The history of the Kazakh wolfhound, external standard, character traits, health, recommendations for care, the nuances of training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. There is something majestic and permanent about them. Being close to these animals, you feel peaceful and calm. They will not only protect, but also give affection and care. You can rely on them as our little brothers. Until now, stately giants proudly and solemnly lie on the tops-posts, carrying their unchanged service for centuries.
Today, being a national treasure of the Kazakh people, the breed remains on the brink of extinction. Because people changed their nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one and the quality of dogs became less in demand. But patriots love, restore and try to preserve this type of canine. By their work, enthusiasts prove that it is not only a living powerful historical value, but also irreplaceable helpers of people engaged in subsistence farming.
History of the Kazakh wolfhound

When we say that these animals are ancient, we do not even know how much. They formed their direct appearance three to four thousand years ago. The remains of dogs that are found in the territory from Eastern Europe to Siberia, on the border of the last glaciation, are subsidized by the X-XV century BC.
The first European who saw the Tobets at the court of the khan, in the Chagatai ulus, was Marco Polo. The breeding of wolfhounds was then carried out by the brothers of the ruler and there were at that time about ten thousand individuals. Such popularity of these dogs was explained by the peculiarities of the nomadic way of life of people. And his harsh conditions provided for the irreplaceable help of dogs in many areas: protection, hunting, grazing, driving livestock, transporting heavy loads.
The researcher spoke about them like this: "The dog is as tall as a donkey, strong, hardy and at the same time good-natured." Such characteristics do not fit into the image of those Central Asian Shepherd Dogs that we are used to. He did this in 1298 while in prison with the Genoese. Many famous people did not waste their time in captivity and the Venetian was no exception. He wrote a "Book about the diversity of worlds" and there was a whole chapter dedicated to the lands of Central Asia and the first mention of the Tobets.
The original description of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog was recorded in the thirties of the last century, and the international standard developed in the forties. The breed itself was formed on the basis of herding dogs bred in Central Asia. The working qualities of these pets were formed thanks to the way of life of the Kazakh nomads, in the process of the so-called folk selection. With the help of archives raised by enthusiasts, it was established that one hundred and fifty years ago, in the Turgai volost alone, more than sixty thousand Tobets were registered.
They say that they are lazy, but this is far from the case. The dog lies calmly in the protected area. He has the organs of smell and touch, on which he fully relies. A very strong animal, will never be imposed on a person, but at the same time, a friendly creature that gladly accepts caress. A real tobet is a dog who knows how to work with a flock, and not just protect it. The name of the breed translates as - a dog lying on top. This name is inextricably linked with the habits of the animal. In Kazakh, "tobe" is a peak or a mountain, and "it" is a dog. Kazakhs believe that these wolfhounds know everything, watching what is happening from a hill. They will always protect everyone who is near them from danger. People often call them "Kazakh it" - Kazakh wolfhound, which determines the historical habitat of a four-legged friend tamed by man.
Some individuals are legendary. There is a wolfhound in Kazakhstan named "Buinak", who crushed thirteen wolves while carrying out his service. This aboriginal dog grew up in the steppes and has never seen the city. His descendants are cherished and used in breeding the species. After all, it is a sin to lose the genes of such a “hero”. Gradually, the civilization of nomads is leaving, and with it, the Tobets disappear. But with the help of enthusiasts and lovers of the breed, one can hope that these wonderful wolfhounds will not disappear from the face of our blue planet.
Kazakh Daniyar Daukei first saw Tobets when he went on an expedition with his parents, who worked as geologists. Desert Kings impressed him with their article. Subsequently, he went to England and, having received an excellent education, lived there for eight years. But being a patriot of his homeland, he returned to his historical homeland. He brought in cows, sheep and horses so that his beloved dogs could develop in their natural habitat.
In his opinion, real Kazakh wolfhounds should be able to work with a flock. Daniyar is trying to refute the opinion that they were created only for protection and are not able to engage in cattle grazing. Grazing, driving, wandering - with such difficult tasks, every day his wards cope, because they contain a piece of their ancestors who have lived on the earth for a very long time.
Several generations of dogs will have to change for such a skill to be revived again. But a lover of the breed claims that even puppies of city dogs are able to show excellent working qualities. This true patriot, for future generations and in honor of his forefathers who created such wonderful dogs, wants not only to restore the breed, but also to achieve its international recognition.
For the first time, the Kazakh Tobet breed officially appeared at the republican dog competition, timed to coincide with the five hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh Khanate. The exhibition was held in the village of Zhibek Zholy, Akmola region on September 6, 2015. In 2014, the National Bank of Kazakhstan printed a commemorative silver coin “Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Tobet "in denomination of five hundred tenge. In 2016, Kazpost published a postage block of four stamps, a series of "Fauna" on the topic: "Dogs of the Kazakh breed. Tobet ".
Description of the appearance of Tobeta

A large dog of a strong build type, with a slightly damp silhouette. Good nervous organization, strong, hardy, perfectly adapted to harsh climatic conditions. Males have a height at the withers from 73 to 76 cm, and females from 71 to 73 cm.
- Head bulky, heavy-looking. The frontal part is wide, flat at the top, the superciliary arches stand out sharply, the occipital protuberance is clearly visible. The cheekbones are powerful and pronounced. When the head is tilted, the skin forms small folds.
- Muzzle not much shorter than the skull. Well filled, the nasal bridge is wide, rectangular in shape, practically not tapering. The flews are thick, covering the lower wide jaw. A full row of powerful teeth forms a scissor bite.
- Nose well developed, in harmony with the voluminous muzzle. Only black.
- Eyes tobeta are small, rounded, deep, with superciliary arches hanging over them. Due to this, they are perfectly protected. When a wolfhound characteristically tilts his head, it turns out as if he looks from under his brows, which creates a formidable look.
- Ears low rise, medium size, triangular. They are almost always docked on the seventh birthday of the puppy.
- Neck set low, slightly less than medium length, well muscled. There is a well-developed dewlap and strong withers. There may be a sagging of the back, manifested as a small fossa between the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
- Frame Kazakh Shepherd Dog of slightly stretched format, overweight, mesomorphic constitution. The rib cage is deep and voluminous. Ribs are rounded, false ribs are elongated. The back is strong and slightly sloped. The abdomen is lowered almost to the level of the chest.
- The tail is not very high. In bitches, it is docked on the second or third day of age. The males leave it. At its end, it forms a ring. Covered with thick hair.
- Limbs erect, parallel to each other, strong bones, massive, thickened. The hind ones are slightly longer than the front ones. Due to the elongated body format, dogs are not tall-legged. Movement is springy, free, not constrained.
- Paws feline, oval, large. The pads are dense, the nails are developed.
- Coat has a coarse texture and dense undercoat. The guard hair is longer (from 9 to 10 cm) on the neck, cheekbones, ears, lower abdomen, back of the thighs and tail. Wool is water-repellent. All over the body there is subcutaneous tissue, which in combination with the "fur coat" creates the necessary temperature balance, and also serves as an additional source of nutrition for the body in the absence of food and water. It can be compared with the functions of the humps of camels or a fat tail in the Kazakh breed of sheep and, by a lucky chance, can protect against the fangs of a predator.
- Color can have many different shades, but the main colors are not so diverse: black, brown, gray, red. The presence of tan or streaks of white or light sandy yellow is present. Most often, above the eyes or around them, there are light spots, in the form of glasses. Dark-colored individuals with light spots above the eyes are considered "four-eyed". With this, the Kazakh people have many superstitions associated with it. Piebald, spotted and white dogs are much less common.
Features of the character of the dog

The manifestations of the Kazakh wolfhound are quite non-standard. He has a pronounced behavior in society. Males very jealously and sharply show a reaction to the appearance of a potential rival in the pack. It cannot do without a fight and defending one's rights. So it is provided by the hierarchical ladder, where each member of the "dog family" performs his strictly assigned functions.
In relations with "two-legged" Tobet behaves almost always independently, but at the same time, deeply devoted and never imposed. He positions himself as an equal, younger brother and friend of man. The wolfhound is his partner, assistant, second hand, but not a servant and slave. His character can never be "broken" and severely punished, especially not deservedly. The dog can only be strictly disciplined, but always respect and communicate on an equal footing. Otherwise, the dog will not only lose contact with the owner, but will stop obeying him and may become aggressive.
In relation to strangers, he is restrained, does not show anger, but he will always warn if he does not like something in the behavior of a stranger. Possesses a clearly expressed territorial-protective instinct. At the same time, he will not bark in vain, but will do his job in silence. The genes embedded in it carry aggressive manifestations towards predators, especially towards the "gray brothers" and dogs, which outwardly resemble wolves. In view of this feature, which prevails in the breed, it is difficult to conduct them next to other people's canines.
In unfamiliar surroundings, behavior is calm, confident, and not vicious. With the help of a high intelligence donated by nature, Tobet is able to analyze any situation of varying complexity and independently take appropriate action. Therefore, they are not suitable as service dogs, since they need unquestioning obedience. I would like to note that of all the varieties of Asian wolfhounds, the Kazakh dog is the safest in relation to humans.
Health of the Kazakh wolfhound Tobeta

Dogs of native origin have a strong immune system. Therefore, in order for your pet to be healthy, it must first of all be properly raised. This is due to complete nutrition and balanced loads. In addition, you need to carry out year-round treatment for internal and external parasites. Vaccination is a mandatory factor that will protect the animal from infectious diseases.
Tobet care tips

- Wool comb out more often during the molting period in order to quickly free the tobeta from the dead undercoat. Water procedures are extremely rare.
- Ears check, clean if necessary.
- Eyes - do not need special care.
- Teeth - it is better to teach how to cleanse from an early age. If this is not possible, then give for prevention of cartilage and solid veins of cattle.
- Claws when regrowing, they are regularly cut.
- Feeding consists mainly of meat and offal, while the rest includes fiber and complex carbohydrates. Additionally, provide your beloved four-legged friend with vitamins and minerals. All natural food can be replaced with ready-made concentrates from well-known manufacturers. Its composition is correctly selected and has an extremely beneficial effect on the body of tobeta.
- Walking must be long lasting. Of course, it is better to keep the Kazakh wolfhound in private lands, in an aviary. He must receive appropriate loads and deal with his direct responsibilities.
Tobeta training

Before raising a dog, you need to educate the shepherds, they say: "A bad shepherd is the same dogs." Such simple wisdom is often lacking for the people of the planet earth. How to raise a real Tobet, who knows how to walk after livestock? First, the puppies are given food only in the evening. They are taken from the saddle and fed at the flock, in the pasture. The Malts are allowed to chase the cattle, but they cannot bite it. If they grow up in a house, then they must keep cattle in the yard. Then a real helper will grow up.
Interesting facts about the Kazakh wolfhound

If you come to a camp where cattle are grazed, then at night tobet will not let you out of there without its owner. When a lamb is born, a couple of dogs remain to guard it, while the rest look after the flock. Working with a herd is different from working with a flock of sheep. Here they watch only one stallion, who rules the entire herd. If the dogs stop him and send him to the right place, all horses will follow their leader. At the same time, four-legged shepherds must have great speed and endurance.
Tobet puppies are cut their tails a couple of days after birth, and their ears, a week later. All so that when he meets a wolf in the steppe, he does not injure the dog. The tails are left for the males. First, the sex of the dog can be discerned from a distance. And secondly, with its proudly raised tail, the dog makes it clear who is the boss here.
In ancient times, Kazakh shepherds fed tobet puppies from wooden bowls, and inside the dishes were made of natural wolf skin. It was called "it-ayak". They did this so that wolfhounds from an early age got used to the smell of the "gray robber" and perceived it as prey.
In modern times, cattle breeders of the Kazakh steppes suffer heavy losses from the constant attacks of wolf packs on their livestock. During the shooting season, the local leadership paid a reward from ten to forty dollars for each killed predator. But knowledgeable people argue that well-trained Tobets in this matter can help much more effectively.
Buying a tobet puppy

The best nurseries are located in Kazakhstan - the historical homeland of the Tobets. Before you buy such a serious dog, think about in what capacity you need it: a guard, for herding, a companion friend or breeding. Based on these criteria, you will choose a puppy, and what will eventually grow out of him will depend largely on you.
The most promising individual can be ruined, and vice versa, it would seem, a very weak puppy, but such a strong and intelligent handsome man has grown up. Of course, for the shepherds, this is the best dog in the world. Wolfhounds are not suitable for housing maintenance - you will torture yourself and the dog. When buying tobeta, you must remember that this is the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, and it must be protected. The approximate price can vary from $ 600 to $ 1000.
Learn more about the Kazakh wolfhound Tobet from this video: