Liver pancakes

Liver pancakes
Liver pancakes

Table of contents:


Pancakes … How varied they can be: thin, yeast, perforated, hot, stuffed, etc. In this recipe, I want to introduce you to the recipe for liver pancakes.

Ready-made liver pancakes
Ready-made liver pancakes

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Speaking of pancakes, Maslenitsa is immediately remembered. In this festive week, you need to pamper your family with different pancakes every day. Therefore, you need to stock up on the required number of recipes. One of the Oily days, I propose to bake liver pancakes. This is a recipe for Slavic cuisine, the popularity of which is very understandable. The dish is very tasty and can decorate the table, both as an independent meal, and presented along with the filling. With them, you can arrange a delicious snack during the day, or take "envelopes" with your favorite filling with you on the road, to school or work. The dish is also used as an appetizer on the buffet table.

Pancakes can be made from any kind of liver. But most often they use beef offal, although pork, turkey, chicken are suitable. Delicious liver pancakes, both hot and cold. In addition, they can be layered with mayonnaise and assemble a "cake". For independent use with liver pancakes, it is good to serve all kinds of sauces. For example, mushroom sauce, cream-based, sour cream, etc. This recipe is also suitable for mothers whose children refuse to eat the liver. After disguising it in pancakes, the kids will not even guess that the product they do not like is in them.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 147 kcal.
  • Servings - 18-20
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes


  • Liver (any variety) - 250 g
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Milk - 350-400 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

How to make liver pancakes:

The liver is twisted in a meat grinder
The liver is twisted in a meat grinder

1. Wash the liver under running water, clean it from films and bile ducts. Pat dry with a paper towel and pass through the fine grid of a meat grinder. However, today the meat grinder has been replaced by a food processor or blender, in a bowl of which all the ingredients can be added at the same time. Therefore, such a simple process is completely simplified.

  • Choose fresh by-product, frozen should be hermetically packaged with a stated shelf life.
  • If the liver has a specific odor, then immerse it in milk for 30 minutes before cooking. This will rid the product of excess "flavor" and bitterness.
Eggs added to the minced liver
Eggs added to the minced liver

2. Beat two eggs into the twisted liver mince and add vegetable oil.

Milk is poured into the minced meat
Milk is poured into the minced meat

3. Whisk the food until the eggs and butter mix well throughout the mixture.

The products are mixed
The products are mixed

4. Pour milk into the liver and stir again. The consistency of the mass must be very liquid.

Flour is poured into the liquid component
Flour is poured into the liquid component

5. Add flour and salt.

The dough is kneaded
The dough is kneaded

6. Stir the food again. The consistency of the dough should be the same as for regular pancakes, only the color will be darker.

Pancake is fried
Pancake is fried

7. Place the pan on the stove and heat well. Lubricate the surface with a piece of bacon so that the pancake does not come out lumpy. Use a ladle to scoop the dough and pour it into the middle of the pan. Let it flow in a circle and place the pan on the stove with medium heat.

Pancake is fried
Pancake is fried

8. Fry the pancake until golden brown at the edges, then turn it over and bake for about 1 minute until golden brown.

Ready-made pancakes
Ready-made pancakes

9. Serve liver pancakes to the table after cooking or stuff them with any filling.

See also a video recipe on how to cook liver pancakes.
