Kurzhaar: rules of maintenance and care

Kurzhaar: rules of maintenance and care
Kurzhaar: rules of maintenance and care

How the German short-haired pointer was born, the standard of external data of the shorthaired pointer, behavior and health, care: procedures, nutrition, training. Buying a puppy. They have an impeccable stance. They are suitable for any service and as policemen - you cannot fool them, and an excellent sense of smell can save a person's life. They became famous in their work as the most versatile dogs. These dogs are capable of being sled, chasing game on a blood trail, hunting on land and in the water, and being excellent bloodhounds. They are the living embodiment of enthusiasm, they love to act beautifully. They cannot sit still, and this can be seen in their eyes.

How did the German shorthaired pointer breed originate?

German shorthaired pointer
German shorthaired pointer

The Pointer has been around for three thousand years. Such dogs were still in ancient Egypt. The German Pointer is a versatile "sportsman". It is very rare to observe that the retriever makes a stance, and the pointer rushes after the duck by swimming. But the German Shorthaired Pointer fulfills any "whim" of the owner, showing excitement and plasticity. He knows how to hunt birds, fur-bearing animals, even ungulates, and this is not all of his abilities.

At the very beginning of the 19th century, the Germans began to breed such a multipurpose breed - a dog with which it would be nice to warm up in the evening by the fireplace at the same time. The breeders took the famous Spanish pointer as a basis, crossing it with a bloodhound bloodhound and possibly an English hound. For elegance, an admixture of English Pointer blood was added to the breed. It is believed that Weimairaners, Dalmatians and Hungarian Vizslas also took part in the selection.

Crossbreeding was carried out not according to external signs, but according to working qualities. A tremendous amount of work has been done, but the results have met all expectations. Representatives of the species can differ in color and ability. Today, versatility tests are organized to identify the best candidates and to preserve the breed. The name "pointer" is translated as suggestive, and the German word "Kurzhaar" can be translated as "short" - short, "haar" - wool.

Description of the external data of the shorthaired pointer dog

Exterior of the German shorthaired pointer
Exterior of the German shorthaired pointer

The German Shorthaired Pointer is a beautifully built dog with a high forehead and excellent proportions. Possesses excellent activity, a balanced nervous system and a wide range of hunting working qualities. According to the accepted standard, the height at the withers in males is from 61 cm to 65 cm, in bitches from 57 cm to 63 cm. With an error of plus or minus one centimeter. Weigh from 26 kg to 31 kg. Move freely and easily.

  1. Head in the form of a worn boot, elongated, with a dry skull. The forehead is moderate, slightly convex. The frontal furrow and superciliary arches are not pronounced. Cheekbones dry, flat, well defined. The occipital part and brow ridges are visible, but not prominent.
  2. Muzzle - elongated, but not narrow, with dry muscles. Slightly shorter than the skull in length. The bridge of the nose has a slight hump. The stop is smoothly rolling. The teeth are strong and white. The jaws are wide and powerful. The flews hang over the lower jaw, have a smooth line. There is a slight crease in the corners of the mouth. The lips are dry and tight. Scissor bite.
  3. Nose extended, developed. The nostrils are open and well moving. It can be of different colors, depending on the color of the dog, from black to brown and pinkish-flesh-colored.
  4. Eyes Kurzhaara are medium, oval, not very widely spaced, not convex. The eyelids are dry, tight-fitting. The color of the cornea is preferably dark - brown or black-brown. In young individuals, they are lighter, during life they become darker and more saturated shade. The look is smart and expressive.
  5. Ears - located high. They are triangular, hanging on moderately thick cartilage. They are directed forward, with the front edge touching the cheekbones and reaching the corner of the labial fold. Their base is wide and the ends are rounded.
  6. Neck oval, moderate in length, with a smooth bend and mesomorphic muscles. It is located at an angle of forty-five degrees in relation to the body. It is widened from the skull to the shoulder. The withers are not prominent, there is no dewlap.
  7. Frame not coarse, but strong in structure, with dry, elastic muscles. The front of the body is taller. The ribcage is deep and long to give room to the heart and lungs, moderately enlarged - oval. The ribs are harmoniously curved. The bottom line is tightened, with a smooth transition. The back is powerful and straight. The loin is slightly arched, short, broad and muscular. The croup is slightly sloping.
  8. Tail the shorthaired pointer is neither low nor high. Seen from the side, it forms a harmonious line with the croup. It is thickened at the base. It is always docked, leaving only one-second or two-thirds of its natural length. In working order, the shorthaired pointer holds it in a horizontal plane or slightly above the line of the spine.
  9. Front limbs - parallel to each other, dry muscles. They are larger than the rear ones, as support ones, but not too powerful. Their bones are round in shape. The shoulder blades are set obliquely, the shoulders are well muscled. The hind ones are powerful and strong, set back a little. Stand upright when judging. The thighs are elongated, strong and muscular. The hocks are harmoniously placed. The hocks are slightly long and vertical.
  10. Paws not large, in a good arched lump, with fingers tightly pressed against one another, there are membranes between them. Strong nails, elastic pads.
  11. Coat short, shiny, straight, dense and hard. It is waterproof. The length of the guard hair on the body and neck is from one and a half to two centimeters, the ears and head are covered with soft hair up to one centimeter. On the limbs, the hair is the shortest and coarser.
  12. Skin snugly fits the entire body of the dog.
  13. Color may include brown piebald, speckled brown, grayish brown, solid brown. It is appreciated when the main color is darker and has a coffee tint. The head is almost always a solid brown.

Shorthaired Pointer Behavior

German shorthaired pointer
German shorthaired pointer

They are active and funny pets with an independent character. Dogs are very quick-witted and learn quickly. They are suitable only for hunters or sports people, because physical activity is vital for them. German pointers adore their owner, but they also treat other members of the family in which they live very well. They play and fool around with children, but it is better to look after them. In a fit of play, they can inadvertently harm the child. Animals love to be in the company and company of people. If the dog walks normally, it practically does not interfere in the apartment. Otherwise, these dynamic dogs will release their energy in full. Everything will be used, both furniture and your belongings, that is, the behavior will be difficult to control.

Shorthaired Pointer Dog Health

German shorthaired pointer running
German shorthaired pointer running

Individuals of this breed are characterized by good health and live up to fourteen years. Diseases of the German shorthaired pointer are most of all associated with hereditary defects that have arisen as a result of the mating of owners of genetic diseases. In general, the breed itself has a good immune system, as many generations that have been chosen for mating have been in excellent health. But since, later on, closely related lines had to be brought together, and mistakes could not be completely avoided, pointers with defects were rarely born.

One of the most unpleasant gene defects is hip dysplasia. It causes abnormal development of the cartilage tissue and can be detected before the age of two. An active pet gradually moves less, refuses to work and tries to take a lying position all the time. As a result, this condition gradually leads to painful movement of the dog and, ultimately, its immobility. Dysplasia is difficult to treat, but if the disease is detected in time, then some improvement can still be observed.

Willebrand disease is another of their recessive defects, which manifests itself in the partial incoagulability of the blood. If the bleeding time increases, then there may be complications that lead to the death of the pet. It can be detected at an early stage using a blood test. Since it is recessive, that is, individuals who only carry the affected gene, but do not get sick. They are discarded and not bred. In the rest, symptoms are detected upon reaching a year, and the forecast is not comforting.

A common problem with German shorthaired pointers is hereditary eye diseases. One of them is progressive retinal atrophy, which ultimately leads to loss of vision of the animal. Symptoms make themselves felt in the first years of a dog's life. As a result, the dog completely loses its central vision, and peripheral vision can persist for a long time. Early treatment can prolong the ability to see.

Not bypassed by German pointers and gastric volvulus. This is characteristic of many large-sized canines. This condition is dangerous and requires immediate surgical intervention. To reduce the risk of its manifestation, food should be given to the dog only after a walk. In general, Kurzhaar should not be offered excessive portions of food, and especially during periods of low activity. Excess weight is the "scourge" of urban pets. The owners cannot provide the dogs with the necessary load, full-fledged walking, but they feed more than the workers.

You need to make sure your pet is protected from dangerous infections such as distemper and rabies. The cycle of vaccinations, which will be prescribed by the veterinarian, must be strictly adhered to for the whole life of your dog. Until routine vaccinations are made, it is necessary to strictly limit the puppy's communication with fellows, especially stray ones.

Most diseases are transmitted by parasites (ticks and fleas), so the shorthaired pointer can catch them while walking. Buy an antiparasitic repellant collar or use prophylactic products available from zoological pharmacies.

Treatment of hereditary diseases is difficult and extremely problematic, so breeders always monitor the health of their producers. The veterinarian performs tests that identify individuals with health defects. But still, this does not guarantee the birth of completely healthy offspring. Professional kennel owners are obliged to warn prospective owners of puppy defects, if any. In such cases, the cost of the dog will be much less.

But still, the risk of genetic diseases is very rare, most often Kurzhaars get sick from inadequate cultivation. The owner of the dog must adhere to the recommendations of the breeder and veterinarian for food composition, walking regimen, physical activity, and so on. If you pay due attention to the maintenance of your pet, then this will guarantee a long, healthy life for your four-legged hunter. Kurzhaars love active loads, but up to a year, they should be strictly dosed.

German Shorthaired Pointer Care Tips

German shorthaired pointer with puppies
German shorthaired pointer with puppies
  1. Wool such dogs are short and rather tough, so they practically do not get dirty, which means they bathe them only as they become dirty. All that is needed is to regularly comb the dog out - more often during the molting period. The only thing is that their hairs are short and stiff and not easy to peel off. This can be helped by special rubber mittens that pull hair well.
  2. Claws pruned regularly, using claws.
  3. Ears it is required to inspect and clean systematically, because they are hanging and poorly ventilated. They are cleaned with lotion, which is poured into the auricle.
  4. Eyes wipe it if dirt gets there, towards the inner corner.
  5. Teeth It is better to clean the German shorthaired pointer once or twice every week. If your pet does not like a brush and paste, you can do it with ordinary charcoal. It has sorbing properties and removes everything unnecessary well. Take activated charcoal, moisten a little with water and rub the dog's teeth, and then wipe everything with a soft, natural cloth.
  6. Feeding a puppy up to four months five times a day and includes dairy products: yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. After a year, the dog is fed once or twice a day. The main food is lean meat. Porridge, eggs, cottage cheese, some vegetables - the rest of it. Food must be enriched with vitamins and minerals. Try not to overfeed your pet, so as not to create additional and unnecessary stress on its joints, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Remember, fat dogs get sick more often. Feeding of workers should be more enriched. Premium and super premium ready-to-eat foods are great for moving animals. Their composition allows you to bring your pet's body as close as possible to the desired energy state.
  7. Walking active and dynamic dogs should include a range of targeted and extensive activities. Any climate suits him, but he needs a lot of space.

German Shorthaired Pointer Training

German shorthaired pointer trainer
German shorthaired pointer trainer

Training for the preparation of hunting dogs is painstaking and everyday. Kurzhaars "take" almost all types of game. They can work on terrain with different vegetation and relief. They perform well in the catching of prey, which is appreciated when hunting ducks. Why is the German Shorthaired Pointer perhaps the most adapted breed for hunting?

It should be noted that these dogs have special criteria: they are very intelligent, able to learn quickly, easily socialize, they quickly perceive and understand what they want from them and enthusiastically perform all assigned tasks. Breeders say that a one and a half month old puppy can be trained to cleanliness in one or two days! For two days they are trained in the command "place" and "sit". That is, this breed is extremely intelligent and flexible, so as not to cause inconvenience to the breeder in the apartment or house. After all the necessary home commands have been mastered, the practice of other lessons is transferred to the street. It should be noted how unquestioningly and clearly the German shorthaired pointer puppy fulfills the assigned tasks. After the command to “lie down,” he, like a “sphinx”, lies down and does not even lead with his ear, despite what is happening around, no matter how fooled his relatives, rushing after each other, and sometimes jumping over him. Many owners of other dogs, watching such a spectacle, are amazed.

By the end of the puppy's four-month term, he is slowly taken out to the field and trained in training. Training lasts at least a year before fully starting to hunt with a German Shorthaired Pointer. The value of these dogs is not only that they are wonderfully trained, but also that their genes give their hunting sprouts in future generations. The work of these dogs can be enjoyed. She is beautiful, graceful, graceful and fast. Hunting with a well trained dog is a pleasure. And her reward for this work will be the love of the owner, who loves hunting with his pet.

Interesting facts about the shorthaired pointer

German shorthaired pointer on a leash
German shorthaired pointer on a leash

German shorthaired pointer served in the military armed forces in Iraq. It has proven itself well in mine clearance.

Purchase and price of shorthaired pointer puppies

German shorthaired pointer puppies
German shorthaired pointer puppies

There are such nurseries in Russia. Pedigree puppies were very quickly distributed among potential owners. For connoisseurs of this beautiful breed, a German Shorthaired Pointer puppy is just a dream. You need to contact the breeder and convince him that he needs to sell the dog to you by promising that you will participate in exhibitions and competitions. The price of a puppy ranges from $ 500 to $ 1000.

Find out more informative information about the shorthaired pointer in the following video:

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