Home trapeze workout

Home trapeze workout
Home trapeze workout

A list of exercises that will help develop the trapezius muscles like a professional bodybuilder at home. Nobody questions the effectiveness of the training in the hall, but not every person has the opportunity to attend it. This may be due to the availability of free time or financial reasons. Be that as it may, but you can carry out a high-quality workout at home. If you want to know how to pump up a trapezoid at home, then we will tell you about this now.

It is quite understandable that in this case you will not be able to gain a large amount of muscle mass, but this is not required. Not everyone wants to be a mountain of muscles and it is enough for such people to pump up and give the body an athletic look.

Below we will tell you how to build a trapezoid at home, but now let's deal with this muscle. Training can be effective if you have an idea of where the targeting muscles are located on the body and what functions they perform. We will begin with this question.

Trapeziums can be divided into three sections - upper, lower and middle. The upper section is designed to lift the shoulder joints, the middle one, in turn, takes them back, and the lower one lowers them. It should also be remembered that each of your activities should begin with a warm-up.

How to pump up a trapezoid at home?

Trapezius muscle training
Trapezius muscle training

If you do not have dumbbells available, then you should use the horizontal bar and parallel bars, which can be found in the yard or at the school stadium. If you have the above sports equipment, then the number of exercises will increase, which will lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the training. Let's find out how to pump up a trapezoid at home.

Using a horizontal bar

Trapeze training on the horizontal bar
Trapeze training on the horizontal bar

It should be recognized that those movements that can be performed on the horizontal bar are the most effective for the development of the trapezoid at home. Let's start with wide grip pull-ups. To perform the movement, you need to grasp the horizontal bar wider than the level of the shoulder joints. As a result, not only the traps are actively involved, but also the lats of the back.

To increase the efficiency of the movement, you need to move your thumb to the side, and not wrap it around the bar. As a result, you will be able to minimize the stress on the muscles of the forearms and transfer it to the target muscles. Recall that now we are talking about how to pump up the trapezoid at home and it is she who is the goal of our training.

While moving up, try to touch the crossbar with your chest, at the upper end point of the trajectory, bring your shoulder blades together to accentuate the load on the trapezoid. The gaze should always be directed forward. Remember, the higher your shoulder joints go, the more actively the trapezoid works.

The second option for pull-ups with a wide grip for pumping trapeziums is to perform a movement behind the head. Note that the quality of training for any muscle group largely depends on your consciousness. You should strive to feel which muscles are involved in the performance of a particular movement.

When doing pull-ups behind the head, you should deliberately exclude the biceps from the work, while simultaneously transferring it to the shoulder girdle. The movement should be performed with the effort of the back, not the arms. It is also necessary to ensure that the elbow joints point downward. In addition to all that has been said, it is necessary to exclude jerks, as this significantly reduces the effectiveness of the training.

The pace of movement is no less important for effective training. The muscles will work harder the slower you work. Having reached the extreme lower position of the trajectory, the muscles must not be relaxed and they must be in tension throughout the entire set. During the upward movement, inhale, and exhale at the moment when the body descends. For beginner athletes, it will be enough to pull up only with their body weight. However, in the future, you will have to use an additional load.

With the help of bars

Trapeze workout on uneven bars
Trapeze workout on uneven bars

On the uneven bars, you can do two exercises that will help answer the question of how to pump up a trapezoid at home. The first of these is push-ups and for this you need to place your body horizontally on the ground on the uneven bars. To do this, you can mark feet on them.

In this case, the body should not bend (bend). Performing push-ups, in the upper extreme position, it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together, which will allow you to focus on the trapezoid. You should also work with maximum amplitude. Let's look at the technique of performing the second movement, which can be performed on the uneven bars for those athletes who want to know how to pump up the trapezoid at home.

Jump onto the uneven bars and take the emphasis on outstretched arms. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the body is strictly perpendicular to the ground. After that, you need to lower and raise the body, and the shoulder joints while performing movements similar to the gesture of surprise.

With push-ups

Push-ups on one arm
Push-ups on one arm

Classic push-ups can also be effective for pumping your trapezoid. We've already talked today about an exercise on the uneven bars, which resembles push-ups from the ground. But in order to load exactly the trapezoid, you need to take a special position. It concerns the position of the palms on the ground - the thumbs should touch each other. Thus, your arms should be as narrow as possible. Pressing the elbow joints against the body, begin the exercise. Also be aware of the pace, which should be as slow as possible.

The following exercise is for athletes in excellent physical condition. At some point, with regular exercise, you will be able to achieve this. First you need to take a headstand, more precisely on outstretched arms. In this case, the head is directed downward. Basically, you're going to be doing inverted chin-ups. Of course, this movement is quite difficult, because you need to not only do push-ups, but also maintain balance. You can ask a friend or girlfriend to support your legs, or use a wall for support.

Often, athletes who want to know how to pump up a trapezoid at home also ask about the number of sets and approaches in them. It all depends on the level of your training. It is possible that at first you will not be able to pull up due to weak muscles. You should try to work to failure in every exercise. This recommendation applies not only to the movements reviewed today, but to all others. It is necessary to work on the traps on the same day when you train the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Of course, you shouldn't set aside a separate day for this.

Using sports equipment

Barbell trapezoid workout
Barbell trapezoid workout

Remember, at the beginning of the article we said that if you have sports equipment, at least dumbbells, then the number of exercises that will help you answer the question of how to pump up a trapezoid at home will increase. Let's start with the use of dumbbells, because their purchase will require less money compared to a barbell, and you don't need a lot of storage space.

The first exercise will be pulling in the direction of the chin. To do this, you need to take a standing position with your feet together. Take dumbbells in your hands, lowering them along the body. After that, start lifting the shells up, working only with the muscles of the shoulder girdle. In the upper end position, your elbow joints should be above your shoulder joints and facing out to the sides.

The second movement using dumbbells is to raise the arms in an inclined position. This is a very heavy movement and you should not rush to increase the working weight. With your knees bent slightly, tilt your torso forward until parallel with the ground. Stretching your arms down in front of you, spread them to the sides, raising them as high as possible. Also, bend your elbow joints slightly to reduce the load on the bottom.

It is very important to monitor the position of the back, which should be flat at all times. This is not the most difficult movement in technical terms, but not in terms of load. If we talk about using a barbell for pumping trapezoids, then it is worth performing shrugs here. At the same time, the exercise can be performed with dumbbells. Take a starting position, similar to the pulls towards the chin. To accentuate the load on the trapeziums, bring the shoulder blades together and begin to raise and lower the shoulder joints. In this case, the muscles of the arms should be relaxed, and only the trapeziums work.

You will learn more about how to pump up trapeziums from this video: