Episode: varieties and care tips

Episode: varieties and care tips
Episode: varieties and care tips

Description of the episode, its main varieties, as well as recommendations for home care, breeding methods and ways to deal with the main difficulties. Episcia (in Latin Episcia) belongs to the Gesneriaceae family (in Latin Gesneriaceae). The plant got its name from the Greek word episkios, which means dark in Russian. In the natural environment, the episode is found in the rainforests of Guinea, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and the Antilles archipelago, where it tries to choose places with high humidity, hidden by the dense shade of trees.

General description of the episode

Flowering episode
Flowering episode

Episcia is a herbaceous and evergreen plant that develops thick tuberous, pubescent shoots underground and terrestrial whiskers with leaf rosettes. In the summer, a short peduncle forms, on which small flowers of a juicy red, yellow, pink, white or blue hue are formed. The leaves can grow singly or oppositely, they have a wide oval shape and thick down, as well as a variety of shades of color - green, pink, brown, silver and copper. The surface of the sheet can be glossy, glossy, matte or velvety.

In home floriculture, the episode is used as an ampelous plant. At first, after planting, its stems stretch upward vertically, but then begin to bend, taking on a drooping shape. At the same time, many side shoots are formed, beautifully hanging down from the pot. Their number in an adult plant reaches 3 dozen, and the length is about 60 cm, and every fifth in the summer forms a peduncle. The Episcus is highly regarded for its decorative qualities and is one of the few plants that best combines the beauty of leaves and flowers.

Types of episode

Potted Episode
Potted Episode

The varieties of the episode identified so far vary greatly in the color of flowers and leaves. Hybrid Episcia cupreata (copper) species are widespread in home floriculture. And it is not surprising, because the surface of its reddish leaves can reflect light, which is why the plant gleams beautifully, and among this splendor, like bright lights, juicy red flowers appear.

  • In botany, the copper-red episode (in Latin Episcia cupreata) is defined as a herbaceous perennial plant that differs from other species in its relatively large size. Its shoots spread along the ground and take root easily. The leaves are oval in shape, which is strongly expanded at the base, and the surface is covered with dense fluff. Their length is up to 15 cm, and the width is 8–10 cm. The shade of the outer part of the leaf demonstrates a transition from greenish-brown to rich copper, and a wide white stripe of the central vein creates a spectacular contrast with it. Flowers appear from July to September, they are located separately from each other, have a tubular shape, a yellow core and bright red petals. In the process of crossing, many decorative species and varieties have been obtained from Episcia cupreata.
  • Silver Sheen is a fairly popular version of the copper inscription, which means the Silver Shine. This plant is distinguished by beautiful pubescent leaves, predominantly silver in color and effectively bordered by a green and brown stripe. In summer, it is decorated with small orange-red flowers.
  • Another widespread variety is called Silvans Beauty. Translated into Russian - Forest Beauty. A distinctive feature is the glossy silvery leaves combined with scarlet flowers.
  • One of the most abundant blooming species is the Chocolate Soldier, that is, the Chocolate Soldier. The plant got its name for the brownish-greenish tint of the leaves, a distinctive feature of which is a scattering of silvery-bluish dots. In summer, short pedicels develop on the shoots, on which several flowers of a dark burgundy color bloom over time.
  • The carnation species (Episcia dianthiflora) belongs to tropical perennial plants showing 2 types of shoots - long ground whiskers, on which daughter rosettes appear, and shortened shoots with closely planted small leaves formed on them up to 3 cm in length and up to 2 in width … The flowers have fringed edges and are white with red dots. The shape of the leaves is elliptical, and they themselves are dark green, but there is a purple vein in the center.
  • The creeping variety (Episcia reptans) belongs to perennial herbaceous plants with an extensive network of shoots. The leaves have an oval shape and are protected by a dense fuzz surface of an olive shade. Their average length is 8–10 cm, and their width is 3–5 cm. Reddish-pinkish flowers form from July to September in the leaf axils on short pedicels of a dark red color. The name of the species indicates that it is grown as an ampelous plant, decorating windows, balconies, etc.

Episode care

Young sprout of the episode
Young sprout of the episode

This is not to say that the episode refers to plants that require close attention. However, caring for them should be regular, since this is the only way to obtain a harmonious combination of beautiful colors and are not inferior to them in the spectacular appearance of sparkling leaves. To summarize the key requirements, first of all, you need to ensure the following two.

  1. It is necessary to hang the description sideways to the window. After that, in no case should you change the location of the flowerpot. Only in this way can a harmonious development be ensured, in which a sparkling green canvas is formed from the leaves.
  2. A young plant needs to be formed. It is very important that the primary and main shoots are not intertwined. In addition, hanging from the pot, they are usually exposed and rubbed off on the edge, which should not be allowed. Therefore, after planting, a small lattice is installed at a height of 18–20 cm, which will support and separate the shoots. Only after they all stretch out, the episodes are allowed to take the form of ampelous plants.

As for the conditions of detention, they are as follows:

  • Lighting. Contrary to common misconception, the episode does not require any specific conditions. Like other representatives of the Gesneriaceae family, for example, the same violets, the plant loves illuminated places, but at the same time it is afraid of direct sunlight, and therefore, when grown on balconies, window sills and other places, it must be artificially shaded. If the level of illumination is insufficient, then the episode will immediately inform about this by the formation of an overly elongated stem with a small number of leaves and an insignificant number of lateral shoots. The flowering period may not come at all, and if a lack of light is felt when it has already begun, then its duration will be greatly reduced. With an excess of light, the plant slows down its development, the leaves become smaller and brown spots can form on them - a consequence of sunburn. When choosing windows for placing a flowerpot, it is required to take into account that the southern side is the most dangerous for the episode, and therefore it is required to hang it farther, and at least at a distance of 2, 5-3 m. If the windows face east, then the plant is placed to the right of them, for the west, respectively, on the contrary - to the left, and if to the north, then it can be hung in the immediate vicinity. In this case, the specifics of the species selected for cultivation should be taken into account, since individual representatives of the episode react differently to the same level of illumination. In winter, it is better to extend the short daylight hours by at least 2-3 hours through the use of fluorescent lamps.
  • Air temperature and humidity. Episcia is a thermophilic plant, so it needs 20-25 degrees all year round. But in winter, it can withstand cooler climatic conditions, but it is desirable that the thermometer does not drop below 18 degrees. At the same time, you should not place the flowerpot close to heating sources, as this will negatively affect development. The air humidity, which is common in living rooms, will be insufficient for an episode. Therefore, at home, it is placed in trays with expanded clay or peat soil, where water is poured so that it does not accumulate in plates, where the flowerpot itself will stand. It is impossible to spray the leaves of the plant because of their thick fluff, therefore only this method is suitable for moisturizing.
  • Watering. During the period of intensive development from spring to early autumn, the episode should be watered regularly, approximately once every three days. However, it is required to control the condition of the soil, preventing its permanent waterlogging, otherwise the root system will begin to rot. In winter, before the next watering, they wait until the top layer of earth in the pot is completely dry. Water is used soft and be sure to let it settle well, and when it is added to the soil, it is controlled so that moisture does not get on the leaves.
  • Fertilizer. As soon as the episode enters the phase of vegetative development, it is fed once every 14–15 days. To do this, use the usual mineral fertilizer intended for indoor plants. It is used in a concentration that will be 2 times less than the recommended by the manufacturer. In autumn and winter, fertilization of the soil is not required at all.
  • Pruning. The episode grows very intensively, therefore, to give it a beautiful look, it needs to properly shape the bush. Pruning is carried out after the end of the flowering period, shortening the shoots and daughter leaf rosettes, which are then immediately planted in the same pot, as a result of which the plant takes on a beautiful lush shape. If rapidly developing ampelous species were taken for cultivation, then their shoots tend to creep and take root where necessary. Therefore, such attempts should be stopped or the flowerpot should be suspended so that the stems hang down beautifully, and the episode does not lose its decorative value.
  • The soil. Purchased soil for violets (Saintpaulia) is suitable for growing. If you want to prepare it yourself, then you can take 2 parts of leafy earth, and 1 part of peat with sand, and also add a little charcoal or moss. The optimum acidity of the soil is within 5, 5–6, 5 pH.
  • Transplant it is recommended to spend every year in the spring, transferring the episode into pots that are 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous ones. The maximum allowable size for an adult plant should not exceed 20 cm. When choosing pots, preference should be given to low and wide ones, lining their bottom expanded clay. Having carried out the transplant, the episode must be placed in the shade and provided with increased air humidity.

Expanded clay is given as a budget option, but if possible, it is better to make the drainage layer from sphagnum. This moss has a number of advantages over other analogs of baking powder, namely:

  • very hygroscopic;
  • provides maximum porosity;
  • has ideal pH values;
  • promotes rapid rooting.

Reproduction of a plant at home

White Episode Flower
White Episode Flower

The offspring of an episode can be obtained in three main ways - by separating leaves, cuttings and using seeds. The last option is the most difficult if done at home. Seeds must be planted in trays with pre-moistened soil, and then covered with foil or glass to create the necessary heat and humidity parameters. As soon as the seedlings hatch and add a little in size, they are moved to pots, where they will grow up. The disadvantage of propagation with the help of seeds is the loss of the specific characteristics of the variety.

The most obvious and reliable way of propagation is to cut and plant cuttings from the side shoots into the ground. But in the interval, it is required to put the cut planting material with 3-4 knots in water, immersing it by 3.5-4 cm. After waiting for the roots to appear, you can move the cuttings of the episode into the prepared soil.

Another simple way is to bend the shoot with the daughter outlet near it and bury it in the ground. Within 5-7 days, it will take root and become an independent plant. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to provide a climatic regime within 23-25 degrees. If the temperature drops below 18, then the cuttings will not take root at all. In the process of development of young representatives of the episode, it will be necessary to transplant every month, choosing again a pot a couple of centimeters larger.

Diseases and pests of the episode

Episode copper-red
Episode copper-red

The flower is extremely rarely attacked by pests. Most of the parasites that affect crop plants do not choose it as an acceptable option for justification. But in isolated cases, a mealybug, aphid or root nematode can settle on the stems and leaves of the episode. It is difficult not to notice the traces of the vital activity of these harmful insects, therefore, as soon as they are identified, the first measure of control will be wiping with a cloth, which must be moistened with soapy water or alcohol.

Having eliminated the main population of parasites in such a mechanical way, then you need to treat the plant with insecticides, spraying it and watering the soil so that the liquid comes out through the drainage hole. For such purposes, for example, one of the following preparations is suitable: Neoron, Fitoverm, Actellik, etc. After the initial treatment, it is required to carry out at least 1-2 repeated ones, keeping a period of 8-10 days between them.

If the problems are caused by nematode settlement, then it will not be possible to save the adult episode. In this case, cuttings are cut for transplanting, and the plant, along with the earthy clod, is thrown away. The pots in which it grew can be used in the future only after heat treatment, in order to exclude the likelihood of survival of the nematode offspring in them.

Of the possible diseases, only root rot is a serious danger. Usually, if proper care is provided, then you should not worry about the possibility of such a disease, as it causes excessive watering against the background of insufficient illumination or low temperature. The main control measure is transplantation, but it helps only in the initial stages.

To prevent the appearance of root rot, you need to:

  • to exclude the possibility that the soil in the pot will swamp, for which drainage holes are correctly formed and the plant is watered only after the top layer of the earthen coma dries up;
  • when preparing the soil, be sure to add charcoal or sphagnum to it in order to prevent stagnation of water.

If the plant begins to show signs of wilting in moist soil, then, most likely, it will not be possible to cure it by transplanting. In such cases, cuttings should be cut for propagation, the old plant should be discarded, and the pot in which it grew should be boiled.

Possible difficulties in growing an episode:

  1. The appearance of brown spots is usually the result of excessively chilled water.
  2. The yellowness of the leaves occurs with excessive fertilization of the soil, dry soil and as a result of exposure to direct sunlight.
  3. Drying of the tips on the leaves indicates the dryness of the air and earth.
  4. Twisting the leaf is evidence of irregular watering.
  5. Loss of leaf color and a decrease in their size occurs due to a lack of lighting.
  6. The appearance of powdery mildew (dirty gray plaque) occurs in poorly ventilated rooms or indicates that the plant has not been transplanted for a long time.

You can see tips for growing an episode in this video:
