Methods for increasing cheekbones, indications and contraindications for the procedure. Cheekbone augmentation is a procedure aimed at injecting filler or facial plastic into the upper part of the cheeks. As a result, its contour improves, the skin in the area of the nasolabial folds is smoothed, the lost volume of tissues returns, the corners of the lips are raised.
Cheekbone augmentation price
Cheekbones can be enlarged in various ways. The procedure is prescribed depending on the individual characteristics of the client: age, degree of ptosis, facial structure and others. Based on the chosen method, the price of the service will also fluctuate.
One of the most financially acceptable options is an increase in the cheekbones with hyaluronic acid. However, such a correction requires constant updating, since this substance tends to dissolve.
For women of mature and old age, salons often offer more radical ways to increase cheekbones: the installation of implants, lifting threads, and so on. Such correction options are more expensive.
In Russia, cheekbones can be increased at a price of 15,000 to 200,000 rubles
Cheekbone enlargement method | price, rub. |
Hyaluronic acid | 15000-25000 |
Fillers | 20000-30000 |
Lipofilling | 25000-40000 |
Lifting threads | 23000-80000 |
Implants | 80000-200000 |
There are many qualified specialists working in Moscow who provide cheekbone augmentation services. The cost of the procedures is slightly higher than that of colleagues from the regions.
In Ukraine, the price of a cheekbone augmentation procedure ranges from 5000-9000 hryvnia
Cheekbone enlargement method | Price, UAH. |
Hyaluronic acid | 5000-7000 |
Fillers | 6000-11000 |
Lipofilling | 7000-12000 |
Lifting threads | 15000-60000 |
Implants | 50000-90000 |
Many procedures are done not only in Kiev, but also in other regional centers of the country. The price can rise depending on the level of the salon and the qualifications of the master.
It should be borne in mind that the cost of procedures, as a rule, does not include anesthesia, as well as the time spent in the hospital clinic, if required. The client must also purchase care products additionally.
Description of the cheekbone augmentation procedure

With age, facial contours become less defined, the skin in the cheeks and chin area sags. Therefore, to improve the oval, a cheekbone augmentation procedure is used.
There are several options for the procedure. It all depends on the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of the person. It is necessary for the doctor to look at it and choose a method of performing the manipulation.
Cheekbone augmentation options:
- Fillers … The simplest are operations using fillers, fillers that are injected into the cheekbones. It can be hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue. The easiest way is to fill the cheekbones with hyaluron, but this substance is used up to 35 years old, since at a more mature age it is not able to stimulate sufficient collagen synthesis.
- Radies drug … This is an injection method that involves the introduction of calcium hydroxyapatite. It is a biomaterial that is not rejected by the body. It has a denser consistency and stays in the tissue for a long time. In addition, the result after injection lasts longer than after injections of hyaluronic acid. It is used after 35 years.
- Lifting threads … This is a more radical method, which involves the use of special threads that form the frame of the face. This allows you to sharpen the contours and tighten the face.
Indications for augmentation of cheekbones

Despite the relative safety of drugs for increasing cheekbones, it is not worth carrying out the procedure without a doctor's recommendation. Of course, the first signs of aging appear after 25 years. Most of all, the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles and folds on the forehead is visible. At the age of 30 years, there is no need to use the services of surgeons, it is enough to visit a beautician and introduce fillers. After 35-40 years, plastic is performed using zygomatic implants.
List of indications:
- Sunken cheeks … This occurs with age as a result of soft tissue relaxation. Because of this, fat from the top of the cheekbones moves and the face swells.
- Flew … These are fatty deposits that make the contour of the face blurry with age. On both sides of the chin, there are peculiar droopings. The more fat, the more noticeable the changes.
- Naturally unexpressed cheekbones … In some women, due to the structure of the face, the bones in the cheekbones are not convex. Therefore, even in youth, there are no clear protrusions in such zones. With age, the skin here becomes very thin.
- Soft tissue ptosis … After 40 years, the epidermis becomes flabby and soft. This negatively affects the shape of the face. The contours seem to go down, the oval seems to be swollen.
- Nasolabial folds … Most often they appear in women with a thin face. Despite the small amount of body fat, thin people have thinner skin and wrinkles faster. Therefore, vertical grooves appear in the lip area.
Contraindications to an increase in the volume of cheekbones

Of course, the procedure can hardly be called completely safe. In most cases, non-invasive techniques are used. All methods of augmentation of cheekbones, except for implants, do not require incisions. Fillers are inserted using fine needles, and mesothreads are inserted through small punctures.
List of contraindications:
- Diseases of the blood … First of all, this applies to patients with insufficient blood clotting. At the same time, any punctures and cuts are quite dangerous.
- Pregnancy and lactation … During this period, it is not safe to inject any drugs into the body. After all, it is not known how the medicine will affect the development of the baby.
- Infectious ailments … With a rise in temperature and some kind of acute illness, it is impossible to increase the cheekbones.
- Diabetes … With this ailment, blood clotting and the regenerative properties of the skin are disturbed. Wounds may take a long time to heal, and fillers or implants may be rejected.
- Fungal diseases and psoriasis … With the fungus, there is a risk of spreading it all over the face and injecting it into the deep layers of the skin. With psoriasis, allergic reactions and the spread of rashes to healthy areas of the skin are possible.
How cheekbone augmentation is done
Initially, it is worth visiting an experienced beautician and assessing the problem. With a slight ptosis and ptosis of the skin, you can limit yourself to fillers with hyaluronic acid or Radies. With a pronounced drooping of the facial contours, it is recommended to install implants in conjunction with lifting threads.
Instructions for augmentation of cheekbones with hyaluronic acid

This is the safest way to enlarge your cheekbones. You can use it from the age of 20. Hyaluronic acid is found in the skin and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
For the procedure, a hyaluronic acid gel is used, which is injected using needles or cannulas. Most often, not needles are used, but cannulas with a rounded tip. This avoids damage to nerve endings and capillaries. To increase both cheekbones, 1 ml of filler is required.
The main disadvantage is the short duration of the effect. After 12-18 months, the filler is completely removed from the body. Features of the use of hyaluronic acid:
- The doctor removes the remains of the foundation from the face and applies markings with a special marker. In this case, the doctor bypasses the areas of fat accumulation.
- Next, a special anesthetic cream is applied. After 20 minutes, when the drug works, the acid is injected.
- Acid is injected around the perimeter of the oval, which the doctor marked with a marker. In this case, the needle is inserted deep into it. This allows the cheekbones to be filled.
- After injecting the acid, the doctor forms rolls with his fingers. He, like from plasticine, "sculpts" the desired relief. A special massage is performed, which helps the acid to be distributed throughout the volume.
- At the very end, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, and the patient goes home.
It should be noted that after the procedure, a slight edema is possible, which resolves within 3 days. In order for the swelling to quickly subside, cosmetologists recommend lubricating the face with antiseptics and antiallergic drugs.
Many patients come to the clinic after a few days and complain about the lack of results. After the edema resolves, you must wait until the acid attracts water molecules to itself. The maximum effect is observed 2-10 weeks after the introduction of hyaluronic acid.
How implants are used to increase cheekbones

This procedure is quite traumatic. This is due to the fact that the skin must be cut to insert the implants. There will be a scar at this place. Most often, an increase in cheekbones with implants is carried out after 40 years, when the patient is tired of periodically injecting hyaluronic acid or other fillers.
If only an increase in the cheekbones is carried out, then the incision is made in the mouth, in the area of the upper jaw. If blepharoplasty is performed during surgery, the implants are inserted through incisions in the lower eyelid.
Instructions for augmentation of cheekbones with implants:
- The patient comes to the doctor who takes photographs of the face and takes x-rays. This is necessary for the correct selection of the size and shape of the new cheekbones.
- After that, implants are made. For this, silicone or foamed polyethylene is used.
- On the day of surgery, an anesthetic is administered. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
- After that, the doctor opens the face under the cheekbone in the mouth or in the area of the temples, in the case of a circular lift along the hairline.
- The implants are kept in an antiseptic solution for several days and inserted into the cheekbones through an incision.
- The surgeon then sutures with self-absorbable sutures. After the patient wakes up, the stitches are treated several times.
The operation to increase the cheekbones is low-traumatic, so the patient is quickly allowed to go home. For some time in the area of the seams, swelling and slight swelling of the face is possible. The seams must be treated with antiseptics at home.
Initially, unusual sensations of a foreign body are possible. After a few weeks, the face will look natural as the implant is inserted under the muscle. Correction is not necessary.
Lipofilling to increase cheekbones

This is one of the minimally invasive techniques, which involves the introduction of fatty fluid into the cheekbones. The procedure is carried out in several stages. Fat is taken from the patient's abdomen or thighs.
Features of lipofilling for cheekbone enlargement:
- Anesthesia is administered to the abdomen or thighs. A small longitudinal incision is made in this area and the fat is collected. One seam is applied.
- After that, with the help of special equipment, the fat is removed from the blood and anesthetic. As a result, the doctor gets pure fat without impurities.
- Next, an anesthetic is injected into the cheekbones. Using a thin cannula, the doctor delivers fat to problem areas with small injections.
- After filling the necessary areas, the doctor applies an antiseptic.
The main disadvantage of the procedure is fat reabsorption. That is, about 30% of the total injected substance is absorbed within 3 months. This is why the surgeon will initially inject a little more filler than necessary. In addition, fat is often taken in lumps and unnecessary relief is observed.
Increase of cheekbones by fillers

Fillers are fillers for cheekbones. During the procedure, hyaluronic acid, fat or calcium hydroxyapatite can be used. It is the latter drug that is very popular, since it takes root well and has a low reabsorption rate. Moreover, it does not dissolve for a long time and is not taken in lumps after administration. Get a product from seaweed. The substance is contained in bone tissue, so the body does not reject it after administration.
How fillers are used to increase cheekbones:
- Initially, the beautician examines the face, removes makeup. After that, the cheek area is divided into zones, and ovals are drawn. It is along the contour of the ovals that the filler will be injected.
- Local anesthesia is then administered and the doctor waits for the pain reliever to take effect.
- The cosmetologist uses a special rounded cannula to inject filler around the perimeter of the marking. This is followed by a massage and an even distribution of the gel.
- Next, an antiseptic treatment is carried out, and the patient is allowed to go home.
Most often, this procedure is well tolerated. Swelling and swelling are extremely rare. Thanks to a special cannula, bruises do not occur, since the rounded end pushes the tissues and blood vessels apart. This filler dissolves more slowly than hyaluronic acid. The effect is observed for about 2-3 years.
The result of an increase in cheekbones

In general, fillers and the use of implants to increase cheekbones help to rejuvenate the face for about 10 years. Most patients want to remove nasolabial folds or improve facial contours. For this, a lot of plastic surgeries are performed and the desired effect is not obtained. An increase in cheekbones will help solve several problems at once.
Results after cheekbone enlargement:
- The corners of the lips rise. Thanks to this, the sad mask from the face and eternal discontent are removed. Due to the appearance of excess volume in the cheekbones, the corners of the mouth move higher.
- Wrinkles in the area of the nose and lips are reduced or smoothed. This helps to significantly rejuvenate the face.
- The contours of the face become clear. The ptosis of the skin disappears, and most of the volume moves upward. This gives the face a feminine touch.
- The asymmetry is leveled. Fillers can be used to improve the skin after injuries or paralysis of a part of the face.
Real reviews of the cheekbone augmentation procedure

Cheekbone augmentation is the second most popular facial correction procedure after lip augmentation. Many women resort to it even at an early age, trying to eliminate noticeable shortcomings. Reviews about this service can be found on various thematic forums on the Internet.
Valeria, 26 years old
I got acquainted with contour plastics for a long time. I made my lips hyaluronic. But then I lost 20 kilograms, and I was faced with another problem - strong creases appeared in the area of the nasolabial folds, the cheeks began to hang like the ears of a spaniel. And this is 25 years old! I went to a beautician to fill my nasolabials with hyaluronic acid. But he said they were not the problem. Just after losing weight, the fat layer in the cheeks became thinner, and therefore the skin “sagged”. My face has an elongated shape, and now it looked like a "sad" rectangle. It was decided to inject fillers into the cheekbones. I was injected with Juvederm, two syringes. About five injections were given in each cheek. It's not long, about 15 minutes, but it hurts a lot. After the injections, the doctor massaged the cheeks. I then developed small bruises on my face, I had to stay at home for about a week until all traces disappeared. In the first days, I did not see the effect at all - as if the whole procedure was in vain. But after a couple of weeks, the skin has gained moisture and the face has completely changed! The creases have disappeared, the oval has become more distinct, the bags under the eyes have disappeared, the cheekbones have become embossed and expressive. I have been walking for about a year now, no complaints, I will definitely inject when this gel dissolves.
Svetlana, 45 years old
I did face lipofilling with an emphasis on the cheeks. I didn't touch my lips, their shape and volume suited me, but my cheeks were hollow and made the whole appearance sore. In addition, with age, gaps appeared in the area under the eyes. The lipofilling method is good, as it uses its own adipose tissue, no synthetics. Over time, vessels grow through the fat and the volume remains in place, does not dissolve. True, for this you must have enough of your "material". The fat was taken from my thighs. I didn't have enough of it, I'm an asthenic. But somehow they found it. Then they cleaned it and carried out some other manipulations with it. The work of injecting fat is jewelry and requires great skill from the surgeon. There was practically no pain under anesthesia, and I had an excellent specialist - he injected accurately, gently. After the operation, my swelling remained for about a week. There were no bruises or bumps. I look at the photos of some women immediately after the lipofilling procedure - they seem to have been bitten by bees. I didn’t have anything like that. The swelling subsided smoothly, and only freshness, youth and elasticity remained. I am very happy, I have become noticeably younger. I recommend that you do the procedure only with a highly qualified specialist and not risk your beauty and health.
Anna, 48 years old
I corrected the shape of the face and cheekbones with Aptos threads. I put them a few months ago. There was no pain, I was well anesthetized by the affected area. I only felt how something was being pulled under the skin. The bruises remained only after the injections of the anesthetic. There was a slight swelling, no hematomas. The next day I went to work. It was a little uncomfortable at first, as the cheekbones were raised more than necessary, as well as the corners of the lips. But she hid this flaw with her hair down. The doctor corrected minor deformities in a week. This was due to the fact that I have little subcutaneous fat and loose skin. At first, a certain tension of the face is felt, the mobility of facial expressions is limited. But everything went away after about a month. I completely forgot that I had threads, I just feel my face, as before. But! It has become much younger, fresher, healthier. Of course, you should not expect a WOW effect from threads if you are over 50 and you have never done any correction before, but you are guaranteed a younger face and a fresh look in any case.
Photos before and after augmentation of cheekbones

How to increase cheekbones - look at the video:

As you can see, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin without surgery. The cheekbone augmentation procedure will help to make the face look younger and eliminate large wrinkles.