Facial cleansing

Facial cleansing
Facial cleansing

How to cleanse the skin without resorting to the services of a beautician, you will learn from this article. It presents the most effective ways and methods of cleansing the skin of the face at home. In our progressive world, life is in full swing, and in order to "get into the stream" you need to be in time everywhere. A frantic life rhythm and lack of proper rest often provoke the onset of various problems in the body. Modern women suffer from lack of sleep and stress, eat fast food. This negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face - an unhealthy gray color appears, premature wrinkles, acne, blackheads are formed. Even with the use of expensive creams, it is not always possible to remove these problems. In this case, you cannot do without cleaning the skin. This procedure can be done both in beauty salons and on your own at home.

Cleansing should be not only superficial, but also affect the deep layers of the skin. At the heart of cleansing is the maximum cleansing of pores and their intense narrowing, because it is in them that dust and sebum accumulate.

Facial cleansing
Facial cleansing

Most modern girls believe that it will be quite enough to simply use a tonic or foam for washing. But these funds will not help eliminate blackheads, since there is no effect on the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, dust and sebum are deposited in the pores, the process of inflammation begins, which leads to the appearance of acne. Deep cleansing products can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and literally "push" dirt accumulated in them out of the pores. This means that:

  • pollution will not be able to penetrate into the blood;
  • subcutaneous microcirculation is significantly improved;
  • vessels are effectively strengthened;
  • dirty pores are gently but intensively cleansed;
  • inflammation is removed and its further spread is prevented;
  • the protective functions of cells are significantly enhanced, which resist foreign invasions from the outside;
  • microbes that enter the cells are neutralized and can provoke severe inflammation.

It is necessary to use such products that provide deep cleansing regularly, but be sure to adhere to the basic rules of hygiene. Only under this condition will it be possible to cleanse the face of pollution and prolong the youthfulness of the skin, return it to its former beauty.

Deep cleansing of the skin is recommended not only in the presence of serious contamination of the skin and foci of inflammation, but also for every woman, at any age, as a preventive measure. After all, every day the face comes into contact with dust, dirt, suffers from the release of an excess amount of sebum.

How to cleanse your face at home?

For home treatments to be as effective as possible, it is important to follow a few simple guidelines:

  • Hygiene must be observed, only sterile products can be used.
  • Cleansers should be applied to clean and steamed skin - for example, after taking a hot bath or a special steam bath. This will have a deeper impact.
  • Provided that home remedies are used, it is advisable to take only natural ingredients for their preparation. But ready-made cosmetics are also perfect.
  • Before using new cosmetics, you will definitely need to do a small test by applying a little product to the inside of your wrist. If even a slight irritation appears, it is worth refusing to use it.
  • During the week, the best option would be to perform two cleansing procedures.

Facial cleansing with folk remedies

The cleansing procedure should be carried out regularly by every girl, and thanks to a large number of different home remedies, you can choose the most suitable method.

Egg yolk


Egg yolk cleansing is great for oily skin. It is necessary to take one raw yolk and place it in a glass container, then 1 tsp is introduced. vinegar (lemon juice) and grapefruit juice. All components are well mixed.

The resulting mass must be divided into several parts, one will be used directly for cleansing, and the second is placed in the cold, and it can be used next time.

A cotton pad is taken and moistened with a small amount of water, then the yolk mixture is collected and the face is quickly cleaned. The mixture should not be allowed to begin to be absorbed into the skin. It is necessary to carry out such cleaning 2-3 times in a row - the yolk mass should be ground until a light foam is obtained.

After a few minutes, you will need to wash, or wipe off the mixture with a cotton pad. Then a little nourishing cream is applied to the face.

Spoiled milk

This cleaning technique can be performed absolutely at any time of the year. It is a versatile option as it is suitable for all skin types and for regular use. For girls who want to lighten freckles, it is useful to make such masks with the onset of the first warm spring days and in summer. Thanks to the effects of sour milk, freckles become much paler, and the face is smoother and more tender.

Sour milk can be replaced with kefir, fresh sour cream. Peroxidized dairy products should not be used, as severe irritation may occur. For normal to oily skin, a simple wash with milk serum is ideal. This method is also suitable for girls with dry skin that does not have a tendency to flake.

A clean cotton swab is moistened in sour milk, then the face is thoroughly wiped. The number of tampons used will be determined depending on the degree of contamination of the skin. The last tampon must be wrung out thoroughly, and then remove the remains of sour milk from the skin.

At the end of the cleansing procedure, any nourishing cream is applied to the face (the skin must be moist). If redness and irritation appear on the face, you need to immediately wipe it with a cotton pad dipped in fresh tea or milk, and only after that you can use the cream. After a few days, the irritation will become less noticeable, and then completely disappear.

Vegetable oil

Facial cleansing
Facial cleansing

A few tablespoons of oil are placed in a glass jar and the container is left in hot water for a couple of minutes. A cotton pad is moistened in warm oil, then the face is wiped, including the neck area, temples, lips, eyebrows. After a couple of minutes, the oil is removed with a cotton pad dipped in lotion, lightly salted water or tea.


Another effective method of cleansing your face is using bran or black bread. Wheat, oat, and rice bran are perfect. You can take a crumb of black bread soaked in a small amount of water (hot!).

First you need to moisten your face with warm water. Then ground flakes (1 tbsp) are placed in the palm and mixed with a small amount of liquid. With your fingers, the resulting gruel should be applied to the face, intensively rubbing the chin area, nose, cheeks and forehead.

As soon as you begin to clearly feel the movement of bran on the skin, you should immediately wash yourself with slightly cool water. The same technology is used for cleaning with black bread. To obtain the desired result, this procedure must be performed for a month before going to bed, every evening. For owners of oily skin, it is best to cleanse their face with this method once a week.

Cosmetic clay

With the help of cosmetic clay, you can effectively clean even heavily soiled pores. The main thing is to choose a clay that is ideal for a particular skin type. A tablespoon of clay powder is diluted with a small amount of water - you should get a slightly thick gruel, which is applied in a circular motion to the face. After 10-15 minutes, you need to wash your face with cool water.

Fresh milk


This technique is ideal for dry and very sensitive skin, as milk has a mild soothing effect. It is recommended to carry out this procedure after cleansing the face.

Fresh milk is diluted in hot water (should reach steam temperature). After cleansing, the skin is moistened with milk. You can use a cotton swab or pour milk into a small container and simply lower one side of the face into it first, then the other, forehead, chin.

Then the skin is lightly dried with a soft towel. If this method is used for inflamed or flaky skin, then milk should be diluted with strong chamomile or linden tea, but not hot water.

Hydrogen peroxide

First, the face is cleansed with lotion or tonic, steamed to open the pores. A cotton swab is taken and moistened in a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%, then dipped in fine table salt.

All problem areas, where there are black dots, are carefully worked out with a swab. If you experience an unpleasant burning sensation or discomfort, you need to stop the procedure. If absolutely no unpleasant sensations appear, massage the skin for 10 minutes.

Then the face is rinsed with warm and cold water. This technique should be used no more than 1 time in 7 days. After complete removal of blackheads, the product can be used to prevent their appearance several times a month.

Home cleaning video:
