separate species of common garlic, this taxonomy has survived to this day unchanged.
If we talk about the places of natural distribution of this very extraordinary and even unique representative of the world fauna, then we can safely say that it is quite wide. In order to meet this little eccentric on his territory, you do not have to travel to other continents, crossing the world's oceans. This beauty is quite common on the European continent, namely in its Eastern and Central parts, in addition, it often inhabits the lands of the western part of Asia. For its permanent, comfortable and cozy place of residence, this peculiar frog prefers wooded areas, most of all it likes mixed and deciduous forests, it feels quite well in floodplain meadows, nearby gardens and vegetable gardens, sometimes it can settle down near small lakes and wetlands. The most beloved place for life is the garlic woman who reveres the borderlands between sandy and clay semi-deserts. The only condition for a comfortable life of a toad is that the height above sea level does not exceed 300-350 m, so it is almost impossible to meet it in mountainous regions, if suddenly its fate has thrown it into some corner of nature, where there are mountains nearby, then it is with the joy of settling in a valley or on the banks of a small mountain stream.
Features of the behavior of the garlic in open nature

As for the way of life of the common garlic, we can say that this miracle of nature spends most of its life cycle away from water bodies, it can submerge in water only during the mating season. The main activity of this frog falls at night and during the period when twilight hung over the earth, the whole point is that this representative of the amphibian class does not tolerate high temperatures, therefore, if cool and rainy weather reigns in its native areas, then this the beauty can also be found during the day. When the lady of the garlic has a rest, it is practically impossible to find it, since this living creature is used to leading a rather secretive and secluded lifestyle.
Such a frog can effortlessly bury itself in the ground, sometimes a similar dugout of a garlic to a depth of up to 100 cm. In the event that an unoccupied mink has met on its way, it was previously built by some other animal, it will gladly settle in it … In addition, an excellent shelter for this amphibian is a litter of fallen leaves, in which it is carefully wrapped, as if in a warm blanket, rocky embankments and even crevices of old fallen trees and rotten stumps.
These "animals" are most active during the breeding season, at which time they are active almost round the clock, giving only a little rest to their small organisms.
The garlic is not famous for some special talents and abilities for the hunting craft, therefore, she has to eat in the wild with those living creatures that she catches right in her eyes and do not have the opportunity to quickly escape. Such slow "dishes" most often turn out to be a variety of worms, larvae, slugs, and many insects.
Continuation of the genus of garlic

These representatives of the world fauna can be considered sexually mature at approximately the age of 2–2, 5 years, but it is more accurately possible to determine the ability of animals to reproduce by the length of their body. So the body length of a sexually mature male garlic must be at least 4–4, 2 cm, and the female must grow up to 4, 3–4, 5 cm so that she can be considered a future mother.
For such an important period in their life as breeding, these original frogs often choose permanent, non-drying stagnant bodies of water, such as, for example, small ponds, quarries, ditches and even deep pits that are filled with relatively clear and transparent water. But, if suddenly there were no such nearby, then in order to continue a kind of frogs, they can opt for rather small puddles or on the ruts of broken roads, where a little rain water has been preserved.
The mating season for these living creatures usually falls in the first days of April and lasts until about mid-June. The mating process always takes place at a depth, it begins immediately after the amphibians arrive at the reservoir, the main thing is that the water is of a suitable temperature. The thing is that these frogs are capable of reproduction only at the required temperature indicators of water - from 8 to 17 degrees. In one frog clutch, it seems possible to count about 400 to 3,000 eggs, which do not exceed 2.5 mm in diameter. They often try to place their future children in the form of eggs of the toad-garlic toad on different plants, not far from the surface of the water.
The larvae from eggs hatch rather quickly, after about 5–10 days, many living creatures can envy their growth and development, since in a few days the parameters of their bodies can increase tenfold, and sometimes even more. Such a huge number of eggs in one clutch does not mean at all that there will be as many babies. The thing is that not all larvae undergo all metamorphoses, many die within a few days and the natural conditions are to blame. These include the drying up of reservoirs, a sharp drop in air temperature, or simply the arrival of winter, at the larval stage not everyone can survive the harsh winter, usually only a few can cope with such a test.
Description of the appearance of the frog frog

If we talk about the appearance of such a living creature as an ordinary garlic toad, then we can say that this is a very miniature amphibian. The length of its original body reaches approximately 6, 5-7 cm, although some individuals are known in nature, which grew up to 9-9, 5 cm.
The area of the forehead is slightly convex in the interorbital region, the eyes are large, raised above the level of the skin. The skin on the frog's body is heterogeneous, smooth on the sides and in the projection of the back, and small tuberosities can be seen in some areas. As for the color, it is very interesting and original: the upper part of the toad's body is painted in brown-gray shades; against this background, a regular symmetrical ornament is clearly visible, which is formed by small dark spots.
These elements of the pattern, in individual representatives of a kind, tend to merge into long stripes; a clear edging of darker tones is visible at the edges of these spots. A wide light line runs along the spinal column. On the side parts of the body of the garlic, small blotches are clearly visible, painted by nature in slightly reddish colors. The abdominal area is presented in lighter shades, against the background of which small dark gray spots are observed.
On the hind limbs of the garlic, between the toes there is a special, rather well-developed membrane, intended for swimming. Also, "garlic amphibians" have an internal calcaneal tubercle, a slight yellowish or light brown color.
Some sources say that albino individuals are also found in some locations.
This representative of the world fauna has many glands on its body that are capable of secreting a poisonous secret, the peculiarity of this substance is that it emits a specific aroma, which is very much reminiscent of the smell of garlic, probably due to this feature, this interesting amphibian bears its name.
In the distant lands of Sumatra, the Philippines, Thailand and the Malacca Peninsula, namely in forests with high air humidity and at an altitude of more than 1500 m above sea level, a close relative of our common garlic lives and lives - this is the horned nosed garlic.
In truth, this is a unique living creature with a very extraordinary appearance. The length of the body of an adult individual reaches approximately 100–140 mm, although sexual dimorphism in size is weakly expressed, nevertheless, representatives of the stronger sex are 10–30 mm smaller than females. The face of this frog is strongly pointed at the end; above the eye organs, it is impossible not to notice specific outgrowths in the shape of a triangle, which slightly resemble horns. The skin on most of the body is smooth in texture, only in some areas can you notice individual tubercles. No webbing between the toes is observed.
The skin on the back is painted in brown color with a barely noticeable yellowish tint; against this background, a beautiful pattern is visualized, formed by irregular specks, painted in coal-black or dark brown tones. The projection of the neck is dark, it also has a pattern of white blotches. The skin of the abdomen is also presented in dark shades, and it is not devoid of ornaments, which are presented in the form of grayish streaks.
By its nature, this exotic amphibian is not much different from our compatriot, all the difference is only in the original, even a little pretentious, appearance.
Keeping a garlic frog at home

Before bringing any pet into your home, you need to make sure that it has its own roof over its head. A small terrarium with a volume of up to about 30 liters is perfect as a personal house for your pet. One of the most important rules for a comfortable life for such a pet at home is the presence of a private pool with clean water in the terrarium. Although in nature this toad is more or less indifferent to water, but in terrarium conditions, without a reservoir, it is nowhere to be found. The floor covering must be covered with some kind of substrate; as the latter, a mixture of earth and peat or ordinary sand is perfect, but not very fine and so that it is not very dusty. The layer of soil in the personal apartment of your smaller friend should be quite wide, since this eccentric is still a fan of burrowing into it.
The garlic woman as a pet is also notable for the fact that the maintenance of such a living creature requires a minimum of material resources - they bought a "little animal" and a house for her, that's the whole set. A friend like this frog takes root well and feels great at room temperature, so you don't need to buy any super-expensive special heating devices. The air humidity at an average temperature should be in the range of 70-90%, if there is earth as a floor covering in a frog terrarium, then spraying should be carried out as needed, but if your choice fell on sand, it is better to humidify the air a little every day in your toad's dwelling. In order to maintain the required moisture coefficient, you can place sphagnum moss in one of the corners of the toad house. Also, by its nature, the common garlic is a nocturnal inhabitant, for this reason, devices for lighting the toad's personal house are not required.
In order for your new original friend to feel at home, it is advisable to create similar conditions similar to his relatives. It is good to ennoble the frog's dwelling with various green plants, in addition, you can put some snags, branches and tree bark in the terrarium. From such improvised means, it would be nice to make your pet a small shelter, he will gladly spend his time there, hiding from the eyes watching him, or just sleep off. Despite the fact that the garlic is active mainly at night, it will not bring you any unnecessary inconvenience, since even during the peak of its activity it behaves quietly and restrainedly.
To feed such an extraordinary domestic pupil, it is enough to go to a pet store or to the market and purchase all the constituent elements of the diet of this amazing toad there. The main dishes of the frog menu are earthworms, slugs, mealworms, many insects, and just the majority of small invertebrates. Such a menu, of course, can be collected in the nearest garden or park, but it would still be better to buy in specially designated places, so you will protect your exotic companion from many diseases that it can carry, both on yourself and in yourself. such "goodies" from open nature. From time to time, it is recommended to add vitamin and mineral complexes to the main diet, they are necessary for the growth and development of your friend and to maintain his health in general.
Purchase of a garlic maker

It is not at all a problem to buy such an amazing domestic pupil in our country, as well as its exotic relative (the horned-nosed garlic), only the price for such a miracle of nature will differ. The average cost of an ordinary garlic grass ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles, but if we talk about a native of Asian lands and islands, then the pricing policy here is already a little different. The price of a creature from distant countries will vary from 2,500 to 13,000 rubles.
What the garlic looks like, see below: