Snake cucumber

Snake cucumber
Snake cucumber

A little-known and many-sided snake cucumber. Caloric content and chemical composition of the product, useful properties. Features of the use of trichozant, what dishes can be prepared from it. Interesting facts about the unusual vegetable. It is interesting that, despite the absolute difference in the effect on the body, the complex effect of potassium and sodium has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is much softer than drugs. Cardiac activity is not disturbed, the pressure remains stable. That is why the trichozant is recommended to be used in the diet of those who are losing weight - the elimination of edema without harm to health.

Useful properties of snake cucumber

Trichozant fruit
Trichozant fruit

The therapeutic effect is manifested not only when using traditional medicine recipes that contain a snake cucumber. The beneficial effect is guaranteed with regular consumption of the vegetable.

The benefits of snake cucumber are the following effects on the body:

  • Stimulates peristalsis and removes old toxins from the intestines. Fiber absorbs accumulated toxins and fecal stones, removes them naturally.
  • Normalizes the digestive process, relieves intestinal disorders - diarrhea or constipation, eliminates increased gas production.
  • Dissolves cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. With the risk of developing atherosclerosis, it is enough to use trichozant 3 times a week, and you can forget about the deterioration of the condition.
  • Normalizes the work of the hematopoietic system, helps maintain a stable heart rate.
  • Prevents the appearance of blood clots, prevents the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Strengthens the immune system, replenishing the reserve of vitamins and minerals increases the body's defenses, allows you to cope with the introduction of viruses in the epidemiological season.
  • Stimulates the regenerative functions of the body, accelerates the restoration of the skin after dermatological diseases and wounds with shallow damage. To shorten the rehabilitation period after operations, the pulp of the fruit is consumed not only internally, but also externally. A compress from the pulp and leaves of a snake cucumber will help the wound to heal quickly, preventing the development of a purulent-inflammatory process.
  • Stops inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, stimulates the regenerative functions of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

"Chinese snake" refers to those rare products, the properties of which advertising describes as follows: "eat and lose weight!" It is enough to introduce trichozant into the daily menu on a regular basis, and without changing food habits, it will be possible to get rid of 4-6 extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications to the use of snake cucumber

Stomach upset
Stomach upset

Contraindication to snake cucumber is individual intolerance. But even if no allergic reactions have arisen when a new product is introduced into the diet, you should not use it in unlimited quantities.

Losing weight, tired of the constant calorie counting and unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region due to the impossibility of completely satisfying hunger, enthusiastically fill the stomach with "weight loss product". Overeating can trigger an allergic reaction, with diarrhea being one of the first symptoms.

In order not to provoke health problems, it is enough to consume snake cucumber 2-4 times a week.

Snake Cucumber Recipes

Heihe salad
Heihe salad

In Asian cuisine, trichozant is used more raw. Like a regular cucumber, it is used to make salads, sandwiches, sandwiches, and complement hot dishes. Europeans prefer to use snake cucumber after heat treatment - it is fried, stewed, boiled, baked. The trichozant does not lose its taste and useful qualities in any form.

Snake cucumber recipes:

  1. Soba noodles with Chinese cucumber … 200 g of noodles are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 10-15 minutes so that it does not creep. Pour sunflower oil into a deep frying pan, heat it up, add finely chopped garlic - 4 cloves, 5 cm of ginger root, cut into slices, a little paprika powder, and fry for 4-5 minutes. Add strained fish broth - about half a glass, minced lamb - 400 g, add half a tablespoon of sugar and stew until thickened. Put the noodles in a frying pan and bring the dish to readiness with it. Two minutes before turning off, sprinkle the contents with finely chopped basil and cilantro. Sprouts of beans, roasted peanuts and slices of snake cucumber are spread on the dish, on top - hot lamb with noodles.
  2. Preservation for the winter … This recipe is suitable for all types of cucumber - regular, Chinese and snake. Chinese and snake species are preserved immature. The cucumbers are cut to length so as to get the same pieces - 6-8 cm each. It is better to first cut the fruit across, and then into 4 pieces. For 500 g of cucumbers, you need a branch of dill, 2-4 cloves of garlic, 3-4 black currant leaves, a glass of red currant berries. 1 tablespoon of salt, 3 cm of horseradish, 1 liter of boiling water. Jars and lids are sterilized, all ingredients for preservation are washed. Cucumbers and other components for pickling are poured with boiling water in an enamel saucepan, let it brew for 5 minutes, and the brine is drained. Put the cucumbers in jars, evenly distribute the spices. The brine is boiled and the jars are poured. The lids are rolled up.
  3. Cucumber snake … It is very convenient to make this salad with a long snake cucumber. A long cucumber is cut into slices, approximately 0.8-1 cm thick, slices of tomato, a straw of bell pepper, coarsely sliced greens are placed between the slices. The cucumber is laid out in the shape of a snake. The eyes can be made from olives - so that they do not fall, they are fixed with toothpicks. From olives, you can lay out the ridge - like a dragon, for this, the bones from the olives are removed and each is cut in half. It is recommended to salt vegetables before laying the cucumber pieces. When serving, it is better to secure each piece with a skewer, at the same time puncturing the vegetables-layer. This will make the salad easier to eat. As an interlayer, you can use pieces of sausage or bacon - the trichozant is combined with them to taste.
  4. Stewed cucumbers … A similar side dish goes well with chicken fillet, boiled beef, improves the taste of potato side dishes or pasta. Cut the cucumbers into even pieces, roll them in flour, add some salt, pepper. Onions are finely chopped, tomatoes are cut into slices. Vegetables are fried in sunflower oil so that juice begins to stand out from the tomatoes. Then put cucumbers in a pan, stew for 10 minutes, add sour cream and cover with a lid. As soon as the consistency thickens, add dill greens, mix again and remove from heat.
  5. Heihe salad … Funchose noodles - about a third of a skein (25 g), 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar are mixed with the same amount of soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar. Cut cabbage and cucumbers into strips. For cabbage, such cutting is familiar, but for cucumbers it is better to use special cutting devices. Carrots are also chopped into strips and all the ingredients are mixed, seasoned with olive and sesame oil - a few drops each. Then the dish is "hammered", as in the preparation of an ordinary cabbage salad. Opened chili peppers are put into the finished dish - you just need to remove the seeds.

Despite the fact that snake cucumbers belong to the Pumpkin family, they can be safely replaced with ordinary cucumbers in salads. Ripe fruits are an alternative to pumpkin in hot dishes. The only exception is porridge. The mucous consistency after heat treatment disappears, but a slight bitterness remains. This taste does not go well with cereal dishes.

Interesting facts about snake cucumber

Snake cucumber plant
Snake cucumber plant

Currently, snake cucumbers are grown not only in South and Southeast Asia, but also in Australia. In Thailand, they are one of the main ingredients of the national cuisine. The following varieties have gained particular popularity:

  • Kukumerina. Unripe fruits of this variety are 6 cm in diameter, have a white, marbled color and when ripe only slightly turn yellow.
  • Snake Guad. Unripe cucumbers are green, with dark thin stripes, turn orange when ripe; the pulp of a ripe fruit tastes like a persimmon most of all.
  • Petola Ular. Fruits are light green until fully ripe, later become reddish, rich in color; fruit length up to - 50 cm.

Trichozant is of interest not only for gardeners, it can be planted for decorative purposes. During flowering, a low liana is covered with delicate snowflake flowers with a surprisingly delicate aroma. The flowers are small, up to 4 cm in diameter, but the liana looks fabulous. The scent of the flowers has a calming effect.

An exotic plant resembles a sunflower in its properties. No matter how the lashes are shifted, they necessarily turn to the sun. Therefore, in advance, the vine should be planted so that it does not expend energy on changing the position - if this is not done, the fruits will not be tied.

With constipation and hypertension, the way of eating the fruits changes. For treatment, you need to eat 3-4 cm of cucumber in the morning and evening, during the week. It is better to be at home at this time: the condition is normalized, but on the 3rd day after the start of treatment, the diuretic and laxative effect may interfere with performing professional duties.

Watch the video about the snake cucumber:

The flesh of a young trichozant is sweetish, it tastes like a young radish and a cucumber when raw, and mushrooms when fried. The puree-like slimy pulp of a ripe fruit already resembles, depending on the variety, the pulp of a watermelon with a slight bitterness or persimmon. Fresh, frosty, watermelon aroma is preserved in all varieties even after heat treatment.
