Uses of mustache oil for hair

Uses of mustache oil for hair
Uses of mustache oil for hair

Find out what are the benefits of usma oil for hair, how to use it correctly and what are the recipes for cosmetic masks. To date, a fairly large number of a wide variety of folk remedies are known that help restore and care for hair. Usma, used in the form of decoctions, deserves special attention. The most effective is the oil that is extracted from the leaves of the plant.

Usma oil: what is it?

Glass container with usma oil
Glass container with usma oil

Usma is a plant that belongs to the mustard family and grows in Central Asia. The culture is harvested not earlier than the second year of the plant's "life", since only during this period it becomes useful.

The leaves of the plant are driven through a special centrifuge, with the help of which the cosmetic oil is squeezed out. Quite often, foliage is used to prepare decoctions, but it is the oil that brings the greatest health and beauty benefits. This product does not undergo heat treatment, due to which all vitamins, amino acids, and other useful substances remain in its composition, which remain almost intact.

Usma oil is widely used for hair, eyelash and eyebrow care. This product has not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect, while helping to get rid of partial or complete baldness.

In consistency, appearance and principle of action, it is as close as possible to castor oil. However, usma oil works much better and is absorbed faster, therefore every day it becomes more and more popular and in demand in home cosmetology.

The benefits of hair oil

Woman pours usma oil into her hand
Woman pours usma oil into her hand

Since usma belongs to the mustard family, the oil has an effect similar to mustard. After applying the product to the scalp, there is a warming effect, therefore, blood flow increases in the treated area. Blood flows to the hair follicles, as a result of which there is a stimulating effect on their work, dormant bulbs awaken, the growth of strands is activated.

Usma oil, which is used for hair growth, helps to get rid of bald patches, hair becomes voluminous and lush, strong and healthy. This effect is achieved after several uses of the product. However, a full course of treatment takes a long time and you will need to regularly apply usma oil for one month.

This product is recommended for hair care that is constantly exposed to negative environmental influences. For example, styling with a hot hairdryer or curling iron, bad ecology, wind, dust and sun, hair coloring. As a result of the influence of all these factors, the strands become weakened, dull and brittle, their structure changes, and the curls are split from the inside.

Usma oil can become an irreplaceable assistant in maintaining the beauty and health of hair, as it has a positive effect on them:

  1. Curls are strengthened from the inside, there is an accelerated restoration of the hair structure.
  2. Regular use of usma oil eliminates the need to constantly trim dull and dry strands.
  3. The extract from the leaves of the usma is a natural antibacterial agent, therefore it helps in the fight against seborrhea (a fungus that provokes the appearance of dandruff).
  4. Usma oil perfectly warms up the scalp, as a result, blood flows to the hair follicles, therefore, their work is activated.

This product is quickly absorbed into the skin without forming a sticky film on its surface.

Features of using usma oil

The girl treated her hair with usma oil
The girl treated her hair with usma oil

Before purchasing usma oil for hair care, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the available indications and certain rules for its use:

  1. This remedy is recommended for those who have a hair loss problem. Usma oil helps with baldness, provoked by a variety of reasons, with the exception of hereditary factors.
  2. In general, usma oil is a harmless agent, but like any other herbal component, it can provoke a rather strong allergic reaction. That is why, before starting to use it, a sensitivity test is mandatory. If no side effects appear, you can use a hair care product.
  3. It is advisable to first consult a trichologist, who will not only tell you how to use this remedy correctly, but will also help you pinpoint the exact cause that triggered baldness.

Usma oil is often combined with other base oils or natural products that make up homemade beauty masks.

Natural usma oil has a green color, but owners of light hair can easily use it, since the product is easily washed off and does not change the shade of the strands.

Before using usma oil, you need to read the following recommendations:

  1. The composition can be applied not only to the hair, but also to the surface of the scalp, paying particular attention to the area where the hair follicles are located.
  2. After applying the oil, it is recommended to do a light massage, due to which it is absorbed much faster, while the blood flow is increased.
  3. To enhance the thermal effect, you need to put on a plastic cap on your head, and then wrap your hair with a towel or scarf. Therefore, the stronger the thermal effect, the more benefit the procedure will bring.
  4. A hair mask that contains usma oil can cause a rather strong burning sensation. However, it is recommended to wash off such a product no earlier than 40 minutes after application. The first time the duration of exposure to the agent may be shorter, which allows you to get used to the effect.

Usma oil hair mask recipes

A girl holds a jar of usma oil in front of her
A girl holds a jar of usma oil in front of her

This tool can act not only as an additional ingredient in homemade masks, but also be added to the shampoo just before washing. For the preparation of masks, it is necessary to choose the right components, taking into account the type, condition and characteristics of the hair. It is the mask that will be more beneficial, since it needs to be kept on the hair longer.

For dull and dry hair

Severely dry hair needs additional moisture and enhanced nutrition, as it lacks moisture, as well as nutrients that make the strands silky, manageable, shiny and healthy. In this case, a mask based on natural yogurt (without flavors, dyes and fruits) becomes an indispensable tool. It is also recommended to add vitamins and other oils to its composition.

The squeeze of the usma "awakens" the dormant bulbs, activates their growth, makes the curls stronger and healthier, and returns the lost volume.

This mask includes the following components:

  • vitamin B12 - 1 ampoule;
  • usma oil - 30 drops;
  • cocoa butter - 10 g;
  • natural yogurt - 20 g.

The mask preparation process follows the following scheme:

  1. All components are thoroughly mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained.
  2. The mass is slightly warmed up in a water bath.
  3. Hair is pre-washed with shampoo, wiped with a towel, but not dried.
  4. Along the entire length of the hair, including the scalp, a warm composition is evenly distributed - the hair is combed.
  5. After 60 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

For the care of oily hair

It is recommended to regularly use a cosmetic mask for oily hair, which contains usma oil. This tool will help remove excess fat from the strands. The mask is based on kefir - a fermented milk product helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the hair does not become dirty so quickly, and the volume remains much longer.

A cosmetic mask is prepared as follows:

  1. You will need to take low-fat kefir (30 ml) and slightly warm it up in a water bath.
  2. Usma oil (15 drops) is added to kefir, mandarin essential oil (2 drops) is introduced - all components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. You must first wash your hair with shampoo, dry it slightly with a towel.
  4. The finished mask is applied to the hair roots, a light massage is done for several minutes, after which the product is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  5. A rubber cap is put on the head.
  6. The mask is washed off after 30-40 minutes.

It is recommended to use the mask once every two weeks.

Anti-baldness mask

The combination of usma oil with mustard helps to quickly get rid of such an unpleasant problem as baldness. This remedy is being prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Mustard powder (2 tbsp) and granulated sugar (2 tsp) are poured into a deep container.
  2. Usma oil (0.5 tsp) and burdock oil (2 tsp) are added.
  3. All components mix well.
  4. The result should be a homogeneous mass, thick enough for comfortable use. If the composition is too thick, you can add a little burdock oil.
  5. The resulting mask is applied to damp scalp, evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  6. A rubber cap is put on the head, then the hair is wrapped in a towel to create a thermal effect.
  7. The mask is left on for about 30 minutes, if there is a strong burning sensation, you can wash it off earlier.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hair using shampoo.

Kefir mask with usma oil

This mask includes the following components:

  • coconut oil - 1 tsp;
  • burdock oil - 1 tsp;
  • usma oil - 7 drops;
  • kefir - 100 ml.

The cooking process is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Kefir is slightly warmed up in a water bath to keep it warm, but not hot.
  2. All components are added to warm kefir and mixed thoroughly.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the hair, evenly distributed over the entire length.
  4. Hair is removed under the film, wrapped on top with a towel to create a thermal effect.
  5. The mask must be kept for at least 2 hours, you can leave it overnight.
  6. After the specified time, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Hair growth mask

This tool is considered one of the most effective and helps to get not only long, but also healthy hair in a relatively short period of time.

The mask is prepared as follows:

  1. Light henna (20 g) is taken and poured with boiling water (it is better to replace boiling water with strong tea).
  2. Henna is mixed with sesame oil (1 tablespoon).
  3. Usma oil is added (15 drops).
  4. Hair is washed with shampoo, combed well.
  5. The finished mask is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, after which the head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel.
  6. After 1, 5–2 hours, the mask is washed off with plenty of warm water and shampoo.

Hair restoration mask

This product is recommended for the care and restoration of weakened and injured hair that needs additional moisture and nutrition.

The mask preparation process is carried out as follows:

  1. You will need to take natural kvass (30 ml) and heat it in a water bath to body temperature.
  2. Bergamot oil (3 drops), usma oil (15 drops), lemon juice (10 ml) are added - all components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The mask is applied to previously washed and damp hair.
  4. The product is washed off after 40 minutes.

Regular use of natural usma oil helps to quickly restore weakened and damaged hair. This tool not only moisturizes the strands, but also saturates them with useful substances.

You will learn more about usma oil from the video below: