Maltese lapdog - grooming the beauty of the canine world

Maltese lapdog - grooming the beauty of the canine world
Maltese lapdog - grooming the beauty of the canine world

The history of the appearance of the Maltese lapdog, external parameters, behavioral traits and health, the nuances of care: walks, nutrition, procedures, interesting facts. Buying a puppy. It is the most popularized breed in the world. Lovely intellectuals, immensely attached to their masters, impeccably cope with the role of a pet. Their puppies grow up good-natured with everyone at home. They learn quickly, are very accurate and therefore, simply love those owners who care about the impeccable appearance of their shiny snow-white, fine, silky wool. To all of the above qualities, it should be added that these dogs are long-livers.

The history of the emergence of the breed Maltese lapdog

Two Maltese lapdogs
Two Maltese lapdogs

True reports about the pedigree of the Maltese lapdog cannot be meticulously tracked. Many people are of the opinion that on the island of Malta, about two thousand years before our millennium, there lived doggies, the variety of which was called by the name of the area - "melita". This is how Malta was called in ancient times.

Some researchers argue that Maltese lapdogs do not originate on the island of Malta. Scientists conducted research and went back many millennia back to the time when Aristotle lived. Experts say that in the 4th century BC, there were already doggies similar to today's lapdogs. Subsequently, these dogs were called in French - "Bichon". This name has roots with the French word "barbichon", which means with a beard.

In the modern world, bichon or lapdog, the name of small dogs, with an elongated hairline. Aristotle subdivided the dog breeds that lived in those days into seven varieties. He called the dogs similar to lapdogs Melitensky. Then this variety included not only individuals with white wool. There is no doubt that these were the progenitors of the present lapdogs. So why are these dogs called Maltese?

There are many assumptions and the most common one can be considered that their homeland is on the island of Malta. But this has little to do with the truth. Prospectors say that Aristotle made an analogy for the naming of this species with the name of the island of Meleda, which is located in the waters of the Adriatic or the city of Sicily, Milito, where the Greek colony was for a long time. Thirty years later, after the death of Aristotle, the ancient Greek writer Strabo described small dogs with white and elongated hair, which were grown in the city of Melito.

In recent times, prospectors have moved not to the main name of a geographic object, but to its true meaning. The beginning of the name Malta, Melito, Meleda and the like, comes from the Greek vocalization of the Semites term "malata", which means a marina or port. In this regard, it can be assumed that Aristotle called all the small dogs with long hair that lived in the port - Meleten. Indeed, it is unlikely that one canine species grew and developed in a small enclosed area, that is, an island or a city. Consequently, today, the native land of lapdogs is considered the area of the central countries of the Mediterranean Sea, which is located near the ports.

The ancestors of the Maltese lapdogs were used to control rodents not only on land, but also on ships. This is how the doggies became widespread almost all over the planet. And then their purpose underwent a rapid evolution.

Maltese were very popular among aristocrats and government officials. They were even appreciated by royalty. It used to be thought that these dogs have the ability to heal. Due to such features and because of the warm gentle nature, small size and the fact that they could be carried on the hands, the Maltese balconies became known as comforter dogs.

Noble ladies everywhere carried them with them. Warm pussies slept with them in beds, were used as living heaters and even helped them with pain on "critical days". Hence their name - ladies' dogs. Dogs have become living symbols, because they have won the right to be presented to the most noble persons of this world.

Description of the external parameters of the Maltese lapdog

The external standard of the Maltese lapdog
The external standard of the Maltese lapdog

The Maltese lapdog is a diminutive, compact and gracefully built, sophisticated, lightweight dog. For all its lightness, it is strong enough. Covered with beautiful long-growing, snow-white hair that adorns the animal.

The Maltese lapdog behaves seriously, but not arrogantly. Differs in great affection for the owner and obedience. Has a balanced disposition, not active enough. The dog has excellent contact with people. She is curious, welcoming and proactive. Evil and fearful individuals are discarded.

According to the norms, the height at the withers in males is from 20 cm to 26 cm, in bitches from 19 cm to 23.5 cm. The parameters of individuals can vary within 1-2 cm. The weight of male specimens is from 2.7 kg to 4, 1 kg, and for women from 2.4 kg to 3.1 kg. They move freely, energetically, with small steps. The front legs when moving are directed in a straight line.

  1. Head looks harmonious against the background of the case. It is of medium size. The frontal part is slightly flattened. The furrow on the forehead is insignificant. The cheekbones are smooth and flat. The brows are visible, but not obvious. The bump at the back of the head and bones at the temples are slightly marked. The infraorbital region is well defined.
  2. Muzzle not large, but not narrow, less than the length of the skull. The bridge of the nose is straight. The stop is clearly visible and sharply defined. The lips are dry, thin, compressed, close tightly, pigmented black. Scissor bite. The flews slightly overlap the lower jaw. The teeth are medium, white, with perpendicular incisors.
  3. Nose is a continuation of the bridge of the nose. It is small in size, round-shaped. The pigmentation of the nose is jet black. The skin of the lobe is soft and shiny.
  4. Eyes a Maltese lapdog of medium size, neither protruding nor deep-set. They are slightly above average in size, round, shiny. Their color is from dark brownish to coal black. The darkest shades are preferred. The eyelids are dry, dark. They have an amazingly shiny, cheerful look.
  5. Ears have a low-wide placement, but higher than the cheekbones. They are slightly wider the longer they are. They are medium in size, triangular in shape, drooping. The cartilage is moderately thin, the ends are slightly rounded. A long, adorning guard hair grows on them. The auricles hang harmoniously on the cartilage and adjoin the skull with the front edge. When alert, the dog turns them forward.
  6. Neck of moderate length, oval in shape, with strong muscles. It is beautifully curved. Set high. The withers are visible, there is no dewlap.
  7. Frame - extended format. The rib cage is moderately widened, drooping down to the elbows. The back is straight to the sacrum. The loin is widened, voluminous, long. The ribs are harmoniously arched. The belly line is perfectly pulled up to the groin area.
  8. Tail continues the dorsal line, is more than average in size, thickened at the beginning of growth, narrower towards the end. It bends over and touches the spine. Has elegant, long feathers falling to one side.
  9. Front limbs - erect, placed close to the body, parallel to each other, with a dry muscle system. The shoulders fit perfectly to the body, longer than the shoulder blades. The forearms are straight. The pasterns are slightly tilted. Hindquarters - when judging from the back, parallel to one another, straight. The thighs have voluminous, strong muscles. The knee joints are harmoniously curved. Metatarsus are vertical.
  10. Paws - compressed, rounded-oval, not large. Fingers with curved hard claws, slightly pressed against one another. Wool grows between them. The nails are pigmented black. The pads are dense, elastic, dark in color.
  11. Coat the Maltese lapdog is her decoration. The undercoat is absent, but the guard hair is elongated, even, thick. It is soft and silky in structure, dropping and slightly raised in some areas. Throughout the body, the hairline falls from the spine to the ground, like a cape. Hair in strands can be found on the front and hind legs, from the middle to the feet. The head is covered with long hair and creates a single coat with hair around the muzzle and ears. The tail has long feathers that fall to the side.
  12. Leather dense, fits well the dog's body. Colored unevenly in reddish-brown spots.
  13. Color - uniform. It should be purely white in color and the brighter the better. Various pale shades of pastel and yellowish are possible, but not saturated.

Maltese dog behavior characteristics

Three Maltese lapdogs
Three Maltese lapdogs

Both in ancient times and today, the Maltese lapdogs are used as companion dogs. These dogs are distinguished by extreme ingenuity and playfulness. Maltese lapdogs are not intrusive. They will be entertained exactly as much as the owner needs. If the owner is tired or he needs to go about his own business, the dogs switch and take care of themselves.

Due to their small size, they can easily wrap a home into a comfortable springboard for their entertainment. Maltese are mobile and love to run. They are very warm and welcoming in their manifestations to the owner and everyone at home. They are especially gentle with "little two-legged". Breeders note that doggies behave extremely phlegmatically with strangers and their other relatives.

They stay in the apartment themselves completely calmly. The dog is hypoallergenic because it does not have an undercoat and the sweat glands do not secrete substances that provoke allergies. Therefore, people with such problems can safely start a maltese.

Maltese lapdog health

Maltese lapdog running
Maltese lapdog running

Maltese lapdogs are long-livers. They have an excellent immune system. The average life span of these dogs is twenty years, but they can live up to twenty-eight. Since the dogs are white, some individuals suffer from allergies. Everything is decided by choosing the right diet. Nutrition is extremely important in the life of your four-legged friend. What, and how you feed him, fully affects his health and external form.

The nuances of caring for a Maltese lapdog

Bathing a Maltese lapdog
Bathing a Maltese lapdog

As beautiful as the Maltese lapdog, it is so difficult to care for.

  • Wool these delicate decorative dogs require attention. She does not get very confused, but in order for the lapdog to look decent, it must be combed systematically. During the molting period, every day, several times, and in everyday life - once a day. Although the hairline is long, these dogs are odorless due to the lack of undercoat. In order for the "coat" of the Maltese to be flowing and shiny, it is bathed once or twice a week. Concentrate for "bath" procedures is selected for dogs with long hair. After the shampoo, a conditioner is applied, which has moisturizing and softening properties. All soap concentrates are washed off as thoroughly as possible. After bathing, the dog must be thoroughly wiped and dried with warm air using a hair dryer, in the direction of hair growth. It is not recommended to dry the lapdog in hot mode to avoid brittle and dull hair. Hair of exhibition pets from one show to another is packed in papillotes. Ponytails are tied on the head and hairstyles with bows are made of them. This is not just a whim of the owners or decoration. Without them, wool crawls into the lapdog's eyes, and they begin to water, which badly affects the glamorous appearance. Discharge from the eyes on the coat is wiped off with boric acid or lotion. These colored hairs near the eye sockets can be carefully trimmed or powdered before being displayed. Show-class dogs are not cut. Only the hairs on the paws between the toes are trimmed. But for ordinary pets, salon haircuts are done and it looks very beautiful. There are a great many variations.
  • Teeth your four-legged friend will be in excellent condition if you teach him to clean them regularly. If this is not done, then over time, tartar is deposited on them. Its presence leads not only to the destruction of dental tissue, but also to infections of the mucous membrane of the animal's mouth. The procedure can be carried out using zoological pastes and brushes.
  • Ears maltese have a hanging shape, and in order to improve "ventilation" in them, the hairs inside are plucked out. They also need to be cleaned in a timely manner.
  • Eyes Maltese lapdogs water too much, including from dirt or hair getting into them. The glands secrete a pigmented tear that stains the white fur of the animal. To prevent this from happening, they must be checked and kept clean.
  • Claws decorative pets need to be regularly cut with claws.
  • Feeding the Maltese lapdog is entirely dependent on its owner. These miniature dogs do not eat a lot. Excessive discharge from the eyes can be caused by an inappropriate diet. It is also necessary to carefully select the composition of the food due to the white wool of the Maltese. After all, as we know, white animals are prone to allergies. Although the dog is small, it is still a predator and natural food mainly consists of non-fatty meat and offal. It is not recommended to feed the dog with store-bought chicken solely because you do not know how it was raised. Chicken meat, loaded with hormones, over time, causes pancreatitis and other disorders of the digestive tract. A little boiled cereals (buckwheat, rice, barley), low-fat cottage cheese, an egg (once a week) and some vegetables and fruits (apple, carrot) are introduced into natural feeding. The lapdog must receive vitamins and minerals from professional producers every day. Professional, ready-to-use concentrates also need to be selected carefully. They should only be super premium. High-quality feed contains all the necessary substances for the animal's body. With their regular use, the Maltese lapdog will be in wonderful external and internal physical shape.
  • Walking - can be both long and short enough. You need to play a lot with Maltese, because they are very funny, quite mobile and inquisitive. They are taken outside three times a day, from fifteen to forty minutes. In cold or slushy weather, wear overalls on the dogs so that they do not stain their snow-white fur. You can teach your four-legged friend to relieve themselves on a diaper. Usually this is practiced by busy people, or owners of exhibition animals, so as not to bathe them once again.

Features of upbringing Maltese

Maltese lapdog puppy
Maltese lapdog puppy

To prevent a little despot from starting up in your apartment, the dog must be trained. Decorative miniature pets need to be raised in the same way as large dogs. Of course, you will not make a formidable guard out of a Maltese lapdog, but you will have a well-bred animal. The pet will know the rules of conduct in the house. You will not scold him again. It will be convenient for you and the dog.

Interesting facts about the Maltese lapdog

Little Maltese lapdog
Little Maltese lapdog

As a sign of respect and the establishment of diplomatic relations, Maltese lapdogs were presented as a gift to noble dignitaries. Many breeders compare them to cat-dogs because of their unusual behavior. In adult Maltese there is no undercoat, but in small puppies, a small fluff is still present and disappears by the age of seven months.

Purchase and price of puppies of the Maltese lapdog

Maltese lapdog puppy lies
Maltese lapdog puppy lies

If you are ready to have yourself a small child, whom you will take care of all the time, then buy a Maltese lapdog. To have a thoroughbred, healthy pet with a balanced psyche, buy it only in the nursery. The approximate cost is from $ 400 to $ 1000.

For more on the Maltese lapdog, see the following video:
