Description of the groom, calorie content and chemical composition. Useful properties and restrictions for use. How to eat tropical berries and recipes from them. Growing food culture. An interesting effect is exerted by the use of a groom on the intestines. If only the pulp is consumed, it is relaxing. The pulp together with the sepals is a neutral action. Sepals have pronounced fixing properties, they are used to treat diarrhea, regardless of the reasons that caused it.
Contraindications and harm to Brazilian cherries

The harm from the groom appears only with abuse.
Be careful to give fruits to children under 3 years of age and pregnant women, so as not to provoke the development of allergic reactions. Still, the Brazilian cherry tastes more like a jaboticaba than an ordinary European berry.
Individual intolerance is possible.
If you have a tendency to diarrhea, you should not cleanse the sepals, so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.
How to eat grumichama

If you are already familiar with ordinary cherries, you do not have to think about how Brazilian cherries are eaten. The berries are washed and consumed together with the peel, spitting out the seeds. You do not need to gnaw the seeds, they are toxic - they contain hydrocyanic acid.
During storage, the fruits are laid out in one layer in a plastic container and put on a refrigerator shelf. Do not store in bulk in jars or plates. If the berries lie in 2-3 layers, then the integrity of the skin is quickly violated and the process of decay begins even at a temperature of + 5 ° C.
Brazilian cherry recipes

A lot of desserts are made from the groom - jelly, preserves, jams, berries are used as a filling for pies, and sepals and leaves are added to fruit salads.
Recipes with a groom:
- Jam … The method of cooking jam, in which the berries are covered with sugar, is not suitable for the groom. The peeled berries are immediately immersed in sugar syrup. For its preparation, sugar is used, into which they try to pour a minimum amount of water, just to avoid burning. For 1 kg of seedless berry pulp, you should take 1.5 kg of sugar. Pour berries with boiling syrup, mix thoroughly and place the container on fire. Since the shape of the fruit is disturbed after the removal of the stone, everything is boiled at one time, over low heat, until it thickens. Check the readiness by dropping the jam on a hard, smooth surface. The drop does not spread - the jam is ready.
- Cheese cake … Prepare a split baking dish in advance and cover it with a layer of parchment. Grind 100 g of dark chocolate and 50 g of milk, melt the mixture in a water bath, mix with 50 g of corn flakes and put in a mold in 1 layer. Seedless berries, 400 g, mix with the same amount of sugar and make a “quick” jam in 7 minutes. Then strain the syrup from the jam, separate half the glass. The remaining syrup is mixed with a tablespoon of potato starch, a third teaspoon of cinnamon, and brought to a boil. Mix the resulting mass with berries and allow to cool in the refrigerator. Next, 3 sheets of gelatin are soaked in water, 300 g of cottage cheese are mixed with 3 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. The gelatin is heated until complete dissolution, mixed with cottage cheese, put into the refrigerator. When the curd begins to solidify, 100 g of whipped cream is poured into it and spread in a second layer on parchment. 2 more sheets of gelatin are dissolved in the remains of the syrup, heated and cooled to make sour jelly from the groom. The jelly is laid out in a third layer on the cake and everything is left for another hour to harden. You don't need to bake a cake. Before serving, the mold is opened and the cake is laid out on a flat dish.
- Ice cream dessert … The form is prepared in advance, as in the previous recipe. Chocolate butter, 100 g, melt a little, mix with 200 g of chocolate waffles, compact and spread in the first layer. To make the next layer, beat 3 eggs and half a glass of sugar, and then put in a water bath and beat, heating, until foamy. The beaten eggs are completely cooled, 1 tablespoon of the groom's liqueur or cherry liqueur is driven into the mass, vanillin is added. 250 g seedless grooming agents are mixed into the egg mixture, spread in a second layer in a mold and put into the freezer overnight. Before serving, the cake is laid out on a dish, decorated with ice cream of your choice - better with an ice cream.
- Sea salad … It is better to use the berries from the grumichama tincture or pour 350 g of frozen berries with sepals with brandy and leave until they thaw. 300 g of shrimp are cleaned by carefully removing the esophagus and boiled in salted water. Squeeze the juice from 2 limes. Cut 2 large avocados into slices and drizzle with lime juice. Dice 150 g of soft Suluguni cheese. Grumichama is mixed for salad, after draining off excess liquid, cheese and avocado. Prepare the dressing: beat 2 tablespoons of olive oil with the remaining lime juice and the groom's marinade. Season the salad, put it on the shrimp, mix. Salted to taste. Grated pine nuts or almonds are an excellent addition to this salad.
If you don't have fresh berries on hand, it doesn't matter. A frozen groom is suitable for cooking. It is in this form that it is most often offered to the consumer.
Drinks with the groom

Most often, juice is made from Brazilian cherries. But this is not the only tropical berry drink recipe.
Drinks from the groom:
- Smoothie assorted … As additional ingredients, you can use both tropical fruits and more familiar to Europeans. When composing a dessert, you should take into account the combination of tastes: it is better to choose sweet fruits, since the Brazilian cherry itself is sour. The best tropical fruit smoothie is to combine the seedless grumichama, strawberry guava pulp, jaboticaba and banana in a blender. Milk is poured into a homogeneous fruit puree - in the same volume, add a little cinnamon. Beat until foam appears, serve chilled. If you combine grumichama with more familiar fruits, it is recommended to use sweet apples and peaches as additional ingredients. Honey is added to improve the taste.
- Grumichama nectar … Brazilian cherry juice is mixed with clarified apple cider in a 1: 2 ratio and diluted with water to remove sugary. If you plan to prepare it for the winter, the drink is sterilized.
- Pouring from the groom … When making a drink, it should be borne in mind that the juice begins to ferment very quickly, so you can do without yeast. The proportions for the liqueur: 3 kg of groom - 1.5 kg of sugar. Pitted Brazilian cherries are laid out in layers in a glass container, sprinkled with sugar. Pour in about 1, 5 glasses of water. Approximately 5-7 cm should remain to the top of the dishes. Close the neck with a thick cloth and remove the container in a dark place. The fermentation process usually lasts 1-2 months. To control it, it is best to put a rubber glove on top of the neck, piercing 1 finger. Once the glove is deflated, the liqueur is ready. The groom gets rid of the pulp by draining the liquid through cheesecloth, again poured into a sterilized container and defended for 2 days in a hermetically sealed container in a dark place. Then the liqueur is poured into dark glass bottles and put away in a cool place. Drink chilled drink.
- Grumichama cocktail … 100 g of pitted Brazilian cherries are placed in a blender bowl, crushed, add a tablespoon of honey, 100 g of chocolate ice cream and 1.5 cups of boiled chilled (or pasteurized) milk. Beat until rich foam, pour into chilled glasses and distribute the foam with a spoon. Mint leaves are used for decoration.
If the drinks from the groom are too sweet, cinnamon is added to them for spice, sour drinks - natural liquid honey.
Interesting facts about the Brazilian cherry

The plant is associated with the mountain apple, jaboticaba, guava - the whole Myrtle family includes 30 edible species. They began to cultivate Brazilian cherries in their small homeland in 1791, and already in 1821 they were brought to Hawaii.
There is no difference in taste between cultivated and wild varieties. Due to the fertilization applied to the soil, larger fruits are formed. It is also noted that when nitrogen fertilizers are applied, the cellulose in the trunk becomes stronger.
Wood is used for the manufacture of kitchen furniture, it has a beautiful reddish tint.
Cultivated trees are pruned into shrubs to facilitate harvesting. The maximum height of plants on the plantation is up to 3 m. Since cherries require good lighting for ripening, they are planted at a distance of at least 3 m. When used as hedges, fruiting decreases.
Optimal conditions for growing a groom: + 23 + 26 ° С, height above sea level 90 m, moderate watering. During long tropical rains, the tree dies. That is why attempts to cultivate culture in Israel and Singapore have not been crowned with success - too dry a climate is also not suitable.
In the wild, the plant is scattered by birds, which swallow large seeds that do not dissolve in the acidic environment of the stomach.
The period between flowering and fruiting is short - less than 30 days. The crop ripens within 4-5 days. Fruit is harvested from early July to late December.
When exporting the product to the USA and Australia, the fruits are frozen. In this case, the beneficial properties and nutritional value are preserved for 2 years.
Watch the video about the groom:

If during your trip to South America you want to bring a little groom home, you can buy a jar of "cherry" puree. This is the only way to share tropical flavors with your family.