How to conduct fairy tale therapy

How to conduct fairy tale therapy
How to conduct fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy as one of the ways to deal with life's difficulties. Rules for conducting at home. Selection of fairy tales for children of different ages and adults. Fairytale therapy is one of the methods of psychological influence on a person, which contributes to the development of personality and the correction of already formed purely individual problems. The tool of this direction is fairy tales, in which a certain style of behavior and options for solving life situations from the outside can be traced. The use of this technique has no age restrictions and allows you to influence both the child and the adult.

Description and functions of fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale as a transfer of experience to children
Fairy tale as a transfer of experience to children

The method of fairy tale therapy provides an opportunity to know oneself through the abstractness and magic of a fairy tale. When rereading a favorite story, the reader unconsciously singles out a hero who is close to himself, his demeanor and actions are regarded as acceptable for the reader himself. This method has many directions, which are determined according to the goals set.

There are such directions of fairy tale therapy:

  • Solving life tasks … Helps a person develop a model of behavior in a particular situation. In fairy tales, you can see a specific problem and many effective suggestions for overcoming it. Thus, the reader is given the opportunity to choose the best option for solving his life problems.
  • Transfer of experience … Through fairy tales, the elders pass on their life experience to the younger generation, teach moral norms and goodness, show "what is good and what is bad." After all, the stories that he loves become the first teachers in a child's life.
  • Development of thinking … It is used at the age from 3 to 12 years old. When adults read a fairy tale to a child, then they ask him to analyze the actions of the heroes, to tell who, in his opinion, is a good character and who is not, or provide an opportunity to come up with a continuation of the story. Thus, thinking, memory, creativity of the baby develops.
  • Medical and psychiatric direction … The therapeutic method enables a person to come up with his own fairy tale and show it to a psychologist. The latter carries out the interpretation and highlights the problems that will have to be dealt with in the future.

The advantage of fairy tale therapy is that it contains many necessary technologies, from diagnostics, prevention, personality development and ending with correction. Psychologists distinguish the following functions of the technique:

  1. Reducing barriers between therapist and client … Allows you to quickly establish contact and tune in to further work.
  2. Analysis of problems deeply hidden in memory … Children's grievances that negatively affect a person's life can be traced in the client's favorite fairy tale or invented by him.
  3. Exit from difficult, ambiguous life situations … On the examples of the heroes of fairy tales, you can find a way out of any turmoil, because all the stories have an instructive meaning. It is possible that someone has already experienced the same problems and was able to overcome them in a certain way.
  4. Actualization of the personal moments hidden by the client … Even if a person tries to hide the problems that bother him from the therapist, not considering them especially important, then this will not be possible, because the subconscious mind will still reveal them in the discussion or composition of fairy tales.
  5. Displaying internal conflict … The opportunity is given to reveal contradictions in oneself and, through a fairy tale, reflect on them.

Having considered the directions and functions of fairy tale therapy, it can be argued that this method helps to overcome phobias, instill basic everyday skills and love for the environment, develop imagination and vocabulary, reveal individuality, warn against troubles, raise self-esteem, separate good from evil, teach to overcome life difficulties.

Having learned the essence of fairy tale therapy and learned to use its technologies, parents of young children protect themselves from problems with adolescents in the future. Adults, sometimes under fear of not finding a way out of difficult life situations, find clues in ordinary fairy tales.

Features of conducting classes in fairy tale therapy

Staging a fairy tale by children
Staging a fairy tale by children

Classes touch on several aspects of a person's life, which in turn reveal his archetypes and social attitudes. Through the plot of a fairy tale, you can find out what exactly the individual is living in at the moment and what worries him. Only upon completion of this stage will it be possible to build further treatment.

Modern methods of fairy tale therapy:

  • Work on an existing fairy tale … In the lesson, a well-known work is being worked out. The characters and their relationships with each other are discussed.
  • Self-writing a fairy tale … A person composes a story that helps the psychologist to study in more detail his condition, social circle and relationships with friends.
  • Dramatization or dramatization of a written fairy tale … This method allows you to be an actor and take on a role that carries a certain emotional meaning, to relive those frightening, exciting moments for people and to understand that there is nothing wrong with that, that all bad things come to an end.
  • Work on the ending of the tale … This may be a discussion of a famous fairy tale, the end of which is proposed to be changed. In addition, you can come up with its continuation.
  • Art therapy work based on the plot of a fairy tale … Here, fine art is taken as a basis, which implies drawing, modeling or construction based on the content of a certain work.

In order for the lesson on fairy tale therapy to be productive, you need to prepare for it in advance. Based on the chosen method, handouts are prepared (pictures, pencils, album sheets, plasticine, etc.), books, paintings, music, costumes, the optimal way of conducting is chosen (sitting at desks, in a circle, on the floor), according to a certain structure lesson plan.

The structure of the fairy tale therapy classes:

  1. The ritual of "immersion" in a fairy tale … A mood for teamwork is created - listening to fabulous melodies or meditating on the transition to a fabulous world.
  2. Acquaintance with a fairy tale … The audio recording is being read or listened to.
  3. Discussion … The moderator asks questions related to the main character and the plot of the entire story. The value of the tale is definitely determined, what it can teach the audience.
  4. Art therapy work … Drawing heroes or the most interesting moment of a fairy tale.
  5. The ritual of "exit" from the fairy tale … Close your eyes and together count to 3, on the count of "three" transfer from the world of magic to the audience.
  6. Summarizing … Based on the answers to the questions posed, the therapist interprets the personality of each participant. Upon completion, he communicates his findings to them, either individually or with the entire group.

Thus, having the skeleton of the lesson and the material necessary for it, the presenter can easily arrange a child or an adult to himself and set him up for productive work.

How to apply fairy tale therapy for adults and children

Fairytale therapy can be applied in different ways depending on the characteristics of the person with whom the work is being carried out. Age, mental and physical abilities are taken into account. A fairy tale, due to its simplicity, is able to penetrate into the unconscious of each individual and influence his personal guidelines, under the influence of which many ways out from any problem situation are provided.

How to use fairy tale therapy in work with preschoolers

Fairy tale therapist while reading
Fairy tale therapist while reading

Fairytale therapy for preschoolers is the most effective method aimed at the all-round development of the baby, and is one of the most interesting technologies of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. The lesson can be conducted both individually and in groups (up to 12 people).

Fairy tales are selected according to the age of the child. For children aged 1 to 4 years old, works with animals as the main characters are suitable. Kids from 5 to 6 years old can already read fairy tales with non-existent characters, such as fairies, goblins and others. Ways to help you achieve success when working with children:

  • Practical activity based on a fairy tale … It is necessary to find out what the child loves to do more (to draw, sculpt, design, etc.), and include his desire in the structure of the lesson. Thus, in the process of practical activity, a conversation is foreseen, the material will be fixed and the boundaries for psychoanalysis will expand.
  • Host interest … While reading a story, a fairy tale therapist himself must immerse himself in a fairy tale, and only then will he be able to convey the necessary meaning of the work to the child and interest him.
  • Emotional design of fairy tales … To interest preschoolers in a work, it is necessary to show those emotions that are inherent in the heroes of a fairy tale. This will help expressive reading, intonation, facial expressions, gestures.
  • Working on the child's mood … If the kid is upset, did not get enough sleep or is tired, then the lesson in fairy tale therapy should be postponed, because he will not be able to immerse himself in work, but will only become sadder even more.

Rules for organizing fairy tale therapy work with preschoolers:

  1. Consider the ages of the children … When preparing for the lesson, you need to choose a work according to age, so that the baby can understand the content and comprehend it.
  2. Dosage of information presented … Classes should be built according to a certain structure, remember that everything is good in moderation. Acquaintance with the fairy tale is accompanied only by examining the illustrations for it.
  3. Therapeutic focus … After reading, it is advisable to play with the plot, discuss it or draw fragments from a fairy tale.
  4. Lack of moralizing … It is necessary to avoid pressure on the child, moralizing from an adult, because the environment during the lesson should be unobtrusive and friendly.
  5. Summing up … After reading, it is imperative to analyze the tale, the characters and find out what impression this made on the children.

This method allows you to reveal the soul of the baby, enrich him with knowledge and form character. Taking into account all the rules during preparation for the lesson, the leader gets the opportunity to achieve their goals and build trusting relationships with their wards.

Fairytale therapy in work with school-age children

Making dolls for a fairy tale
Making dolls for a fairy tale

Fairytale therapy for schoolchildren helps them to open up and get rid of exciting problems. For younger students, it is recommended to use fairy tales, in the plot of which there is magic, and fairy tales-parables are already brought into the work with the elders, because they carry the meaning of life philosophy.

Forms of conducting fairy tale therapy:

  • Telling or composing fairy tales … During the story, the child expresses the emotions that he is feeling. Based on this, you can analyze his attitude to a particular event and character. By inviting the student to compose his own fairy tale, the presenter makes it possible to develop fantasy and imagination.
  • Drawing a fairy tale … It helps to express your attitude to the work in colors and in some cases is a way to get rid of fears.
  • Making dolls … Creating characters with your own hands allows you to develop finger motor skills, improve attention. When creating a doll, children put their soul into it and think over the order of actions, which trains thinking. Then the kids play with the characters, can stage a fairy tale and take responsibility for the role. This method develops communication skills, enriches the experience of interactions between people.

Fairy tales contribute to the development of personality and consciousness, they make you believe in miracles. By applying in their work various forms of conducting classes and using them in stages, parents, teachers or psychologists will be able to develop in children an interest in this type of activity, which will save them from problem manifestations.

How to use fairy tale therapy in working with adolescents

Fairytale therapy as a method of uniting adolescents
Fairytale therapy as a method of uniting adolescents

Adolescence is the life stage at which the formation of the personality takes place. Fairytale therapy for adolescents is a tool that connects their external and internal world. Thanks to fairy tales, young people learn to interact with the world around them, come into contact with people and show their individuality.

Working with adolescents is divided into three stages:

  1. Initial … At this stage, adolescents are rallied in a group lesson, the rules of communication are discussed. If the participants are unfamiliar with each other, then acquaintance occurs at this stage. Fairy tales are chosen that are simple in content and easy to understand, this will allow children to be attracted to productive activities. The initial stage should include the transition to the fairy-tale world through a pre-selected exercise (magic word, counting to a certain number).
  2. The main … Work is underway on the identified problem (fighting fears, increasing self-esteem, etc.). They use various exercises and play stories based on the presented fairy tale. Works are selected, in the content of which the problematic nature of the characters is manifested, and the struggle with the presented situation must end necessarily positively. Drawing can be included in the main stage, which will help in identifying and overcoming the existing problem.
  3. The final … Problem situations and ways of solving them are discussed, the interpretation of drawings is carried out. Upon completion of the lesson, it is imperative to complete the ritual of leaving the fairy-tale world, it can be the same as entering, or you can add something new.

Thus, the method of fairy tale therapy is not limited to correctly selected fairy tales, but largely depends on the potential of adolescents who are tuned in to a positive result under the influence of a magical atmosphere.

Using fairy tale therapy in working with adults

Fairytale therapy as a correction of the psyche
Fairytale therapy as a correction of the psyche

Today, fairy tale therapy for adults has become popular, it is increasingly preferred in the diagnosis and correction of various diseases.

This type of therapy can be applied in the following ways:

  • Discussion of an already written work … Opens up new facets of possibilities, a person explains the content according to his conviction, which reveals his essence.
  • Writing a fairy tale … You can come up with your own work together with a specialist who will help to identify the problematic aspect in the content and get rid of it.
  • Playing a fairy tale … With this method, the experience of a frightening situation occurs, which contributes to the splashing out of all internal emotions outward.

The main aspect in working with fairy tales is awareness, which provides an opportunity to accept your mental processes and control them. Entering a magical space allows all the troubles and problems to be transferred to the characters. Often, a person who has used fairy tale therapy acquires a purpose in life.

What to choose fairy tales for fairy tale therapy

Creating a fairy tale for fairy tale therapy
Creating a fairy tale for fairy tale therapy

Fairy tales for fairy tale therapy are selected taking into account the age and goals of the person. If people have a desire to write a work on their own, then this is even better.

For children, you need to choose fairy tales that are not free from a semantic background, for example:

  1. Household tales ("Porridge from an ax", "Ryaba chicken", "The master and the dog", "Kolobok", etc.);
  2. Fairy tales (Puss in Boots, Daughter and Stepdaughter, Frost, Crystal Mountain, etc.);
  3. Instructive fairy tales ("Golden Fish", "Fox and Zhuravel", "Devil's Tail", "Fedya's Toys", etc.);
  4. Heroic fairy tales ("Sivka-Burka", "Ilya-Muromets", "Dobrynya and the Serpent", "Vavila and the buffoons", etc.).

The stories that are selected for fairy tale therapy should clearly distinguish between positive and negative characters, the main characters must face the same problems as children. If they are about the same age as the child with whom they will work, then such a fairy tale will be understandable and close to him.

In the selection of works, you can give preference to various types: Russian folk, parables, fairy tales of the peoples of the world and the author's. Personal stories written by psychologists that aim to prevent certain problems may be a better choice.

For therapy with adults, you need to choose works that help get rid of inner turmoil. Having decided what the struggle will take place, and an appropriate story is selected (to improve relationships, health, financial situation, love, etc.). You can use the books by Rushel Blavo, Razida Tkach, Elfiki. If there is a feeling that the work read finds a response in the soul, then the choice is correct, the person is already halfway to getting rid of the troubles that disturb him, as a result of which the direction of the knowledge gained to the desired result is observed, options are provided on how to get rid of the problem situation.

How to conduct fairy tale therapy - watch the video:

Fairytale therapy is a pleasant method of treatment that helps both children and adults. Its use is not limited to psychologists and psychiatrists, but on the contrary is welcomed in preschool and school pedagogy, and especially in family education.
