How to lose weight by jumping rope?

How to lose weight by jumping rope?
How to lose weight by jumping rope?

Learn how to intelligently vary your aerobic workouts to build endurance and lose fat. Not everyone is accustomed to calling a rope a sports equipment. Many people have a lot of pleasant childhood memories associated with it. At the same time, a jump rope, when used correctly, can help you adjust your figure and get rid of excess fat mass.

Among the advantages of using jumps for weight loss, undoubtedly one of the most important is simplicity and cheapness. The rope has a low cost, and you can train at home. Let's deal with all the questions gradually.

Jumping rope for weight loss

Jumping rope in the open air
Jumping rope in the open air

Very often, girls, in the hope of losing weight, resort to various dietary nutrition programs. However, in most cases, after returning to the usual diet, the lost mass returns. You need to remember that losing weight and then maintaining the required weight is impossible without sports. Only a combination of physical activity and nutrition can be effective.

For weight loss jumping to be effective, you need to do classes every day. With a high intensity of training for a short period of time, the body begins to experience a lack of oxygen or hypoxia. During the pauses between sets, the body makes every effort to restore normal operation in a short period of time.

As a result, a person's breathing quickens and the lungs actively absorb oxygen. Also, under the influence of physical exertion, blood flow is accelerated and this contributes to the rapid delivery of oxygen to the tissues. In this case, the blood washes away toxic substances and fats. It is for this reason that jumping rope for weight loss turns out to be very effective. In addition, you also have the opportunity to pump up the muscles of the legs, making them more attractive.

Benefits of rope training

Jumping rope in the hall
Jumping rope in the hall

To perform jumps, the muscles of the legs and buttocks must actively contract and perform a large amount of work. If you exercise regularly, then it contributes not only to maintaining muscle tone, but also to gain mass. Of course, if you want to pump up the muscles of your body more thoroughly, then you need to use strength training for this. However, jumping rope for weight loss is very effective.

Since the legs and hips with the buttocks are most actively involved in the work, it is in these places that fat deposits are burned. This is because blood flow is most active where the muscles are working. However, this does not mean that by working with a rope, you will not be able to get rid of fatty deposits in the abdominal area.

Since you maintain a certain rhythm while jumping, this has a positive effect on the performance of the respiratory system. Essentially, you train it in the same way as your heart muscle. To work with the rope to be as effective as possible, you need to train at high intensity. Research shows that for every quarter hour of rope training, you burn 200-300 calories. But it should be remembered that this is possible only with a high intensity of your activity.

How to choose a jumping rope?

Skipping rope
Skipping rope

When choosing a rope, you need to take your height as a guide. If this parameter does not exceed 1.75 meters, then a length of 2.5 meters will be enough for you. If your height exceeds 1.75, then you should opt for a 2.8 meter long rope. To make it easier for you to maintain a high intensity of the activity, choose a shell with a hard core.

A jump rope is ideal for this, inside the cord, which contains a metal wire. Let children use rope skipping ropes, as at high jumping frequency you will get tangled in a light rope. Today you can even find electronic skipping ropes on sale. If you plan to train constantly, then you can purchase this sports equipment.

The electronic filling of such a rope is located in the handles, and the cord is made of dense rubber. The electronic jump rope is capable of counting the number of jumps and can even calculate the number of calories you burned. You can read user reviews about electronic skipping ropes, and we will only let you know. That almost all of them have a positive connotation.

How to properly perform jumps for weight loss?

Jogging rope on the beach
Jogging rope on the beach

If for you working with a rope is a new type of load, then increase the intensity of the training gradually. This is especially true for people who have not previously played sports. In this situation, time is needed for the development and adaptation of all body systems. Start with a daily training session with two sessions in the morning and one in the evening, each lasting five minutes.

Your main task at this stage is to maintain a certain pace, but not very high. Watch your breathing closely, and if it chokes, try other, lighter exercises. You need to lose weight competently, and this does not imply a high load on the heart muscle.

According to people, the hardest part of jumping for weight loss is the beginning. If you start exercising, you will not stop after seeing the results. Outdoor training is ideal. It is also advisable to make a short light jog before this as a warm-up.

As we said, the basic rule for effective weight loss when working with a rope is high intensity. Start with a five or ten minute workout and gradually work your way up to 60 minutes. Each week you can increase your lessons by 5-7 minutes. Of course, jumping for an hour is very difficult, and not necessary. Divide your training time into equal chunks and rest for two or three minutes. During this time, less intense movements can be performed. To distribute the load evenly between the muscles, you can use different types of jumps:

  • Rotate the projectile back and forth alternately.
  • Jump on one leg, then on two.
  • Twist the rope.
  • Perform jumps that simulate running.
  • Perform jumps with your feet in the 4th dance position (one in front of the other).

This will not only distribute the load evenly, but also make the activity more fun. During rest between sets, it is worth doing muscle stretching and swinging exercises. You need to choose these exercises yourself, it is important that you are not at rest during the pauses. With the right organization of the training, you can lose about five pounds or even more.

Rope Training Tips

Girl with a skipping rope
Girl with a skipping rope

Sometimes on the network you can find negative reviews about training with a rope. People in them complain that they cannot get rid of excess weight. This may be due to the wrong organization of the training. You must perform the movements correctly and most importantly regularly. Here are the rules for correctly performing jumps for weight loss:

  • The back should always be flat.
  • The legs should spring not only at the moment of pushing off the ground, but also upon landing.
  • The elbow joints must be pressed against the body.
  • Always land on your legs slightly bent at the knee joints. The socks should touch the ground first.

Remember to avoid shock loading at the time of landing. If we talk about the organization of the training process. Then beginners, as we have already noted, should jump for about five minutes. At the same time, no more than 80 jumps should be made in 60 seconds, and an electronic jump rope will be very convenient here, which itself will count the number of jumps. As the duration of your session increases, you can use sets of a quarter of an hour. At the same time, you should also increase your jumping speed. Perform about 120 jumps in one minute.

Here is an example of a workout program to help you understand how to work effectively with the rope:

  • Perform basic jumps for a quarter of an hour.
  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes doing stretching movements.
  • Do double jumps for 10 minutes.
  • Work your abs for 10 minutes by doing various crunches.
  • Perform single jumps for 15 minutes.

How to get rid of extra pounds in the abdomen and thighs using a jump rope
