The composition and calorie content of cherry plum. Useful properties, possible harm and contraindications to the product. Cherry plum recipes. In addition, cherry plum helps with diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney ailments, with problems with the liver and gallbladder.
It should be noted that fresh cherry plum is the most useful. If you make juice from berries, you can drink it to quench your thirst. This drink also gives strength and tones the body.
Not only berries are useful, but also cherry plum seeds. They make oil, which in its composition is not worse than almond oil. The seed shells are also not thrown away; they are used for cleaning food products.
Contraindications and harm when using cherry plum

Like any berry, the "shallow plum" is not useful for all people. With such a long list of useful properties, there are still some contraindications to cherry plum. But their list will be much shorter. Situations in which it is not recommended to use cherry plum:
- With increased acidity of gastric juice. These berries will irritate the stomach lining, which already suffers from a lot of acid.
- Patients with peptic ulcer of the digestive organs. With this disease, patients must eat strictly permitted foods, and our berries cannot be eaten through high acidity, so as not to irritate existing ulcers.
- A person with an individual intolerance to the "small plum". After all, even in healthy people, when a berry is abused, side effects can occur: poisoning and heartburn.
Cherry plum recipes

Because of its unusual taste, many people prefer to use cherry plum fresh, thereby bringing benefits to their body. Everyone knows that even short-term heat treatment reduces the amount of vitamins and minerals found in a particular fruit. Almost all nutrients remain in dried cherry plum.
Many housewives make jams, marmalades, jams, compotes and marmalades from cherry plum. It is also served with “heavy” dishes, as it helps to optimally assimilate meat and fat. It is a component of many hot spices. Well, what a holiday without delicious cherry plum wine?
Before preparing dishes with this berry, you need to remove the seeds (although there are many recipes where a whole cherry plum is used). This can be done in two ways: we divide the fruits in the middle of the groove into 2 halves; we use a safety pin, while the berries remain as intact as possible.
Cherry plum recipes - preparations and dishes with its content:
- Cherry plum jam with seeds … Making jam according to this recipe is not difficult, you do not need to waste time removing seeds. The berries will work in any color, as long as they are firm and undamaged. We need 1 kg of berries, 1.5 kg of sugar and 3 glasses of water. First, prepare the cherry plum. To do this, you need to hold the berries in hot water (80 degrees) for several minutes, so that the wax coating, which makes cooking difficult, disappears. If the berries are hard, then they need to be pricked with a needle. Now let's start preparing the syrup: dissolve the sugar in water and bring to a boil. Let it cool a little and pour cherry plum into it. Then we cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. Then we cook for another 15 minutes. We insist again for 2 hours. We repeat this procedure 4 times. We sterilize cans, pour and roll up.
- Pitted cherry plum jam … This is a wonderful dessert for tea - both tasty (with wonderful sourness) and healthy. First, take 1 kg of cherry plum, wash, remove the bones. Pour 1 kg of sugar into it and leave it for 1 hour so that the berries let the juice flow. Then bring the cherry plum with syrup to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, stirring often. We pour it into a sterilized container, roll it up. Enjoy your tea!
- Cherry plum compote … We will make a drink with seeds. Put half of the cherry plum into each washed and dried jar, then fill them with boiling water, cover with a lid and blanch for 15 minutes. Then we drain the water, measure out how much it turned out. We will prepare syrup with this liquid. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 300 g of sugar. Stir the components for the syrup, boil and pour the berries. Close with tin lids and wrap until cool. This drink is not inferior in taste to any store juice or sweet water, not to mention the health benefits.
- Tkemali sauce … Components: 2.5 kg of cherry plum, 100 ml of pomegranate juice (you can take water in the same amount instead), 200 ml of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 10 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. spoons of red hot pepper, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 75 g of herbs (equal amount of dill, parsley and cilantro). First, wash the cherry plum and remove the bones. Then fill it with juice and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. The berries should be boiled. Then we wipe them through a sieve. Add salt and sugar and cook for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then we put in our sauce, however, not yet ready, garlic crushed with a garlic, chopped herbs and pepper. Cook for another 15 minutes and stir in the same way. We put it in sterile jars, pour oil on top and roll it up. The sauce turned out to be great! It goes well with kebabs and any meat. And you don't have to go to the store.
- Pepper salad with cherry plum … Wash 3 kg of pepper, peel, cut into strips and blanch for 2 minutes. Then rinse with 2 kg of yellow cherry plum and boil it in 3 glasses of water until tender. Now you need to wipe the berries (for this you can use a colander or sieve) and mix with chilled pepper, while adding 1 glass of sugar, the same amount of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. We cook our salad for 15 minutes, then season it the way we like it, transfer it to 1 liter jars and sterilize it for 15 minutes. Close with iron lids and wrap for 12 hours. Enjoy your meal!
- Lecho with cherry plum … 3 kg of sweet pepper, remove the seeds and cut into strips. Then blanch for 2 minutes and immediately fill it with cold water. We wash 2 kg of ripe yellow cherry plum, remove the seeds and cook until tender in 3 glasses of water. Wipe through a colander and put the resulting puree in a saucepan. Put the prepared pepper there. Add 1 glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 1 glass of vegetable oil, as well as 15 allspice peas and 3 laurel leaves. We cook our lecho for 10 minutes, then put it in sterilized jars and roll it up.
- Pickled cherry plum … Ingredients: 0.25 g cherry plum, 2 cloves of garlic, 10 g salt, 15 g sugar, 0.5 teaspoon vinegar, 1 laurel leaf and 2 allspice peas. This dish is not difficult to prepare, but it can become the highlight of any feast. We wash the cherry plum and put it in jars, washed and dried. Add garlic, bay leaf and pepper to each container. Then pour boiling water over the berries and leave for 15 minutes. Now we are preparing the marinade. For its base, we will take water, which we will merge from the cherry plum. We bring it to a boil, add salt and sugar, and vinegar can be poured into the cherry plum so as not to boil it. We roll it up, wrap it up, and let it cool down.
- Pickled cucumbers with cherry plum … This is a great alternative to pickled cucumbers with vinegar. But our dish is much healthier in its composition. So, we will cook in a 3-liter jar. We take as many cucumbers as will fit in the container. We wash them, dry them and put them in a jar. At the same time, we shift the vegetables with cherry and currant leaves in 4 pieces, horseradish root (you can take leaves instead) and dill. Next, prepare the brine in this way: in 1, 5 liters of water, boil 400 g of seedless cherry plum (about 30 pieces), filter through a colander, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Can be seasoned with spices to taste. Pour cucumbers and sterilize for 10 minutes, then roll up and wrap.
- Lightly salted cucumbers with cherry plum … Ingredients: cucumbers - 3 kg, cherry plum - 300 g, garlic - 2 heads, horseradish leaf and dill umbrellas to taste. We also need seasonings and spices: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt with a slide, 1 teaspoon of sugar, pepper to taste and, of course, 2-3 liters of water. First, we prepare all the ingredients for salting. Soak the cucumbers for 2 hours, then rinse and dry them. We wash the cherry plum. Wash the leaves and herbs, and peel the garlic and divide it into cloves. After that, we take a container for cooking lightly salted cucumbers and put horseradish and dill on the bottom, and then in layers - cucumbers and cherry plums. Add garlic and fill it with water, put the load on top and send it to a dark place for 3-4 days. Then we drain the brine, boil it, while you can add more salt and sugar to taste. Put the cucumbers in jars and pour in the cooled brine. Close with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. Such a lightly salted dish can be stored for 2 weeks without losing its taste.
- Pickled tomatoes with cherry plum … For our recipe, you can take 3 cans with a capacity of 1 liter or 1 can of 3 liters. We need tomatoes - 1.5 kg, cherry plum (unripe) - 300 g, 2 bell peppers, 3 dill umbrellas and 6 cloves of garlic. And also we cannot do without cherry leaves (6 pieces), 5 hot pepper rings, 3 cloves, 3 laurel leaves, 15 allspice peas. Well, what kind of pickling without salt (2 tablespoons) and sugar (4 tablespoons)? Everything seems to be. And the water? We need about 1.5 liters of it. We prepare all the products for pickling. Prepare jars (wash and dry), put dill, garlic, peppers on the bottom of each: sweet, spicy and fragrant, cherry leaves and cloves. Then lay the tomatoes and cherry plum in layers. Pour boiling water over them and leave for 15 minutes. Then we drain the water, boil and fill the vegetables and berries again for 15 minutes. Then we prepare the brine. Bring the liquid drained from the cans to a boil and add salt, sugar and laurel leaves. Pour our cucumbers with cherry plum, roll up and wrap them until they cool. Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe have an excellent taste, and cherry plum goes well with meat dishes. Eat to your health!
- Cherry plum wine … For this recipe, we need 5 kg of cherry plum, 8 liters of water, 8-10 glasses of sugar, 1 glass of unwashed raisins (this is optional and to taste). It is important to note that soft fruits are suitable for wine. We sort out the berries, remove the leaves and tails, but do not rinse them so as not to wash off the microorganisms necessary for fermentation from the skin. We put cherry plum with seeds in glassware, fill in water (not lower than 35 degrees), and let it cost 2 days. If foam and bubbles appear, then this is a sign of the beginning of fermentation. You can still wait 1 day (it depends on how actively the cherry plum wanders in the water). Then we decant through cheesecloth. Throw away the bones and skins. And now we pour the wort into a bottle and pour out the sugar. Right now it's time to make a water castle. And what is needed for this? First of all, we will make a hole in the lid and fix a flexible hose in it with plasticine, the end of which will be lowered into a jar of water. And leave it for 1-1.5 months. If there is no foam or bubbles, it means that fermentation is over. Now you need to carefully pour the wine into a smaller bowl, cork and leave in a cool dark place for 1, 5-2 months. During this time, the wine will mature and gain strength. Enjoy your meal with a glass of aromatic wine!
- Honey wine with red cherry plum … Components: 4 kg of red cherry plum, 5-6 liters of water, 2 glasses of May honey. To make wine according to this recipe, we cannot do without 1 tbsp. tablespoons of dry yeast. We sort out the cherry plum, put it in a bottle and crush it. Then add yeast there and pour in warm water (about 40 degrees). Stir and tie the neck tightly. We leave for 1 day. Then we decant the wort, pour it back into the bottle, add honey. Then we make a water lock. How to do it is described in detail in the previous recipe. Let it be infused for 40 days in a dark cool place. If during this time fermentation has not stopped (there are bubbles and foam), then let the bottle stand for a few more days in a room with a lower temperature. Then we decant the wine into a glass container, close it tightly and leave it in a dark place for 2-3 months. After this period, you can enjoy this drink with your family and friends.
Interesting facts about cherry plum

Cherry plum was first discovered in the Caucasus and Asia. On the territory of Russia, these berries are harvested in regions such as Krasnodar Territory, Rostov, Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, Bryansk and some other regions.
For a long time, cherry plum was grown in the southern regions, and in the middle of the last century, thanks to the work of breeders, they began to plant it in the northern parts of Russia (Leningrad region).
During the flowering period, the trees are very beautiful, so they are used for planting gardens and for landscape decoration. In addition to trees grown by people, wild ones are very common. They have a lot of fruits, and if you wish, you can pick such "no-man's" berries in buckets. By the way, cherry plum ripens in August or September. Up to 300 kg of harvest can be harvested from one tree.
This tree can be propagated by cuttings, branches and seeds. Compared to plum, cherry plum is not afraid of various pests and drought, and, moreover, it is easy to transport. Today there are 3 most common types of cherry plum: typical (berries of the Caucasus, the Balkans and Asia Minor), eastern (berries of Iran and Afghanistan) and large-fruited (these are local varieties of Russia, Ukraine).
Watch the video about cherry plum:

So, cherry plum is a "storehouse" of vitamins and minerals. If health allows, then you need to eat it fresh every day. Shops and supermarkets are not ready to please us with a variety of preserves with this berry, so take some time and make yourself stocks of cherry plum for the winter, because our body requires vitamins not only in the warm season, but also when it's cold outside.