The origin of the Maltese Pointer, the standard of appearance, character and health, advice on care, features of training, interesting facts. Price when buying a puppy. In their homeland, these dogs can be found in beach areas near the water. Maltese pointers are best friends and companions. When required, they will always be there for you. With them you can not only hunt, but also engage in active sports. Such events can even be aquatic - they are excellent swimmers. They love children very much and know how to communicate with them. This dog is a friend for the whole family.
Origin of the Maltese Pointer breed

How these dogs appeared in their homeland of Malta, it is impossible to say for sure. The island has attracted conquerors for a long time with its location in the center of sea routes. Whoever was there: the British, French, Italians, Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, Normans, Spaniards, Phoenicians, Arabs. Most likely, the ancestors of the Maltese Pointer were hunting cops who came to Malta with their masters, English, French or Italian knights. Subsequently, by mixing different hunting breeds with each other, such a variety appeared. These dogs are similar to the well-known English Pointer and also to the marriage of Italian Pointing Dogs.
There was an urgent need for such animals, since they helped people not only to protect their property from robbers, but also to get food. Rabbits were the only game on the island. In 1574, a rabbit riot broke out in the city of Minaria in Malta. Knights of Malta - aristocrats forbade commoners to hunt these mammals. Ordinary people were indignant and nevertheless achieved the abolition of the ban. For four hundred years now, this significant day has been celebrated as a holiday.
Why is the breed called the Maltese Pointer? Italy is located near Malta, and the British ruled there for two hundred years. The island until 1964 was a naval base for England. These countries have left their mark on the development and culture of the island city. Until 1939, the second official language there was Italian, despite the fact that Malta was a British colony. When Italy entered World War II on the side of Nazi Germany, the Maltese replaced it with English in protest. They began to encourage everything English in every possible way, including the breeding of English pointers. The word "pointer" means a post or a point. When a dog finds game it freezes. The point where the dog's tail ends is called "point". This is where the name Maltese Pointer comes from.
Outside the country, these animals are unknown, but in their homeland at all times have been and will be popular and in demand. In 2010, a significant event took place for the Maltese Pointer breed. Enthusiasts and breeders of this wonderful breed have submitted documents to the International Cynological Federation with a request to recognize their favorite breed. They have identified a more accurate name for the breed - a hunting dog from Malta, and they want it to be recognized around the world. After a while, these animals with excellent working qualities will be popular far beyond the borders of the island. In Malta, they are engaged in pedigree breeding of these dogs. This is not a whim, but a national program to preserve their cultural, historical traditions and values.
Maltese Pointer External Standard

- Head. In the shape of a worn-out shoe, quite embossed. Pronounced superciliary arches and occipital protuberance. There is a small depression between the eyes.
- Muzzle in the Maltese Pointer it is large and massive, of moderate length slightly tapering towards the end. The upper lips slightly cover the lower jaw, tightly pressed. Scissor bite. The teeth are powerful with tightly fitting canines.
- Nose - large, slightly upturned. The nose can be either dark or light, but according to the color tone.
- Eyes. Set wide apart. Small, almond-shaped. Dark to light brown in color. There may be amber, yellowish and greenish tint to the eyes.
- Ears. Medium fit. Long, drooping, triangular shapes are rounded towards the end. Close to the cheekbones.
- Neck - strong, muscular, of medium length.
- Frame. Powerful, muscular, slightly elongated. This is necessary so that a dog from Malta can easily move in the mountains and help it stay on the water. The chest is massive and wide. The croup is slightly raised.
- Tail. According to the exterior, it can be docked at puppyhood. When moving, when the dog is looking for game, it wags it.
- Extremities. His legs seem short for such a body, but this is a feature of the breed. The legs are very muscular and strong. The hind ones are longer than the front ones.
- Paws "Maltese" - oval. Fingers in the form of a vault, well pressed together.
- Wool cover. Short, coarse, glossy hair that fits snugly against the skin. In the area of the head, muzzle, ears - shorter and softer.
- Color. Two-tone. On the main white color, large spots and specks are scattered, which can be of different concentration in size and number. The most common colors are black, brown, and yellow.
Character of the Maltese Pointer

They are very cheerful animals and good companions. They can be kept at home and country estates. Not aggressive at all and excellent hunters at the same time. At home, they are used to hunt quail. The dog is small but very strong. It swims well and knows how to dive, so it will bring the owner game not only from land, but also from water. Will accompany you on long camping trips and sea trips.
The Maltese Pointer is a keen guard. He has a very loud voice. These dogs incessantly barking will warn their owners when they are in danger, or a thief enters the house. No stranger will be allowed into the house or apartment without the permission of the owner. Has good adaptation and adaptability to the environment. Dogs with a persistent nervous organization. Without a reason, they will not bring harm to anyone. React adequately to external stimuli. They behave calmly with other pets, of course, except for birds. After all, for them it is prey.
They need regular and extensive physical activity to stay in good shape. Thus, for people who are actively involved in sports on a regular basis, the "Maltese" are excellent companions. They will be good partners even for sports surfers. After all, Maltese pointers are excellent swimmers and divers. That is why they are so often met with their owners on the beaches.
They are loyal and very obedient. Perfect for those people who have no experience with dogs, and they have these animals for the first time. After all, these four-legged pets are not at all aggressive and grab everything on the fly. The initial obedience course goes very quickly. Even a child can train them.
Maltese pointers are very fond of children. For them, they are the best nannies and playmates. They allow you to do whatever you want with them, drag them by the ears and tail - it does not irritate them. They can grow with them and become their favorite family friends. Often, young couples with small children give birth to them in their homeland.
They are very socialized animals. They are very fond of games - funny and lively. They have a sharp and lively mind. They are attached to literally all members of their family and love them very dearly. And at the same time they behave with great dignity and independence. They do not tolerate loneliness - they howl and miss. If you are a busy person, then you should train your pointer from puppyhood to take care of the owner calmly.
Dog health

Since these animals were born by natural selection of hunting dogs, in general they have excellent immunity and good health. For the best condition, the Maltese Pointer needs to ensure good and regular physical activity. If you are not a hunter, this can manifest itself in the form of games or joint activities in various sports. Maltese pointers do not suffer from a lack of appetite, quite the contrary. In no case should they be overfed. Otherwise, excess weight will appear, and this is fraught with problems with joints and heart.
These dogs have a short coat so they are more likely to have infectious and parasitic skin problems than long-haired dogs. It can be various eczema, fungi, dermatitis, scabies. Therefore, periodically inspect your pet's coat. Drip flea and tick droplets into the withers regularly.
The Maltese have some genetic diseases, such as hip dysplasia (underdevelopment of the acetabulum). The disease manifests itself at any age, but most often in a puppy - up to a year. Over time, this leads to the destruction of the articular cartilage, skeletal deformity and lameness. The animal feels pain when moving. Treatments can be either therapeutic or surgical, depending on the severity of the disease. In the future, in order to avoid defective offspring, dogs with such a predisposition are not selected for breeding.
Rarely are eye problems such as cataracts, a clouding of the lens that can cause loss of vision. With such a diagnosis, only surgery will help the Maltese Pointer. In veterinary medicine, it is called: phacoemulsification of cataracts. Now such manipulations are carried out at the highest level, and the recovery is very successful.
Maltese Pointer Care Tips

- Wool. These dogs are well suited for people who do not want to spend time and money on their maintenance. Good for owners who don't want to have to deal with cleaning dog hair in their cars and homes. Its grooming needs are minimal. You do not need to bathe Maltese pointers often, only as they become dirty. They use typed shampoos for the procedures so as not to wash off the protective lubricant from the dog's hair, because it is a hunting one. Brush with a special natural bristle brush once every two weeks. During the molting period, manipulation is carried out more often.
- Ears. Since this dog does not only hunt on land, but swim and dive, make sure that its ears remain dry. If necessary, the excess moisture must be soaked, otherwise the pet may get sick with otitis media.
- Eyes. They do not require special care. If necessary, wipe the eye towards the inner corner using cotton discs dipped in chamomile broth.
- Teeth. It needs to be cleaned regularly to avoid further problems with the oral cavity. Use edible animal pastes and special brushes for procedures. Pamper your four-legged pet with bones to prevent plaque.
- Claws. Maltese pointers are mobile dogs and usually their claws are grinded off themselves, and they are removed only on dewclaws. Since your dog is active and energetic, regularly lubricate the paw pads with an emollient vegetable oil to prevent cracking of the skin.
- Walking. In order to keep the Maltese Pointer healthy, it needs to get regular exercise. These animals are very obedient and gifted. They can participate in a wide variety of active activities, implying not only different types of hunting, but also sports for dogs. You can go jogging, cycling with them. Trainings with obstacles on special grounds for dogs will be good for "Maltese" too.
- Feeding. All they need is plenty of water and well-chosen food. A hunting dog should be undernourished rather than overfed. Hunger drives the predator. The ideal state of a dog is when the last two ribs are visible when walking. The natural diet of such a pet should first of all include non-fatty meat (beef, veal, lamb, chicken, turkey), offal (liver, lungs, heart). Supplemented with: cereals (buckwheat, barley, wheat), dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir), vegetables (carrots, apples, zucchini). Dry food and canned food are selected according to the condition and characteristics of the animal. Concentrates must be of high quality and tested. Do not buy cheap feeds from not well-known manufacturers.
Regardless of what diet you have chosen for your pet, be sure to give him vitamins and minerals according to the age and condition of the body.
Training of a Maltese Pointer

For people who do not have experience with dogs, it will be quite easy with Maltese Pointers. They are great for owners who have a dog for the first time. Pointers listen well, obey and quickly execute elementary commands.
If a breeder wants to teach a dog more, it will take patience, perseverance and regular practice. When the owner does not have enough time to train his four-legged friend, he can give it to take a course of obedience in special schools for dogs.
For hunting activities, dogs of this breed are an excellent choice. Maltese Pointers are very good finders. They will not only bring the bird that has fallen to the ground, but will also pull it out of the reservoir. The animals are very good swimmers and can even dive. This is typical of the canine of this species.
Interesting facts about the Maltese Pointer

The world's first dog show was held in Newcastle, England on June 28, 1859. Only hunting breeds were presented there. There are fifty pointers and setters in total. The first inserts of dogs were not very similar to modern ones. The panel of judges was located in a tent. Participants with pets were invited to enter one at a time. The dog was placed on a special bench and the exterior was assessed. Examining and feeling the whole body of the animal with hands, we put an assessment on a scale of points separately for each breed. The audience that was outside was content with the scant messages of the judges and only the most daring fans looked inside and shared their impressions with others.
In Russia, the first dog show took place in 1874 in Moscow. It was organized according to the English pattern. In 1887, the first international exhibition was held in Zurich, Switzerland. 625 dogs participated in it. Exhibitions became more and more spectacular and popular events. They aroused the same interest in Russia as they did abroad. Then the judging was limited only to the distribution of prizes and medals, since the exhibitions did not pursue selection and breeding goals.
It is now a showcase for the dog world. Here, animals are selected that best meet the standard developed by experts from clubs of fans of various breeds. There are special appraisal exhibitions in Malta - this is when hunting dogs with working diplomas and exhibition merit are presented.
Price when buying a Maltese pointer

To purchase such a pet, you need to go to Malta and apply only to professional nurseries. You will not find these dogs in Russia and in other countries, and few people know about them. So, if you are offered a purebred puppy in these countries, then most likely it will be a Pointer, but not a Maltese one. The average price for a purebred puppy ranges from $ 1000 to $ 5000, depending on the sex and exterior of the dog. Well, of course you have to spend on a round-trip ticket. If you want to have a pet of this particular breed, it's worth it. But before you start a Maltese Pointer, you must remember that in order to be healthy, they need active physical activity.
Learn more about the history of Maltese pointers in this video:
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