Getting out of the steroid cycle correctly is very important for maintaining muscle and rebuilding the body. Learn about how and when to end your steroid cycle. Athletes may have various reasons for quitting AAS. One of the main ones, of course, is health problems. This could be for financial reasons or just advice from a friend. Athletes participating in competitions complete the course in such a way that there are no traces of steroids left in their bodies.
After completing the course, most athletes expect a strong rollback, or when they first encounter this phenomenon, they do not understand the current situation. If the course is completed incorrectly, muscle mass decreases, power indicators fall, and fat begins to accumulate. For many, this comes as a complete surprise, albeit quite predictable. Today we will talk about how and when to end a course of steroids.
What happens in the body after steroid withdrawal?

All the phenomena described above are associated with a sharp acceleration of catabolic processes, which is due to a decrease in the synthesis of the natural male hormone. The extent of this process directly depends on the dosage of androgenic steroids.
The most powerful androgens are Anadrol and Dianabol. Due to the use during the course of less androgenic AAS, say, Winstrol or Primobolan, the synthesis of testosterone by the body will not be so significant. The results of one study showed that when using a fairly mild dosage of Danabol, which is 20 milligrams per day, by the tenth day of the course, the body produces 30 percent less testosterone.
This is the first problem with steroid withdrawal. The second is the loss of a fairly large percentage of the gained mass. When using AAS, cortisol receptors are blocked, and most of this substance is in a free state. The body is forced to synthesize new receptors for cortisol in order to reduce its content in the blood.
When steroids are taken, this is not a big problem. But with the abolition of anabolic drugs, cortisol receptors are free, which leads to an acceleration of anabolic processes. For this reason, the amino acid compounds found in the muscle tissue break down, which leads to a decrease in muscle mass.
From the problems described above, the tasks that must be solved by the athlete follow:
- Restore the synthesis of the natural male hormone.
- Reduce the catabolic background.
With some knowledge, this can be achieved. Athletes using AAS should remember how and when to end a steroid cycle.
How to end a steroid course correctly?

The first thing to do before starting the cycle is to schedule the pause time between courses. This will give the athlete time to prepare to complete the cycle. Preparatory measures mean the acquisition of the necessary auxiliary drugs, as well as moral preparation for a possible failure.
When the day of the end of the course is chosen, you should begin to prepare for it. One month before this moment, the dosage of drugs with high androgenic properties should be reduced. For example, when using Dianabol, the dosage should be reduced within two weeks, so that the androgen intake is completed approximately 14 days before the end of the entire cycle.
When using injectable drugs, say esters of testosterone or Parabolan, their dosages should be gradually brought to zero over the course of a month so that this day coincides with the moment the cycle ends.
The dosage of light pill steroids should be reduced two weeks before the completion of the entire course. It is very important to calculate everything so that there is no abrupt withdrawal of all steroids. If this is allowed, then there will be a sharp acceleration of catabolic processes and, as a result, to undesirable consequences. If antiestrogens were not taken during the course, then this should be started during the last 3 weeks of the cycle. For this, a bunch of Proviron and Nolvadex is very effective. They must be taken daily in the amount of 25 and 20 milligrams, respectively.
Thanks to this step, a sharp jump in estrogen levels will not occur, which is very important with the further use of drugs designed to accelerate the synthesis of natural testosterone, for example, Gonadotropin. It should be noted that Proviron has certain androgenic properties, which will shift the balance of estrogens and androgens towards the latter.
The main drugs to accelerate the synthesis of the male hormone are the already mentioned Gonadotropin. Dinerik can also be used for these purposes. Gonadotropin is usually started two weeks before the end of the AAS cycle. The drug should be administered three times, once every three days, 5000 IU. When all the necessary Gonadotropin has been used, it is necessary to switch to taking Dinerik. This drug has been used for at least two weeks. In the first week, its dosage is 50 milligrams twice a day, and in the second, the daily dose is halved.
You should also make changes to the nutrition program. After the abolition of anabolic steroids, your metabolism will return to normal, which makes it necessary to reduce the calorie intake. At the same time, it is important to leave the amount of protein compounds taken with food unchanged. The daily dose of protein should be 2 grams per kilogram of body weight.
It is important to reduce the intensity of the training. It is best to exclude auxiliary exercises from the training program and leave only the main ones. The duration of the classes should be about an hour and do not visit the gym more than four times during the week. Here is the answer to the question of how and when to end the course of steroids? If you follow the above recommendations, you will be able to maintain most of the gained mass, and your body will recover faster.
For more information about the rules for a competent exit from the steroid course, see here: