Yohimbine Hydrochloride in Bodybuilding: All the Secrets

Yohimbine Hydrochloride in Bodybuilding: All the Secrets
Yohimbine Hydrochloride in Bodybuilding: All the Secrets

Learn how to properly use a safe and affordable fat burner that will help you lose 5 to 10 kg of fat while dieting. Yohimbine is a vegetable alkaloid. It is quite a powerful stimulant and aphrodisiac, extracted from the bark of the Yohimbe tree, which grows in Africa. Today we will talk about the use of Yohimbine Hydrochloride in bodybuilding.

Yohimbine Hydrochloride Properties

Yohimbine Hydrochloride Jar
Yohimbine Hydrochloride Jar

The action of the substance is similar to ephedrine, but there are certain differences. For example, yohimbine does not stimulate the synthesis of adrenaline and, as a result, does not cause an increase in pressure on the walls of blood vessels. This drug is well tolerated and quickly absorbed. At the same time, even if the doses are exceeded, side effects are extremely rare. Among the many properties of Yohimbine, we note the following:

  • The production of the male hormone is accelerated;
  • The effect of thermogenesis is enhanced;
  • Muscular activity increases;
  • The work of the nervous system improves and the concentration of the athlete increases;
  • Cognitive functions are improved;
  • Sexual attraction increases.

Yohimbine has few contraindications. These include diseases of the liver and kidneys, disturbances in the work of the heart and intolerance to the body. Many athletes assume that the drug is a testosterone booster and forces the body to use fat as an energy source. To date, these assumptions have no scientific evidence base.

The mechanism of work of Yohimbine is based on its ability to block alpha-androgen receptors, which are concentrated in the places of greatest accumulation of fatty deposits (chest, thighs and abdomen). This is what allows you to effectively fight fat.

Uses of Yohimbine Hydrochloride

Yohimbine Hydrochloride Packaged
Yohimbine Hydrochloride Packaged

Yohimbine is used by many athletes today because of its ability to accelerate the breakdown of fat cells. The energy received in the course of this reaction can be expended during training. The drug can be used not only by men, but also by girls. Gaining muscle mass is difficult, but losing fat is even more difficult. This can be helped by a dietary nutrition program, training and fat burners, to which Yohimbine belongs.

A safe dose of the drug is in the range of 10 to 20 milligrams. In turn, to obtain optimal results, you should take the drug in an amount of 0.2 milligrams for each kilo of your own weight. If you weigh 90 kilograms, then you need to take 18 milligrams of Yohimbine daily.

The daily dosage should be divided into three equal doses and washed down with water after use. The first meal must necessarily take place in the morning before meals. Take Yohimbine the second time about 60 minutes before starting your workout, and the last time three or four hours before a meal.

If you start taking Yohimbine Hydrochloride, then you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, while increasing the proportion of protein compounds. This will reduce the synthesis of insulin, which helps to gain fat mass. In combination with Yohimbine, you can also use BCAAs and vitamin complexes. Also, when losing weight, you should not take the drug together with food, so as not to reduce its effectiveness. Also, to increase the effectiveness of the course, you can use coffee or tablets of caffeine in a daily dose of 200 milligrams.

But you shouldn't add ephedrine either. This will significantly increase the stress on the heart. You have to choose between caffeine and ephedrine. Also, the list of drugs that cannot be used in conjunction with Yohimbine Hydrochloride includes all substances that enhance thermogenesis or reduce the synthesis of norepinephrine. The duration of the course is 3-10 weeks.

For more information on Yohimibine Hydrochloride, see this video review:
