Riboxin is the first non-steroidal drug to be used in sports. Learn how to properly use Riboxin in bodybuilding. Riboxin has been used by athletes for a long time as an additional drug to anabolic courses. It does not belong to the steroid group, and it was the first such substance to be used by athletes. Riboxin is a nucleic acid similar in structure to guanine and adenine. The main source of the substance is meat by-products and brewer's yeast.
Riboxin properties

Riboxin is a very useful substance for the body. It has a lot of positive properties, and here are the main ones:
- Increases the throughput of hemoglobin;
- Takes an active part in metabolic processes;
- Stimulates the synthesis of insulin and, as a result, improves the absorption of carbohydrates by the heart muscle;
- Promotes vasodilation;
- Increases endurance and training intensity;
- Regeneration processes are accelerated, immune mechanisms are enhanced.
Only the most important properties of the substance are indicated above. All athletes know that when working with large weights, muscle tissue requires a lot of energy. Riboxin can become an additional source, replacing ATP. The drug accelerates metabolism in the body and improves oxygen supply to muscle tissues.
It should be noted that Riboxin is necessary for glucose metabolic processes and accelerates these processes in the absence of ATP. It is also used by the body in oxidative processes, accelerating them. Thanks to Riboxin, the metabolism of many substances, including pyruvic acid, is accelerated, tissue respiration is normalized and the activity of xantidehydrogenase increases. Riboxin increases the strength of contractions of the heart muscle, and the myocardium is able to completely relax in diastole. This significantly improves the nutrition of all body tissues.
When using Riboxin, platelet aggression decreases, tissues are regenerated much faster, especially for the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and myocardium. Also, Riboxin is able to eliminate all the consequences of renal ischemia, which is possible after surgery.
Riboxin is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and its metabolism takes place in the liver. During this process, glucoronic acid is formed, which is then oxidized and excreted by the kidneys. Athletes should remember that any drug intended to enhance performance should be used with caution. Before using them, it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist. Although there were no side effects when taking Riboxin, the dosage should not be exceeded.
When Riboxin is taken in the body, metabolic processes will be significantly accelerated, tissues will be able to better tolerate the lack of oxygen and absorb it faster. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the work of the heart, which is very important for high-intensity training.
Application of Riboxin

Riboxin is a common medication that is widely used in traditional medicine. It is used to treat heart disease, diseases of the stomach, duodenum and liver. Riboxin is also used to eliminate liver problems caused by prolonged alcohol use. The drug is also very useful for athletes who take the drug on steroid cycles.
The drug is also used for glaucoma, thereby improving vision. In sports, sprains often occur and for their prevention it is necessary to strengthen the blood vessels. This is exactly what Riboxin can do.
Quite often you can hear that Riboxin is one of the best anabolic agents, although there are those people who do not agree with this opinion. Be that as it may, but Riboxin will definitely be useful for athletes.
Previously, Soviet weightlifters actively used Riboxin, although the effectiveness of its use at that time was not proven. Now we can say quite definitely that when using Riboxin together with B vitamins, glycerophosphate, orotate and methiuracil, athletes can achieve high results. The drug can be used by both "natural" and "chemical" bodybuilders.
It should also be said that Riboxin is a substitute for creatine, but its cost is significantly lower. Also, the drug has no side effects. The only contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance. Although such cases are extremely rare when using Riboxin in approved dosages.
Riboxin dosages

Riboxin is available in tablet form, and you need to take it 30 minutes before meals. For the first four days, one tablet should be taken. This time is quite enough to understand how the drug is tolerated by the body. If there are no problems, then the dosage should be increased to 2.5 grams taken throughout the day. To determine the most effective dosage, you should use a simple formula: for every ten kilograms of body weight, you need to take 0.15 grams of the drug. This daily dose should be divided into several doses.
It is very useful to use Riboxin before starting a training session, 1 or 2 hours in advance. The course of Riboxin lasts no more than three months, after which it is necessary to pause. Riboxin is very effective for high intensity training due to its ability to accelerate recovery processes. The drug has many beneficial properties and has no side effects, which makes it a valuable tool for achieving the goals set for the athlete.
For more information on the use of Riboxin in bodybuilding, see this video: