Find out how you can boost your fat burning process by using a non-standard set of exercises that increase your metabolism. Everyone knows that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to follow a special nutrition program and play sports. In principle, diet may be quite enough, but physical activity allows you to burn fat more efficiently. There are a lot of people who want to lose weight, but not many decide to do something to achieve this goal.
The reasons for this may be different, but more often than not, it's all about our laziness. If you belong to this category, then we suggest you get acquainted with breathing exercises for weight loss. Scientists have found that with proper breathing, you can activate the lipolysis process and get rid of fats.
In addition, you should constantly monitor your breathing. Scientists have been studying the effect of respiration on fat burning processes for a long time, and have come to the following conclusions:
- The percentage of oxygen in the planet's atmosphere is constantly decreasing due to heavy pollution.
- Frequent stress and the rapid pace of modern life force most people to take frequent, shallow breaths, which does not contribute to the high-quality saturation of the body with oxygen.
Thus, if you begin to control your breathing, you can heal your body.
Why does breathing exercises bring results?

Scientists have found a large number of microscopic villi in the human digestive system, which are designed to assimilate various nutrients. For their normal functioning, the need for oxygen is much higher in comparison with other internal organs. If you use shallow breathing, the villi cannot get enough oxygen, which reduces the metabolic rate by about a third, and the quality of nutrient absorption is reduced by more than 70 percent.
For permanent weight loss, it is necessary to create conditions for the conversion of nutrients into energy. For this, the body uses ATP molecules, which can be synthesized exclusively in an alkaline environment, which requires oxygen. Thus, using deep breathing, you maintain the necessary pH, which allows you to effectively break down fats.
Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body that accumulate in adipose tissues. For a long time, scientists have proven that these harmful substances negatively affect the work of all body systems. At the same time, almost 70 percent of toxic substances can be converted into a gaseous state and removed from the body through breathing. When using deep breathing, the amount of toxins excreted from the body increases tenfold.
It is oxygen that is essential for the oxidation of adipose tissue. When the blood washes them at a high oxygen content, the lipolysis process accelerates dramatically. Most often, a person uses only a third of the lungs' capabilities, which noticeably slows down the process of fat burning. By using breathing exercises for weight loss, you can reduce the concentration of stress hormones in your blood. It is known that many people seem to "seize" stress, and excessive consumption of food leads to an increase in body weight.
The mechanism of work of breathing exercises for weight loss

During the research, scientists were able to establish that breathing exercises for weight loss can burn 140 percent more body fat compared to running. At the same time, throughout the day, metabolism is at a high level, which also contributes to maintaining the required body weight.
When the first study was published showing that women can effectively use breathing exercises to lose weight, they were met with considerable skepticism. However, further research in this direction only confirmed the validity of this statement. Today, no physiologist has any doubts that proper breathing is an effective tool in the fight against fats.
If you want to know whether breathing exercises for weight loss will be effective for you, then it is enough to pass a very simple test. To do this, you need to place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. After that, you should take four breaths in and out the way you breathe in ordinary life.
If the hand on the chest remains motionless, then your breathing is correct. It is breathing with the help of the abdomen that allows you to maximize the saturation of the body with oxygen. When a hand lying on your chest moves during breathing, then your body is constantly experiencing oxygen starvation.
Types of breathing exercises for weight loss

- Strelnikova's system. This system appeared in the Soviet Union back in the thirties. First of all, it was used to restore the voice of singers, and later it was proved to be effective in the fight against asthma, acute respiratory infections, disorders of the reproductive system and for weight loss. The essence of the technique consists in making a short, sharp exhalation with the nose with a compressed chest.
- Bodyflex. The system was created by American housewife Greer Childers. The essence of this method is to direct oxygen to those areas where it is necessary to get rid of adipose tissue. The system assumes a special breathing technique. According to the author of the system, to obtain an excellent result, you need daily exercises, the duration of which is a quarter of an hour. In this case, there is no need to use special dietary nutrition programs, however, all exercises of this breathing exercises for weight loss are performed on an empty stomach. The essence of this method is that after inhaling, it is necessary to take a deep exhalation and inhale sharply again. The breath is then held for eight counts. In this case, you need to perform a few simple exercises.
- Oxysize. This system has a lot in common with the previous technique. At the same time, the Oxysize system is more soft and there are no sharp breaths in and out. Also, the system has practically no contraindications and this breathing exercises for weight loss can be used even during pregnancy. Exercising on the Oxysize system, you need to take one deep breath and three small breaths. In the same way, it is necessary to exhale air from the lungs. A total of 30 repetitions should be performed. All exercises of the system can be performed at any time, and not necessarily on an empty stomach. During training, the abdominal muscles contract about 250 times over a quarter of an hour, and this is the main reason for the activation of lipolysis processes. The system is recognized as effective in the fight against migraines, problems with the functioning of the female reproductive system, as well as stomach diseases.
- Qigong and Jianfei. Many people know about Qigong gymnastics and it is a very effective means for improving the body. However, in order to obtain the desired result, classes must be conducted under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Jianfei is a type of Qigong. From the Chinese, the name of this breathing exercises for weight loss can be translated as "lose fat". The optimal time to use Jianfei is fasting days, since with the help of these exercises you can effectively fight hunger, relieve fatigue and normalize metabolism.
The principles of breathing exercises for weight loss

Now we will introduce you to one complex of gymnastics, for which you need to spend a quarter of an hour. You can also divide one lesson into three, the duration of which will be 5 minutes. The main thing to pay attention to is breathing technique. You need to fully focus your attention on this.
- Breathe in. Inhale as much air as possible through your nose, relaxing your abdominal muscles. This will increase the volume of your lungs.
- Rise. Holding your breath, tense your abdominal muscles by pulling in and lifting your stomach. After that, hold your breath for ten counts. You can place one hand on your stomach to control your breathing.
- Tilt-squeeze. Tilt the body forward and then straighten. In this case, the muscles of the buttocks should be in tension. Hold this position for ten counts.
- Exhalation. Breathe out the air as if through a straw, thereby creating resistance. In this case, the muscles of the press and buttocks must remain in tension until all the air is removed from the lungs.
How breathing exercises can help in losing weight and cleansing the body, see this story: