Description of the vegetable black garlic. Features of its creation. What is included and what is the benefit to humans. Are there any contraindications and what harm it can cause when abused. Black garlic recipes. In addition, black garlic has such a combination of macronutrients and essential amino acids that it is able to fight the active growth of cancer cells in the body. The vegetable is used in dietary nutrition. It also has a positive effect on male potency.
Harm and contraindications to the use of black garlic

Whatever the beneficial elements contained in black garlic, however, the use of products that contain it should be approached with caution. Frequent and uncontrolled inclusion of a vegetable in the diet can provoke ailments.
The consequences of overusing black garlic:
- Stool disorder - there is bloating, flatulence, nausea and even vomiting. Provoked by irritation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membrane.
- Occurrence of botulism - damage to the nervous and digestive systems.
- Frequent urination - metabolic processes are accelerated, and the tone of the bladder increases.
- Weight gain - vegetable stimulates appetite.
- An epileptic seizure is provoked - convulsive contractions of the muscles of the body occur, all this can be accompanied by loss of consciousness.
- Inhibited reaction and nervousness - black garlic negatively affects the neurons of the central nervous system and causes headaches.
- Sleep problems - the urge to urinate increases, the heart rate increases.
High doses of black garlic and foods that contain it can cause calcium leaching from the body, so you should know when to stop and not get carried away by the vegetable for pregnant women.
During the breakdown of organic compounds by enzymes, black garlic loses its original components to create allicin, which causes a pungent taste and smell. They are most often the cause of irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory system. Thus, the list of absolute contraindications for black garlic is short:
- Individual intolerance - the components included in the vegetable can negatively affect health, cause dizziness, itching, irritation, nausea and fainting.
- Glomerular nephritis - glomeruli are affected, water is retained in the body due to weakened kidney function.
- Diseases of the duodenum - the mucous membrane is corroded, there is a risk of internal bleeding.
- Gastritis and ulcers - a negative effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of problems with stool.
It is not advisable to use black garlic for people infected with HIV, since it does not combine with most drugs that are taken for this disease.
Black Garlic Recipes

Due to its unusual appearance, black garlic can serve as a decoration for many dishes. However, it is good not only as a decorative element, but also as an independent snack. Its taste is especially revealed when combined with pork, poultry, fish, olives, mayonnaise and pastries.
There are many recipes for black garlic that can be used to create delicious and healthy dishes:
- Pickled garlic … The head of the vegetable is peeled, washed and dried. Then, in a half-liter jar, it is poured with boiling water, allowed to cool and the procedure is repeated again. After that, a few tablespoons of citric acid, sugar and salt, 3-4 pieces of cloves, bay leaves, dill and 3 teaspoons of peppercorns are added to the black garlic. Next, the ingredients are again poured with boiling water and the jar is rolled up.
- Vegetables with rice and black garlic … Rice grains are washed and cooked until tender. Then carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms and pearl onions are cut into small cubes and poured into a skillet with plenty of oil. Spices, salt and celery sprigs are added to taste. Cover the vegetables and simmer over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Stir them constantly. A few minutes before the end, add finely chopped black garlic. After that, boiled rice and vegetables are combined in a separate container and decorated with lettuce leaves.
- Chicken with garlic … The bird is washed, dried, rubbed with spices and salted. Then the black garlic is peeled and stuffed with chicken. In a hot and oiled frying pan, the stuffed meat is fried until golden brown. After that, the carcass is laid out on a baking sheet, half a cup of water is added and wrapped in foil so that it does not touch the chicken. Put in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 150-170 ° C. The finished dish goes well with mashed potatoes.
- Garlic soup … Put 2 chopped onions and a few cloves of black garlic, diced potatoes in a heated and oiled frying pan. Then the ingredients are poured with 2 liters of boiling water, herbs are added, pepper and salt to taste.
- Pork with garlic … The cloves of black garlic are peeled and passed through a press, a pinch of salt is added. Then it is poured with sunflower oil and half a kilogram of pork, pre-cut into small pieces, is immersed there. The ingredients are mixed and refrigerated for an hour so that everything is well saturated with the marinade. Then the meat is fried in a hot and oiled frying pan until golden brown. The dish turns out to be aromatic and juicy.
- Wine and garlic salad … Young black garlic is peeled and cut into thin strips. Then it is poured with salted boiling water and after 6-7 minutes the liquid is drained through a colander. In a separate container, mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and sunflower oil, 2 teaspoons of wine and a glass of filtered water. After that, the dressing is poured over the scalded garlic. Next, the ingredients are mixed and placed in the refrigerator for several hours. All types of cheeses and meats are combined with the dish.
- French aioli sauce … Black garlic is peeled and minced. Then the egg yolk is separated from the protein and added to the garlic. Pepper and salt to taste. The ingredients are knocked down with a blender until foam appears. After that, gradually begin to pour in 100 grams of olive oil and at the same time beat the sauce until smooth. The finished dish is served with seafood and vegetable salads.
- Falafel with tahini … A glass of peeled sunflower seeds is pre-soaked in filtered water for several hours. Then they are put in a separate container and peeled cloves of black garlic, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, herbs, 1-2 cups of chickpeas, a tablespoon of curry, a pinch of salt are added, pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Beat the ingredients with a blender until smooth. After that, the resulting mass is rolled into small balls and placed in the oven for seven hours at a temperature of 35-40 ° C. The finished dish will be crispy on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside.
- Lemon salad with black garlic … Bell peppers and cabbage are washed and cut into thin strips. Tomatoes and carrots are passed through a grater. Black garlic is chopped. After that, the ingredients are mixed and celery and parsley are added to them. Olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice are also poured there. The prepared salad is placed in the refrigerator for several hours so that everything can soak well.
Before adding black garlic to dishes, check its expiration date. If it starts to rot, becomes wet and crushed under the pressure of your fingers - throw it away without hesitation, the vegetable is of poor quality. It should be stored in dark and dry places, preferably with ventilation. Do not put food in the refrigerator. Black garlic works well with spices such as ginger, basil, sesame oil, pepper and cilantro.
Interesting facts about black garlic

The thermal fermentation process in black garlic can last from a month to six months. The structure gradually becomes softer and the aroma resembles caramel.
Several millennia ago, the followers of Taoism believed that vegetables of the Onion subfamily harm the human body. In their opinion, garlic worsened the work of the cardiovascular system, green onions - the kidneys, and leeks - the spleen. The Indians also believed that onion plants caused excessive nervousness, anxiety and exhaustion. Thus, they were classified as vegetables that are harmful emotionally, spiritually and physically.
In India, black garlic was not added to food for a long time, as it was considered a medicinal plant. It has been used to combat hemorrhoids, epilepsy and digestive system problems.
In Egypt, black garlic is found in the tombs of the pharaohs. History also shows that this vegetable was necessarily included in the diet of workers who built the pyramids. When the garlic was not received in a timely manner, a riot arose.
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