If your goal is to gain lean muscle mass, relief and health? Then Masteron is exactly the drug that should be used in bodybuilding. With the help of Masteron, athletes dry up or increase their strength indicators, which is very important for powerlifting representatives when it is necessary to increase strength, but at the same time remain in the same category. If you use the drug in combination with male hormone esters, then you can gain muscle mass. It should be noted that Masteron has anti-estrogenic properties and the whole mass will be of high quality.
It is important to remember that the cost of Masteron is quite high and if you do not expect competition in the near future, then it is better to use the steroid for its intended purpose. For mass gain, there are a large number of courses that will be more effective at a significantly lower cost. The effectiveness of Masteron in drying cycles is confirmed by its properties of a diuretic, and the feasibility of using it to increase strength - the ability not to increase blood pressure. But nothing can prove the expediency of mass-gathering cycles with the participation of Masteron.
Masteron characteristics

Masteron has a powerful anabolic and androgenic effect on the body, is an aromatase inhibitor and a diuretic. The active substance of the steroid is Drostanolone. The drug is not subject to conversion into female hormones and reduces the level of globulin. The half-life of the steroid is short and ranges from 2 to 3 days. For this reason, it should be taken daily or once every two days.
At the same time, its metabolites are rapidly excreted from the body, which makes it possible to use it in the preparatory period for the competition. Its diuretic properties are also quite important.
Since the active substance of Masteron is an ester of dihydrotestosterone, the drug actively suppresses aromatase and reduces the level of estradiol. If a low-carbohydrate nutrition program is added to the course of the drug, then the athlete can get rid of a large amount of fat. Also, the positive aspect of using Masteron is the absence of the risk of rupture of muscles or ligaments, as can be the case with Winstrol.
It is better for novice athletes to gain experience and only then start using this steroid. This applies not only to drying (it is better for beginners to use Oxandrolone for this), but also mass gain. For beginner powerlifters, Turinabol is recommended instead of Masteron. If you do not face the problem of changing the weight category, then the best option would be to use the Deka.
Masteron course

The duration of courses with Masteron is on average 6 to 10 weeks. At the same time, a ten-week cycle is best used for gaining mass or increasing strength, and for burning fat - about six.
Steroid dosages range from 200 to 600 milligrams. The effect can be felt quite quickly already when using 400 milligrams of the steroid. Professionals often take 1000 milligrams for a week, but for ordinary athletes, a maximum of 600 milligrams will be enough. You can enter the steroid every day or every other day.
Solo Masteron is used for drying only. If you need to gain weight, testosterone is the ideal combination. Somewhat less often, athletes use Trenbolone or Boldenone for these purposes. The effectiveness of combining Masteron with these two AAS is also quite high.
For strength development, Testosterone, Methandienone, or Turinabol are the best options. If we continue talking about combined steroid cycles, then it can be used for drying. In this case, there is no alternative to the combination of Masteron and Oxandrolone.
Masteron course for beginner athletes

Beginners can use Masteron Solo in the amount of 50 milligrams, taking it every other day, or in combination with Methandienone (30 milligrams daily). The duration of the courses is six weeks.
Mass collection course of Masteron

Excellent results can be obtained by using 300 to 400 milligrams of Masteron weekly in combination with 400 milligrams of Testosterone Propionate (dosage per week) as well as 300 milligrams of Trenbolone Acetate (weekly dosage). All steroids should be taken every other day and cycle times are eight weeks.
Masteron course to increase strength

An excellent increase in strength performance can be obtained by using 300 to 400 milligrams of Masteron, 400 milligrams of Testosterone Propionate and 40 milligrams of Turinabol daily. Propionate and Masteron should be used every second day for a total course duration of eight weeks.
Masteron course on drying

The optimal combination is a weekly intake of 400 milligrams of Masteron and 50 milligrams of Oxandrolone every day. The cycle lasts from 6 to 8 weeks.
At the same time, it is important to remember about nutrition and training, without which no steroid will give the expected effect. After Masteron courses, it is necessary to carry out restorative therapy and before starting the cycle, you should think carefully about this moment. Correct restorative therapy is even more important than the AAS course itself. If you have received insufficient effect from the use of steroids, then after a while you can repeat the cycle, correcting the mistakes made. If you did the wrong post-cycle recovery, you can harm the body.
No matter what they say or write, steroids can be dangerous and must be approached responsibly. It is better to calculate everything well than to pay for the mistakes made. Of course, water can become poisonous if used thoughtlessly, but steroids by themselves are not harmless drugs. Interfering with the hormonal system can be expensive.
For more details on the use of Masteron in bodybuilding, see this video: