Also want to do bodybuilding and cycle regularly? Then find out how this combined load will affect your progress. The most popular cardio activity is cycling, which has a lot of positive aspects. This is both aesthetic from a trip in nature on a warm day, and practical - a bicycle has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, and also loads the muscles of the back, legs and arms.
But most athletes are sure that the bike, like all other types of cardio loads, will interfere with gaining muscle mass. This is a fairly relevant question, and today we will talk about whether it is possible to combine a bicycle and bodybuilding.
The positive effects of cycling in bodybuilding

It must be said right away that if your task is to gain muscle mass, then long cycling trips will not benefit you. Now the conversation is not about light amateur rides, but about cycling. You need to understand that bodybuilding, due to its specifics, is not compatible with other sports. For this reason, you should put all thoughts of cross-training out of your mind.
This remark is relevant for novice athletes who can play, for example, football, and at the same time go to the gym to pump up. In this case, after a year of lack of progress, they cannot understand why this is happening. If you approach the issue of combining the two sports correctly, then you can achieve certain results in all areas. But if you want to show high athletic performance, then you must choose one thing.
Moreover, the point here is not even an increase in the catabolic background from cardio loads, as most athletes believe, but a banal lack of energy reserves in the body. Everyone knows that energy is needed for muscle growth, but it does not have time to recover.
At the same time, when you need to get rid of excess fatty subcutaneous deposits, then using a bicycle or an exercise bike in winter, an athlete can get rid of 500 calories in 45 minutes. This fact makes the bike a leader among various types of aerobic exercise.
A very important positive aspect of using a bicycle is the ability to quickly change the intensity of training. You just need to change the speed.
Often, professionals use a bicycle during injury recovery. This allows them to prepare their muscles and joints for the upcoming workouts at a time when it is not yet possible to heavily load the body. In preparation for a competition, the bike is often used by professionals about four times a week. At the same time, they use low-intensity cardio training, which allows you to effectively burn fat and at the same time conserve energy for the upcoming strength training.
Talking about the benefits of combining a bike and bodybuilding, it is necessary to remember that cardio increases the overall tone of the athlete. With regular cardio, your heart function will improve, blood flow will normalize, and the performance of the respiratory system will also increase.
When doing cardio, cholesterol balance is normalized, blood pressure is stabilized and insulin synthesis is reduced. All these factors have a positive effect on the body and the work of all its systems. Also, due to an increase in metabolism, the lipolysis process is accelerated. However, you should not consider cycling only as an effective method of burning fat. If you just want to lose weight, then cardio for 30 to 40 minutes will be enough for you. If you want to not only burn fat, but also maintain your muscle mass, then interval training is the best option for you. This will allow you to use the maximum possible amount of muscle fibers, which in turn will give the muscles additional hardness. As you know, hypertrophy of slow fibers is achieved much more difficult in comparison with fast ones. This is due to the fact that they are designed to work for a long time. It is cardio that makes it possible to achieve this.
In conclusion of the conversation about the positive aspects of using a bicycle in bodybuilding, it is necessary to note the importance of a nutrition program and adherence to the daily regimen. If your profession is related to physical activity, then in most cases you will not need special cardio classes. To lose body weight, you just need to reconsider your diet. But when you work in the office, then aerobic training is essential.
The best time for cardio is in the morning before breakfast. Before starting cardio, you should drink water and do not forget to drink it during exercise. In order for the fat burning process to proceed faster, you should consume a portion of caffeine one hour or one and a half before the start of classes. Also promotes the acceleration of lipolysis and L-carnitine.
Practical tips for using bike loads by bodybuilders

In conclusion of today's article, I would like to give some useful advice to athletes who decide to include a bicycle in their training program:
- The intensity of cycling should be selected in accordance with the objectives of your training session;
- For a more comfortable bike ride, dress lightly and have a towel with you;
- Adjust the height of the saddle so that your legs do not bend completely, but at the same time do not remain straight at the knee joints;
- Do not push on the pedals, but push them with your feet to increase the load on the calves;
- Monitor your heart rate carefully and do not exceed more than 60% of your maximum heart rate;
- Keep your legs parallel to each other, bend your lower back slightly and tighten your stomach a little.
For combining bodybuilding and other sports, see here:
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