The history of the breed, the appearance of the miniature pinscher, the characteristics of the character of the dog and its health, recommendations for care, the nuances of training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. What does it take to get you back to your dream home every time you leave work? Only one thing - you should be met by those whom your heart has chosen, not only people, but also animals. If you recognize these dogs, you will understand that these are the pets you have dreamed of all your life.
Friendly and open companions and strict guards. How miraculously such qualities are combined in the character of a small dog. Bred by practical Germans, the pets have no health problems, and their compact size will allow you to never part with them.
The history of the emergence of the miniature pinscher breed

The variety occurred about two hundred years ago, and was registered at the beginning of the 20th century. The Miniature Pinscher is a dwarf dog. Blood flows in their veins: Italian Greyhounds, Dachshunds, Manchester Terrier and German Pinscher. The word "zwerg", in German means a dwarf or dwarf. Pinschers are a group of Germanic canine breeds that are no different from the British Isles Pinschers. This breed group includes medium and small pinschers, as well as Dobermans and Schnauzers.
In Germany, these dogs were analogous to terriers. They lived in stables, backyards and performed duties of fighting rats. In weaving factories, where there were huge twisted bales of fabrics in which pests were introduced, representatives of the breed, due to their anatomical features (a long muzzle and a streamlined mesomorphic body), did an excellent job with their duties.
But the world is changing and preferences too, and dwarf ones turned out to be in demand, including decorative varieties of this species. In Russia at the moment, there are two types of pinschers: Israeli and Scandinavian. They are practically no different, but within the breed, there is a division into more elegant dogs - similar to the Dobermanns (Israeli type). A large contribution to the Russian breeding of these dogs was made by individuals from the Israeli kennel "Mi Beit Hamayam", which was founded by David Euphrates. This man devoted more than forty years of his life to the miniature pinschers.
The Scandinavian line is a very powerful breed dog, with slightly different head features and body shape. They are neither worse nor better, but just a little different. With each passing day, the differences between the Pinschers between Israeli and Scandinavian blood are becoming less noticeable. The most stylish and beautiful livestock of these dogs is located in Russia. At the world championships in different countries, miniature pinschers bred in the Russian state win.
Description of the external appearance of the miniature pinscher

Although this is a small breed of canines, it is devoid of the shortcomings inherent in miniature breeds, outwardly resembles a small Doberman. Dogs are active, athletic, with a good nervous organization. Perfect companions for the whole family. The movements are free, confident, with a good step - trot. Weight limit from 4 kg to 6 kg. Height at the withers from 25 cm to 30 cm.
- Head graceful, elongated, with a flat forehead and a straight topline. The occipital protuberance is not prominent. Cheekbones are not protruding, creating a smooth contour of the skull.
- Muzzle wedge-shaped with a straight nasal bridge. The stop is not pronounced, but visible. The lips are black, dry, tight-fitting. Their corners are well closed. The jaws are strong, with a full dentition and a scissor bite.
- Nose well developed, black pigmented.
- Eyes medium rise, not large, oval in shape. They are always brown, almost black. The eyelids are dark-colored, tight-fitting.
- Ears at the miniature pinscher they are set high. In the modern standard, it should be natural. In this case, they are triangular in shape, medium in size, hanging from the cartilage. Cropped ears look erect, like a Doberman. This classic version is prettier and loved by many owners. To "expose" them, the auricle must be carefully twisted from the head and wrapped with a plaster starting from the base, while you need an assistant who holds the ear by the tip, pulling it. Then the ears are connected to each other with a plaster. After a while, this design is removed.
- Neck with a nice opening, the occiput is well arched.
- Frame square format. Raised topline, sloping down from the front to the tail. The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows or slightly lower. Its front part is pronounced. The loin is strong, the ribs are short. The belly is tucked in, creating a gentle curve.
- Tail in the modern standard should be natural - sickle or saber. The docked tail is short, raised high (trimmed at the level of the second or third vertebra).
- Front limbs dwarf pinscher - straight set, parallel to each other, strong bones. The shoulder blades and shoulders are close to the body. Hind - with well-defined articulation angles. Seen from the side, slightly set back and from the back, straight. The thighs are slightly elongated, broad and muscular. The long and strong legs merge into strong hocks. Metatarsus set vertically.
- Paws in a ball, in the form of a cat. The fingers are tightly closed. The pads are firm, the nails are black and strong. The hind feet are slightly longer than the front ones.
- Coat short, thick, soft to the touch, shiny in appearance. It adheres tightly to the skin of the animal. There is no undercoat.
- Color two varieties: black and tan or deer (red shades). The markings must be clearly marked and in a bright color.
Character features of the dwarf pinscher

Nowadays, miniature pinschers no longer fight with rats, but they are reputed to be excellent companions and, at the same time, have not lost their liveliness. It is thanks to these qualities that they have won the hearts of many people. Almost everyone can be the owner of this universal dog, provided that the owner is an active person.
Outwardly, these pets are very reminiscent of miniature Dobermans. If you take a miniature pinscher in your arms, you will feel a molded, trained body. They are very agile and, like all Pinschers, very well trained. You will never get bored with them, you can teach him a variety of tricks.
If you cannot walk with him for a long time, then the pet makes up for the lack of movement by actively running and jumping around the apartment. To be a house dog, with a home toilet and at the same time become happy, the miniature pinscher is incapable. They are curious and like not only to move and play a lot, but also to receive information from the outside. Give your pet enough vigorous activity and at home he will sleep peacefully after a walk.
Dogs are deprived of such agitation, which is inherent in their fellows in the class - some small terriers, but at the same time, they retain mobility and playfulness. Zwengpinscher, the choice for those people who need not just a small companion dog, but also a companion with whom they can do something. For example, various sports. You can run with your pet or do special training at the dog pitches. And if you're curious, teach him some intricate commands.
They are not so affectionate dogs and perfectly distinguish where their own and where are strangers. If the pet lives with a lonely person, in whose house few people come, or this happens rarely, then the dog takes care of its owner and becomes very alert and aggressive towards strangers - insufficiently socialized. At the same time, if a pet lives in an open family where children, young, sociable people, takes part in all matters, goes on hikes with them, then he grows up with a very open character. Such a pet makes a wonderful companion, but at the same time, the miniature pinscher will always retain its working qualities.
Miniature Pinscher Breed Health

Dwarf pinschers, dogs of classic exterior, their homeland is Germany. Practical Germans have always thought about how to breed dogs without any problems and tendencies to any diseases. Of course, the owner of a miniature pinscher should pay attention to him, walking with him for a long time. But in order for the pet to always be full of energy and to explore the world around it with curiosity, the owner must also take care of his health.
Make him all the vaccinations on time, regularly treat him against external and internal parasites. These mini Dobermans have a great appetite and love to beg. Therefore, to avoid being overweight, feed them in dosage at the same time. They adapt well to different weather conditions. But in very cold frosty or damp weather, mini-pinschers need to wear overalls, and in hot weather, try not to overheat the pet.
Recommendations for the care of a miniature pinscher

A big plus for the owner of a miniature pinscher is that he does not need any pretentious care. But this does not mean that your dog does not need to be paid attention. In addition to education, he also needs various hygiene procedures. In order for you to calmly carry out various manipulations with him, then as the puppy grows up, starting from three to four months, he needs to be accustomed to them.
- Wool it is short, so it is easy to bathe the pet. It dries very quickly, just blot with a towel. In order for a pet's fur coat to look great, first of all, it must be properly fed.
- Ears If a miniature pinscher is stopped, then they are well ventilated. Natural auricles need to be checked and cleaned much more often.
- Eyes if necessary, rub with damp discs towards the inner corner of the eye. For a more serious problem, in order not to harm the dog, do not self-medicate. It is better to consult a veterinarian to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
- Teeth healthy and well-groomed, a much more profitable sight (especially for show pets) than yellow ones with a bloom and a terrible smell. If you, from an early age of a miniature pinscher, clean his mouth, then his teeth will remain white and healthy for a long time. This can be done with regular activated charcoal purchased from a pharmacy. It needs to be slightly moistened with water and gently rub the dog's teeth. After that, they are once again wiped with a bandage or sponge and "voila" - everything sparkles.
- Claws dwarf pinschers usually grind down themselves, as they are very mobile and like to walk a lot. You can only cut the claw on the dewclaw.
- Feeding modern ready-made concentrates, very convenient. Premium food is absolutely safe. At the same time, it is important to strictly observe exactly the dosage that the manufacturer suggests, since miniature pinschers are very prone to weight gain when overfeeding. In this case, the pet can outgrow and become very large. Then, from an exhibition point of view, the dog will be lost, because their maximum height at the withers is not more than 31 cm. Whatever you feed your dog, clean drinking water should always be freely available to the animal.
- Walking. In order for the dog to release its "pairs" on the street, and communicate with other dogs, it is advisable to walk longer. You need to understand that these are active, athletic dogs and if they are deprived of the opportunity to move a lot, where they will direct this energy in your absence, it is impossible to predict. Play outdoor games with them on the street or in a sports town. In chilly weather, be sure to wear clothes on your pet. And in the heat, never walk in the open rays of the sun. Always have water with you so that, if necessary, you can drink or cool your four-legged friend.
Miniature Pinscher training

You need to deal with the puppy from the very first day of his appearance in your house. Any training will benefit - the pet learns to communicate with its owner. Even if you just throw a ball to him, then in the future, these lessons will come in handy. The little dog needs to be socialized. Until four months, he should see almost everything that he will experience in life. He needs to know: what a car is, city transport (they are not afraid to ride in it), to see other people and communicate with different animals.
Although miniature pinschers make excellent companions, in fact, these dogs are much more serious than you might think of them. Since the dog is completely fearless, it just needs education. After all, if you come across a huge Rottweiler on a walk, the miniature pinscher will not yield to him without your order and will fight for life and death. Five kilograms against forty - this, as you know, is a completely unequal battle. Therefore, the dog must know at least the basic commands and obey you implicitly.
They successfully lend themselves to various types of training and can perform security functions. Such a sport as agility - passing obstacles at speed, they master with the "speed of sound".
If your dog participates in exhibitions, then you need to be able to present it favorably from the best side - showing the dog in movement and standing. For this there is handling. You can hire such a specialist, or, if you really want to, learn how to expose your four-legged friend yourself. Close inspection of small breeds takes place on the table so that the judge is comfortable not bending over to examine the presented individual.
Interesting facts about the Miniature Pinscher

It is curious to note that, being a miniature dog, and the height of a miniature pinscher at the withers does not exceed thirty-one centimeters, these dogs have never belonged to decorative ones. At exhibitions, they are evaluated in terms of belonging to the group of schnauzers and pinschers - dogs with pronounced working qualities.
Moreover, the working qualities of the miniature pinschers developed in two directions. They were used as rat catchers and service dogs. They were excellent guards who did not let anyone outside the house, perfectly guarding their territory. Despite their small size, they can stand up for themselves and for the property entrusted to them.
Purchase and price of miniature pinscher puppies

In litters of Miniature Pinschers, as a rule, there are few puppies. It often happens that one or two are born. It is not often that their number is numerous. “Mom” takes care of her small offspring with great pleasure, and therefore, she can pay a lot of attention to each of her babies. Well, real fan-breeders are happy to help them with this.
You need to buy a miniature pinscher puppy from such people. When you come to their house, talk to the parents of the offspring and the booths. Make sure they are active, playful, and healthy in appearance. It is worth immediately indicating your plans to the owner of the kennel, whether you want: just a pet, visit exhibitions, play sports, breeding or something else. Based on this, the breeder will advise you on which puppy you should pay attention to, since it will be difficult for a beginner to decide on the choice of an individual, even after reading clever articles and knowing the standard of the breed's exterior.
When buying a miniature pinscher you should remember:
- the dog should not be overfed, as he is prone to weight gain;
- you need to walk with him regularly for a long time;
- he does not need complicated care;
- easily lends itself to various training;
- are anxious about their master.
The approximate cost can range from $ 300 to $ 800. If this is the breed you dreamed of, do not miss the opportunity to have a gentle pet, which, despite its small size, will strive to protect you from any danger.
More about the Miniature Pinscher in the following video: