How to change the intensity of your bodybuilding workout?

How to change the intensity of your bodybuilding workout?
How to change the intensity of your bodybuilding workout?

In bodybuilding, the intensity of training changes not only due to the progression of loads, but also due to a decrease in rest and other chips, which you will find out about right now. Before starting a conversation about how to change the intensity of training in bodybuilding, you need to define the very concept of "intensity". In bodybuilding, the intensity depends on the working weight of the sports equipment or the percentage of the repetitive maximum (RM). The following training classification has been adopted:

  • Low-intensity training - from 10 to 40% PM;
  • Medium-intensity training - from 40 to 80% PM;
  • High-intensity training - 80 to 100% PM.

With a broader consideration of the concept of "intensity" we can say that this is the amount of energy expended per unit of time, for example, one lesson or cycle.

Intensity of bodybuilding training while gaining mass

Athlete exercising with a dumbbell
Athlete exercising with a dumbbell

In order to prevent the muscles from adapting to the load, athletes need to change the intensity of their training. This approach to organizing the training process is called periodization. The maximum results can be achieved using the following scheme:

  • 1 week - high-intensity training;
  • 2 week - classes with medium intensity;
  • 3 week - maximum high-intensity training;
  • 4 week intensity is low.

The main mistake most athletes make is to keep the intensity at about the same level each week. By reducing the load in every fourth week, athletes will be able to train more efficiently for the remaining weeks. If you are not able to perform a certain action at the moment, it does not mean at all that it cannot be performed in the future.

With low intensity weeks, when the muscles have received significantly less stress, you will give them the opportunity to adapt to the stress received during the previous three weeks.

It should be remembered that in bodybuilding, the training process is based precisely on the body's ability to adapt to stimulating loads. However, it is impossible to stimulate adaptation and achieve it at the same time. These two processes can only occur sequentially. When the load is reduced for a short period of time (one week), it is much easier for the muscles to adapt to the previous ones. It should also be remembered that strength gains increase after completing low-intensity training over the next week.

Intensity and volume of bodybuilding training

Athlete performs barbell press
Athlete performs barbell press

Due to the intensity and volume of training, an athlete can objectively assess his results and control the training process without crossing the line of overtraining. Simply put, the athlete needs to know what average weight was used and how many kilograms was lifted during the session.

For example, let's say you did a warm-up set with a weight of 60 kilograms for 12 reps. In the third set, the weight was increased to 80 kilograms, and the number of repetitions was reduced to 10. In the fourth set, you worked with 100 kilograms in 8 reps. The fifth approach was the final, in which the weight of the sports equipment was 120 kilograms with 6 repetitions. If we sum up the entire load for five sets, then the total volume of training will be 3760 kilograms.

After that, you need to determine the average weight used for the exercise. To do this, divide the total by the number of repetitions in all sets. In our case, the average weight will be 78 kilograms. This will allow you to control the intensity of your workouts and make your progress consistent.

How do I change the intensity of my workouts?

Athletes in the gym
Athletes in the gym

There are a few simple but very effective ways to increase the intensity of your exercise now.

Reducing the duration of rest

The girl stopped to rest while jogging
The girl stopped to rest while jogging

This is the easiest way to increase the intensity. Reduce the working weight by 5-10 percent, while leaving the number of sets and reps unchanged. At the same time, also reduce the pause time between sets to 30 seconds. It is enough to train in this mode for a couple of weeks, after which you can return to your usual training.


Girl training with dumbbells
Girl training with dumbbells

The superset method involves training antagonist muscles. These are muscles that perform opposite functions, such as hamstrings and quadriceps, triceps and biceps, chest muscles, and latissimus dorsi.

After choosing one exercise to train each muscle from the indicated pairs, you should make one approach from them. In practice, it looks like this. You have chosen push-ups (develop triceps) and curls of the arms on the machine (for biceps).

After that, it is necessary to perform eight repetitions of flexion of the arms and perform 8 push-ups without pause. Follow about 5 of these approaches. It should also be remembered that it is recommended to use supersets for each pair of antagonist muscles no more than once a week.

Forced replays

The athlete performs the bench press
The athlete performs the bench press

A very effective way to increase the intensity when using which you will need the help of a friend. For example, let's say you did 8 reps of bicep curls. Feeling tired in the muscles, you perform another "extra" rep. However, even after this exercise is not completed.

You need to smoothly, controlling the movement, lower the sports equipment and start performing the tenth repetition, where a friend will help you slightly. This will allow you to do a couple more repetitions.

Negative repetitions

The athlete trains in the gym
The athlete trains in the gym

As with forced reps, doing negative reps will require the help of a partner. The difference between these methods of increasing the intensity of training is that your friend will lift the sports equipment instead of you, and you have to perform only the negative phase (lower the equipment). Negative reps for different muscles should be done no more than once a month.

Learn more about changing the intensity of the training in this video:
