Find out what non-traditional types of fitness are available for developing muscle corset and endurance in men and women. Content:
- Basic movements
- Advantages
- Is it possible to practice at home
- Using jumpers
It should be said right away that jumping fitness has no age restrictions. This fitness area is available for both children and adults. Basically, the sport is trampoline jumping, which is fun in itself. Among other things, you will get the opportunity to lose weight.
For the first time jumping fitness appeared on the territory of the Czech Republic a little over ten years ago. A special mini-trampoline is used for training. During your workout, you do cardio exercises that help strengthen muscles and burn fat, as well as a set of movements to stretch the muscles. The average duration of a lesson is about one hour.
About half an hour of training is devoted to cardio exercises. The second part of the lesson is reserved for strength training and stretching. The main advantage of jumping fitness is the almost complete absence of the risk of injury to the joints or spinal column.
The trampoline has excellent shock absorption and allows you to achieve a "pushing effect of water" on the ground. To get great results from your workouts, you should do them three times throughout the week. The dress code is free, and the main requirement for it is to be comfortable for you. The best option would be cotton with the addition of synthetic threads. Clothing made from this material allows the body to breathe and is highly hygroscopic.
Basic Jumping Fitness Movements

Before starting the main part of the session, do a ten-minute warm-up. We also recommend that you include work with a rope in it.
- Exercises for the development of balance and coordination of movements - low jumps with arms lowered along the body. Landing on a trampoline is necessary with a full foot, and when you are in the air, pull back your toes. Once you've mastered these jumps, add arm movements to them.
- Holding the handles of the sports equipment, pull the legs bent at the knee joints to the chest - in this movement, the trampoline acts as an elastic support. You should only tighten your legs with the effort of your abdominal muscles.
- Gray - helps to strengthen the muscles of the arms and abdomen. Get into a sitting position and rest on your hands behind your back. Keeping your back straight, start jumping.
- Movements for stretching the muscles - during the jump, you must try to pull the legs to the body and spread them to the sides. A more difficult option is trying to reach for your socks.
- Exercises for the abdominal muscles - Get on all fours and push off the trampoline. While in the air. Straighten your arms and legs, landing on your stomach. After contact of the body with the trampoline by the force of the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to return to the starting position.
- Exercise for the muscles of the legs - portray a gazelle in the air by bending one leg and taking it to the side. The second leg at this time is straightened and laid back.
The benefits of jumping fitness

Trampoline training is a very energy-intensive sport. Eight minutes of jumping fitness in terms of calorie expenditure is commensurate with running a distance of three kilometers. It should be remembered that while working on a trampoline, the load on the spinal column and joints is minimal, in contrast to running. A 20-minute workout is comparable to an hour-long step aerobics class.
Here are some of the main benefits that this fitness area has:
- An effective and fun way to lose fat.
- Helps strengthen the joints of the legs.
- Increases the tone of the pelvic muscles.
- It is an excellent means of preventing flat feet and helps to eliminate all the negative consequences of this disease.
- An excellent workout for the entire vestibular apparatus.
- Accelerates metabolic processes.
Like any sports discipline, jumping fitness has some contraindications. First of all, this concerns infectious diseases, with epilepsy, problems with the heart muscle and the musculoskeletal system. There are no other restrictions, and if you want to lose weight quickly, and make it fun, then you should definitely pay attention to jumping fitness.
Is it possible to do jumping fitness at home?

If you do not have time to visit the section, then you can conduct effective classes at home. To do this, you need to purchase a special trampoline, which is small in size, and you will find a list of basic exercises above. Today, this area of fitness is becoming more and more popular and on the Internet you can find video tutorials or create your own complex.
Here are some tips for starting a home workout for beginners:
- The best time for classes is in the morning, before breakfast. Start exercising with five minutes every day, and then increase the training time.
- You should work on a trampoline in an open window in a pre-ventilated room. When it becomes warm enough outside, it makes sense to move your classes to fresh air.
- Do not forget to warm up the joints, for which you can use squats, skipping rope and rotational movements of the limbs.
- When you feel. To make your workouts easy, start using leg weights.
- At the final stage of training, you should normalize your heart rate and for this you need to gradually reduce the pace of work.
If you have not played sports before, then after the first few exercises, mild pain sensations may appear in the muscles, which is also called dizziness. Do not be afraid of this, they will pass quickly. As soon as your fitness level increases, they disappear altogether.
Jumping fitness workouts at home can bring you the following results:
- You will strengthen the muscles of the whole body, making your figure as attractive as possible.
- Regular exercise will increase blood flow, reduce body swelling, speed up metabolism, and improve the body's ability to absorb food.
- Trampoline exercises are a great way to fight obesity.
- Jumping fitness is a cardio training and allows you to improve the work of the heart muscle and the entire vascular system.
- Exercise can effectively relieve stress.
- The trampoline folds up and does not take up much space, and you do not need to visit the gym, which will save money and time.
Jumping fitness using jumpers

Jumpers are special boots with a springy platform. If you just stand on them, you will rise twenty centimeters above the ground. If you see these boots for the first time, they may remind you of roller skates. At the same time, most people say that it is much easier to walk in jumpers than on roller skates.
Even if you just stand or walk on jumpers, you can significantly improve your sense of balance and balance. Let's give a little hint - to make it easier to balance on this shoe, place your foot completely on the ground, avoiding rolling from heel to toe or vice versa. During the training, you will all the time feel how the muscles of the legs are tense and this is good. Since the muscles are under load for a long time, they are perfectly strengthened and tightened. This will allow you to improve the shape of your legs.
It must be said right away that in jumpers you can perform a huge number of movements that will help strengthen all the muscles of the body, not just the legs. You are capable of jogging, developing abdominal muscles and, of course, jumping.
Let's take a quick look at the history of jumpers. The boots were created in Switzerland. The idea of their creation came to the head of Denis Neville, who at one exhibition of sports equipment noticed a very interesting and funny model of shoes with springs. He realized that this is a great idea that can help a lot of people lose weight. In 195, two years after the creation of jumpers, their research was carried out.
As a result, the following was found:
- The shock load on the joints while running is reduced by 80 percent.
- During exercise, the body consumes a large amount of oxygen and actively burns fat.
- The work of the heart muscle, as well as the vascular and lymphatic systems, improves.
Check out the complex of jumping fitness exercises in this video: