The reasons for the rollback of the mass and how to correctly conduct the PCT

The reasons for the rollback of the mass and how to correctly conduct the PCT
The reasons for the rollback of the mass and how to correctly conduct the PCT

The problem of recoil after an AAC cycle is known to all athletes. This cannot be avoided, but losses can be minimized. Learn how to maintain muscle after steroid use. A large number of athletes will benefit from today's article. It's not a secret for anyone that now it is quite easy to buy steroids. For this reason, many hobbyists use them. Also, everyone knows about the rollback effect that appears after the completion of the AAC cycles. Today we are going to talk about how to preserve muscles after a course of steroids. This is a very important topic and if you want to minimize the loss of mass after anabolic cycle, then read on.

Reasons for a rollback after an AAS cycle

A humorous comparison of a young man before and after the AAS course
A humorous comparison of a young man before and after the AAS course

Everyone knows about the existence of the law of conservation of energy. It acts in all areas of human life, including sports. After receiving tangible dividends from the use of steroids in the form of an increase in strength indicators and a set of muscle mass, after the withdrawal of drugs, their loss follows. Nobody can completely get rid of the rollback, but it is possible and necessary to minimize these losses.

Before talking about how to preserve muscles after a course of steroids, you should understand the reasons for this phenomenon. When using AAS, the work of the entire hormonal system is stimulated and the anabolic background in the body increases. These changes can be seen in the quick recovery after training, the higher intensity of the exercises that the athlete can afford, and in the increase in muscle mass.

But after the withdrawal of drugs, at best, the hormonal system begins to function in its usual mode. The more courses of steroids you have already taken, the less effective the body's work will be after each new course. The main reason for this is the inactivity of the glands that produce natural hormones, and artificial ones are no longer supplied from outside. Thus, the reasons for the rollback are:

  • Decreased synthesis of natural hormones, primarily testosterone;
  • Increased estrogen and cortisol levels.

It should be noted that there are many reasons for the appearance of the refusal effect, but they are all related to the two indicated above. As a result, you can no longer exercise in the usual way, as you did during the anabolic cycle. If you continue your training at the same intensity, you can lose almost all the mass gained on the course.

After canceling the AAS, you have two main tasks:

  • Restore the synthesis of the natural male hormone as quickly as possible;
  • Slow down the rate of catabolic processes.

It should also be said that it is almost impossible to maintain the gained mass for a long period of time. If you do not use steroids in the future, then you will again return to the level that is genetically laid down.

How to properly carry out PCT after a cycle of anabolic steroids?

Steroid drugs
Steroid drugs

As mentioned above, you need to restore the normal functioning of the hormonal system as soon as possible. To better understand what is required for this, you should remember the basic principles of regulating hormonal levels in the body:

  • When the level of the male hormone is high (during the cycle), the production of natural testosterone decreases;
  • With a decrease in testosterone levels, its synthesis is accelerated until the necessary balance is achieved;
  • The hypothalamus and pituitary gland regulate the production of the male hormone, and the hormone is synthesized by the testes.

The regulation of testosterone levels is carried out by the so-called HHH axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-testes). Also, two more hormones are involved in this process: follicle-stimulating and luteinizing. Thus, in order to restore normal testosterone levels, it is necessary to restore all links of this chain. It should be remembered that after a course of steroids, the balance between male and female sex hormones is disturbed. This significantly interferes with the restoration of natural testosterone synthesis and it is necessary to restore this balance.

Recovery of testicles after a course

The athlete sits at the table with food
The athlete sits at the table with food

When steroids are used, they decrease in size, since they are not used by the body to produce testosterone. Even after the gonadotropic hormones (LH and FSH) are synthesized in sufficient quantities, due to the decrease in size, the testicles are not able to function normally. To correct this situation, it is necessary to use Gonadotropin (HCG).

This drug eliminates testicular atrophy. Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: with long courses of AAS, it is necessary to use Gonadotropin. It is best to administer the drug while you are on a steroid cycle. The average dosage of the drug is 500 IU twice a week. It should also be said that there are two most popular regimens for taking Gonadotropin:

  1. According to the first of these, you must use HCG 3 weeks before the end of the AAS cycle.
  2. Second circuit involves the periodic use of gonadotropin. For example, you use it mid-cycle for three weeks and then 3 weeks before the end of the cycle.

The term of three weeks was not chosen by chance. If Gonadotropin has been used longer, then the testicles may become addicted to the drug, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of its use.

Restoring the balance between male and female hormones after a course of AAS

Schematic representation of the brain of a man and a woman
Schematic representation of the brain of a man and a woman

This balance can be restored through the use of antiestrogens. The most popular drugs in this group are Tamoxifen and Clomid. The time to start taking these drugs directly depends on the half-life of the steroids used on the course.

It is necessary to wait until all steroids are removed from the body, and only after that antiestrogens should be used. But this applies only to restorative therapy carried out after the abolition of AAS drugs. If the rate of aromatization has increased significantly during the cycle, then antiestrogens should be taken to eliminate possible side effects, for example, gynecomastia.

To restore the efficiency of the hormonal system after the AAS cycle, the following Clomid regimen is used:

  • On the first day, take four times 50 milligrams of the drug.
  • Over the next 7 days, the dosage is 100 milligrams throughout the day, in two doses.
  • For the next 3 weeks, the daily dose is 50 milligrams.

Learn more about muscle preservation after a steroid cycle in this video:
