How to use panthenol for skin care

How to use panthenol for skin care
How to use panthenol for skin care

Why is panthenol useful for the skin, are there any contraindications for use, how to use it correctly for different areas and types of the dermis. Panthenol for the skin is a therapeutic and cosmetic product in the form of a cream or ointment, which contains soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating substances. Let's find out how to use it correctly.

The beneficial effect of panthenol on the skin

Panthenol for face
Panthenol for face

Medicines are often used as cosmetics. One of the best products in this category is panthenol. It can save dry, damaged and aging facial skin and more. Due to its pharmacological properties, it can be used to regenerate and restore the dermis. Many cosmetologists advise the fair sex to prolong the youth, elasticity and freshness of the skin. Panthenol has such beneficial properties, since its composition includes derivatives of pantothenic acid, namely provitamin B5, which helps to restore damaged epidermis, accelerates metabolism in tissues, and helps maintain the volume of collagen in cells. It helps relieve inflammation.

Dryness affects the skin most of all. Overdried dermis ages faster, wrinkles and creases appear. Panthenol moisturizes it in deep layers, and the reason for the loss of moisture does not matter. Regular use of this product in various forms of release helps to create a protective barrier for the skin from the negative and harmful effects of the environment.

Panthenol has the following beneficial effects on the skin:

  • Reduces inflammation due to the action of vitamin B5;
  • Suppresses the appearance of new imperfections on the skin;
  • Overdried and dry initially dermis is deeply moisturized;
  • Peeling places disappear;
  • Reduces wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones, thanks to deep moisturizing and regenerating properties;
  • Scars and lesions on the skin are less noticeable because panthenol contains substances that promote cell renewal;
  • Improves cell metabolism;
  • The volume of collagen in the cells is restored, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is preserved;
  • The amount of pantothenic acid is replenished, thanks to which the dermis retains its freshness and youth longer.

Contraindications of D-panthenol for the skin

Kidney disease
Kidney disease

Despite the many positive aspects and properties that panthenol has on the skin, even if you have indications for the use of this drug, self-administration is not recommended. It can be a real lifesaver for the skin, but under some circumstances it can be harmful.

Today there are many forms of panthenol release, they differ in composition and effect. The appropriate form of the drug and its need can be prescribed by a doctor, so be sure to consult with him before use. Moreover, like any drug or cosmetic product, it has certain contraindications.

The list of contraindications is small, but they must be taken into account:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components, since an allergic reaction to any component may occur;
  2. The presence of hypervitaminosis, which means that the useful components will not be absorbed;
  3. The presence of chronic allergies, especially in the acute stage, since the condition will only worsen;
  4. The period of illness, high temperature, useful components cannot be absorbed by the body, or allergic reactions may occur;
  5. The period of exacerbation of the herpes virus, since this is an exacerbation of a viral disease, it can spread the infection or contribute to allergies;
  6. Kidney disease, since the remnants of the drug are excreted directly through them.

Before using panthenol for the first time, it is imperative to do a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount to the elbow area and wait a while. If there is no itching, redness, peeling or other unpleasant sensations, then the drug can be safely used as directed.

However, if you do not take into account contraindications or go too far with the dosage, then some side effects may occur: allergies, redness and itching of the epidermis, edema on the face or other area, the appearance of increased desquamation, dyspepsia. Be careful when using panthenol, as the side effects are difficult to cure and take much longer.

Composition and components of panthenol for dry skin

Provitamin B5
Provitamin B5

The main active ingredient of panthenol is provitamin B5, which is part of coenzyme A. It is responsible for tissue metabolism. It is this component that improves the process of energy release from carbohydrates, is responsible for the breakdown of fats, and improves the production of hormones and acecholine. This substance is necessary for the good functioning of the intestines, since its condition directly affects the condition of the skin.

Pantothenic acid plays a major role in maintaining the excellent condition of the skin, its healthy, fresh and youthful appearance. However, besides it, there are other components. Panthenol is made on the basis of dexpanthenol, the accompanying substances are:

  • Ketomacrogol - used to form the texture of the drug;
  • Demiticone is a silicone that retains moisture in the skin, softens it;
  • Propylene glycol - preservative and solvent;
  • Glycerin monostearate - a substance of vegetable origin, necessary for the formation of consistency;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxy benzoate are preservatives but not toxic;
  • Water and various flavors;
  • Lanolin - thickener, softening and healing agent;
  • Vaseline, liquid paraffin - have emollient qualities.

How to choose panthenol for skin hydration

Panthenol cream
Panthenol cream

Today, panthenol is available in different forms: cream, ointment, spray, body milk, lipstick, washing foam. In addition, there are different names for the same product. Understanding diversity is not easy. It often happens that the price of two almost identical drugs is very different.

What is the difference between Bepanten and Panthenol, Pantoderm and D-panthenol? At the heart of all these funds is the substance dexpanthenol.

Bepanten is available as a cream and ointment. It belongs to reparants, that is, drugs with strong regenerating properties. Also among the ingredients may be chlorhexidine, an antiseptic. It improves metabolic processes in tissues. It is used for dry skin, injuries, diaper rash in children, burns, various acute inflammatory processes on the skin: boils, abscesses, ulcers, bedsores.

Panthenol has different forms of release, the main substance is the same - dexpanthenol. It has regenerating, regenerating, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties. Has the same indications for use as Bepanten. Its difference lies in a lighter texture, rapid penetration into the layers of the epidermis.

Thus, these are similar drugs with interchangeable properties. Only Panthenol has more formulations suitable for different skin types.

There are two more varieties - Pantoderm and D-panthenol, they are identical in action to Bepanten and Panthenol, so they are all made on the basis of decpanthenol, but they differ in price. These drugs are domestically produced, and their cost is lower than that of Bepanten. When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the concentration of the active substance, most of all it is contained in ointments and creams - 5%. The rest of the differences lie in the set of excipients that shape the texture.

In addition, the cream differs from the ointment in a lighter and more delicate texture, it is absorbed faster and easier, it is easily washed off with water. As a rule, half of it consists of water and oil substances.

Ointments penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis and are better absorbed than a cream. By consistency, they are thicker, oily and denser. It is no longer so easy to wash off with water. The composition of the ointments is in a ratio of 80 to 20 - oily substances and water, respectively.

As for sprays, the concentration of the active substance in them is lower. They create a lightweight and weightless lather on the skin that is quickly absorbed.

The use of panthenol for facial skin care

Spray Panthenol
Spray Panthenol

The action of this or that remedy depends on the form of release, because different products are designed to solve different problems. Any of them contains an active substance - pantothenic acid. Its action has the same effect as that of hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin is hydrated, firm and elastic, without small breakouts and wrinkles. For different types of dermis, different forms of release of the panthenol preparation are suitable.

Panthenol for oily skin

Oily skin, like no other type, needs hydration. With insufficient moisture, sebum begins to stand out much more strongly. In addition, such a dermis is characterized by periodic rashes, enlarged pores. Therefore, a product for oily skin should moisturize it well, relieve inflammation, but at the same time be light in texture, quickly absorb and not leave a film on the surface.

Among the various forms of release of panthenol, a spray is better suited in this case. It is much lighter than other forms, penetrates the epidermis faster, does not leave marks and discomfort on the face. It has a strong regenerating and regenerating effect. According to the reviews of those who use it, the spray is more convenient and comfortable to use.

This remedy is used twice a day, in the morning and at bedtime. Before this, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned of secreted sebum, makeup and other impurities. It should be applied with caution so as not to get into the eyes, mouth, you need to spray it from ten centimeters from the face.

If the skin is of a combined type or not very oily, then it is possible to use Panthenol cream. It also has a light melting texture that does not clog pores, often containing an antiseptic agent.

Panthenol for dry skin

If you have damaged, dry skin of the face, then in this case it is recommended to choose panthenol in the form of a cream, since its consistency is light airy, it is quickly absorbed and deeply moisturizes the dermis.

Among the ingredients of the drug there are no substances that can cause irritation, therefore it has regenerating, regenerating and nourishing properties for the epidermis. Unlike a spray, alcohols do not go into the composition, which dry out the skin more strongly or can cause irritation.

As a rule, the cream is applied twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after cleansing, during the treatment it can be replaced with a regular face cream. It can also be used to heal other areas of the body.

Panthenol for normal facial skin

There are not so many happy owners of normal facial skin; it is found in children of preschool and primary school age. This type of dermis does not have any problems, therefore, for periodic moisturizing and maintaining youth and elasticity, it is recommended to use various forms of panthenol: cream, spray, milk, gel. It all depends on personal preference. However, due to the absence of problems on the skin, one should not overdo it with its use. It is better to apply it in courses or replace partially the usual face cream, for example, at night. At the same time, panthenol will help in reducing and preventing the appearance of the first wrinkles.

How to use panthenol for body skin

Milk Panthenol
Milk Panthenol

The skin on the human body is different from the skin on the face, so the use of denser textures is permissible here. The choice of the form of the drug in this case depends on the problem that has arisen.

If you need point or local moisturizing of the body, softening the skin on the elbows, feet, knees, as well as on damaged areas, then you can use panthenol ointment. This product has a denser and more oily texture. It is not worth using it on the face, since the components can cause clogging of the pores and prevent the flow of oxygen to the skin, thus, inflammation will occur, and the effect will be the opposite.

When applying the ointment locally, it must be applied by lightly patting with the pads of the fingers, and not rubbing over the entire surface, since a very small amount of it is required.

For permanent hydration of the skin of the body, it is better to choose Milk Panthenol. It spreads easily, absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film or a feeling of tightness. This remedy can be used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, hips and chest.

Applying panthenol to the skin around the eyes

Application of panthenol around the eyes
Application of panthenol around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and thinnest in the entire human body. Often it is in this area that the first wrinkles appear, blue circles appear, swelling and other problems that spoil the appearance. To avoid them and prolong the youthfulness of the skin, it is necessary to deeply moisturize and nourish this area. But the texture of the product should be light and quickly absorbed.

To moisturize the skin around the eyes, panthenol is used in the form of a gel. It is easily and quickly absorbed without leaving any unpleasant sensations. Its airy and light texture makes it comfortable to use on such delicate and sensitive areas. As a result of its application, the number of wrinkles is reduced, the dermis acquires a healthy color and becomes moisturized. The blue and puffiness under the eyes disappears.

How to use panthenol for the face - watch the video:

Panthenol for the skin is a lifesaver in many cases, choosing the right form and means, you can solve many problems with the dermis.
