Dianabol-course for mass gain

Dianabol-course for mass gain
Dianabol-course for mass gain

Dianabol is a popular steroid among athletes. To obtain the desired result, it is important to correctly formulate the AAC cycles. Learn about the features of courses with Dianabol. The content of the article

  1. Application
  2. Dosage
  3. Side effects
  4. Nutritional supplements

Oral anabolic drugs are widespread. As in the case of injectable AAS, they can be divided into two groups: androgenic and anabolic.

Steroids with pronounced anabolic properties are characterized by the following features:

  • Significant acceleration of muscle mass gain;
  • Increased strength indicators;
  • Increased overall performance;
  • An increase in the number of red blood cells;
  • Strengthening bone tissue;
  • Decrease in subcutaneous fat.

It should also be noted that oral medications increase appetite, reduce feelings of fear, and also increase libido. Oral anabolics retain their qualities for a long time and are often used by beginners.

Their use is much easier in comparison with injection. Perhaps the only drawback of these steroids is their certain toxicity to the liver. One of the most popular and effective oral medications is Dianabol. This is a fairly "old" drug that has stood the test of time with flying colors. This is one of the main reasons for the popularity of the Dianabol Mass Gain Cycle.

The drug got its name from the pharmacist Siba, who called the substance Methandrostenolone that way. At the moment, large pharmaceutical companies have removed dianabol from production, but small firms have established its production. Tablets with dosages of 5, 10, and 50 milligrams are available on the market today.

The main reasons for Dianabol's success lie in its ease of use, low cost and high efficiency. Thus, this steroid should be discussed in more detail.

Dianabol use

Dianabol in a jar
Dianabol in a jar

Now you can find both the injectable form of Dianabol and the tablet form. The active substance of the steroid has a short half-life and for this reason, the daily dosage must be divided into two equal parts so that the level of hormones is maintained in the body. To reduce the negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be used with food.

On many specialized resources, you can often find recommendations on taking Dianabol before starting a training session, to increase the content of the active substance in the blood. We can agree with this, but in this case, the negative effects on the stomach and liver will significantly increase.

However, on the Internet you can find a large number of positive reviews about the Dianabol course for gaining mass and how the athlete should decide how to take the drug.

Dianabol dosages

Dianabol packaged
Dianabol packaged

If the duration of the cycle of use of the drug is from 4 to 6 weeks, then during the day it is recommended to use from 30 to 50 milligrams of the drug. It should be said that for novice athletes, a sufficient amount of a steroid will be from 30 to 40 milligrams. It should also be applied daily.

Such a dosage will ensure a significant acceleration of the growth of muscle tissue and the body will practically not have a negative effect. More experienced athletes tend to increase the dosage, although this is not beneficial. With a significant overestimation of the permitted doses of Dianabol, the risk of side effects increases, but the effectiveness of the drug does not increase. Professionals try not to take more than 70 or 80 milligrams during the day.

Dianabol combines well with various AAS and this allows you to increase the effectiveness of the Dianabol course for gaining mass. So let's say, with the right nutrition program, containing a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as calories, Testosterone Enanthate or Deco is used in conjunction with Dianabol. But beginners mainly use the solo drug, as this is quite enough to get a noticeable increase in muscle mass. Dianabol is effective, affordable and very easy to obtain.

Dianabol side effects

Dianabol Plates
Dianabol Plates

As mentioned above, the drug poses a certain danger to the liver. This is due to the fact that it has undergone 17-alpha alkylation and has a very high biological activity. For this reason, athletes should limit the duration of its use to reduce the negative effects on the liver. You should also, if possible, exclude other substances that can harm this organ, for example, alcohol.

Androgenic side effects, such as increased oiliness of the skin, hair loss or acne, can occur during Dianabol mass gain. Often these side effects are directly related to the athlete's genetic predisposition to them. For example, when a person is prone to baldness, there is a high probability that the use of Dianabol will speed up this process.

In addition, one should remember about the possible consequences of an increase in estrogen in the body - gynecomastia. To avoid this, it is necessary to use antiestrogens and aromatase inhibitors during the Dianabol intake cycle. The main signs of gynecomastia (growth of breast tissue in men) are itching and pain in the nipple area. Let's not forget the retention of excess fluid in the body, which causes a significant increase in the athlete's body weight at the initial phase of the anabolic cycle. This can be expressed in the fullness of the neck and face. However, at the same time, it helps to improve the functioning of the joints and increase the strength indicators. Be prepared in advance that after you finish taking the steroid, the excess weight will go away along with the liquid.

Nutritional Supplements and Dianabol

Dianabol in capsule form
Dianabol in capsule form

To reduce the negative effect on the body, lipoic acid, Milk Twist or Liv-52 should be taken together with the drug on the Dianabol course for mass gain. These agents protect the liver from exposure to 17-alpha alkylated drugs. You can also use other drugs that can protect the liver. They exist in large numbers, and finding them is not a big problem.

More about Dianabol and how to create a cycle with its participation:
