How to use IGF-1 correctly in bodybuilding?

How to use IGF-1 correctly in bodybuilding?
How to use IGF-1 correctly in bodybuilding?

Currently, security officials often use IGF-1, but there is a lot of controversy about the appropriateness of the reception. Learn how to properly use IGF-1 in bodybuilding. As soon as the artificial IGF-1 appeared on the market, disputes immediately began about the need for athletes to use it. This situation is very similar to the one that developed around growth hormone. Many athletes began to use it, not fully understanding what positive aspects are possible.

The use of IGF-1 is definitely beneficial for athletes, but first you need to understand how to properly use IGF-1 in bodybuilding. Only by understanding this issue can you achieve maximum effectiveness from the drug.

New facts about IGF-1

IGF-1 in a jar
IGF-1 in a jar

There is a lot of information about the drug, but research on its effect on the body continues and for this reason new facts are constantly appearing. We will tell you about them now.

The positive effect of the drug on the muscles has been known for a long time. In this regard, it should be noted the positive effect of the use of IGF-1 for the heart, which by and large is also a muscle. We can say that the drug is repairing this organ. The level of LDL (bad cholesterol) also decreases, which also has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.

We can also note the ability of IGF-1 to improve the absorption of chondroitin and glucosamine. These substances improve the functioning of joints, and IGF-1 is able to enhance their effect. And the last news about the drug - IGF-1 accelerates the regeneration of nerve tissues. This, in turn, allows athletes to recover faster after intense training, and the muscles respond better to stress.

IGF-1 research results

IGF-1 in the form of injections
IGF-1 in the form of injections

Most of the IGF-1 studies have been conducted in rats. Of course, it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that the effect of the drug on the human body will not be the same, however, certain conclusions can be drawn from their results. Moreover, some of the results of the experiments turned out to be very interesting.

For example, in one experiment, rats that were injected with IGF-1 and were not exposed to physical activity were able to gain more muscle mass compared with animals that were trained but did not use the drug. The effect of the use of insulin-like growth factor-1 lasted for several months.

Another interesting result was the observation that after the use of IGF-1, the animals were less susceptible to age-related changes. This suggests that the remedy is not fast acting, but works well in the long run. When using IGF-1, you should pay attention to some factors:

  • With frequent use of the drug, the synthesis of a natural hormone decreases. Thus, after using the drug or simultaneously with it, a male hormone should be administered to stimulate the production of natural IGF-1.
  • When using the drug, the permeability of cell membranes is reduced and insulin injections are needed to eliminate this problem. In the course of IGF-1 it is necessary to additionally consume zinc.
  • In the body of vegetarians, the level of the hormone is reduced and for this reason the artificial hormone will be as effective as possible.

Application and dosage of IGF-1

The doctor gives an intramuscular injection of IGF-1
The doctor gives an intramuscular injection of IGF-1

It's time to give specific recommendations on how to properly use IGF-1 in bodybuilding. The average daily dosage of the hormone is 1 microgram for every kilogram of body weight. Athletes who have already taken the drug recommend using 80 to 120 micrograms of the drug daily. For many athletes, it will be convenient to use a dosage of 100 micrograms, since this amount of the hormone is in one bottle.

The optimal time for drug administration is training days. For most athletes, this means they will have to inject the hormone 3 to 4 times a week. In theory, it is optimal to inject the drug into the target muscle. However, based on practical experience, on the day of training large muscle groups (chest, legs and back), it is best to inject into the fat deposits located on the abdomen. Local administration is necessary during the training of small muscles.

Such systemic (in the abdomen) administration of IGF-1 should be divided into three steps:

  • 40 micrograms in the morning;
  • 20 micrograms prior to training session;
  • 40 micrograms one hour after completing training.

If we talk about the local use of the hormone, then the total dosage should be divided into equivalent doses for each target muscle. For example, if you are going to train your arms, then 25 micrograms of the hormone should be injected into each of the biceps and triceps.

Nutrition and training programs for IGF-1

An athlete in the gym trains with a dumbbell
An athlete in the gym trains with a dumbbell

When it comes to the use of various drugs in bodybuilding, at least a few words should be said about nutrition, as well as training. On the days when the athlete is using the hormone, more protein compounds should be present in the diet. When the drug is not administered, the emphasis should be on carbohydrates, reducing the amount of protein compounds. It should also be said that creatine should be consumed while taking IGF-1. Moreover, this must be done, both on the days of injections, and during rest from the drug.

Now you should understand the training program for gaining mass. At the moment, we can say that training is optimal, in which the muscle tissue receives maximum damage. It will also be correct to use pumping, due to which the hormone and all the necessary nutrients will be delivered to the tissues as quickly as possible. But now research is being carried out on this issue, and soon it will be possible to say with absolute certainty what training sessions should be when using IGF-1.

For more information on the use of IGF-1 in bodybuilding, see this video:
