Doping versus fair sport

Doping versus fair sport
Doping versus fair sport

Today in sports there is a fight against doping, but what are the goals of sports functionaries. Find out how cleanly bodybuilders train. You probably already understood what the conversation will be about today. This article is primarily intended for sports enthusiasts and those who train for themselves. There are no secrets for professionals in this matter, and nothing new for them will be here.

The confrontation between doping and fair sports

Steroids capsules
Steroids capsules

Many sports fans believe that athletes who take doping drugs are behaving dishonestly towards other athletes and fans. This public opinion is formed by the media, which are trying to make a sensation out of any fact of doping.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is involved in the fight against illicit drugs. This organization has its offices in many countries of the world, including Russia. If you visit the official Internet resource of WADA or its Russian representative office, you can find out that the main task of the organization is to protect the health of athletes and their rights to participate in doping-free competitions.

But let's remember what professional sports are. Even without the use of steroids and other doping drugs, it does not improve health. The result is important here, and it can only be achieved through the hardest training.

In addition, a lot of money is spinning in modern sports and all means are used to achieve results. Thus, statements about the desire to preserve the health of athletes sounds highly hypocritical. You can even say more, often it is doping that allows an athlete to maintain the body's performance in the light of enormous physical exertion.

Let us also remember that sports, among other things, are a great sight. Most fans are not interested in what means were used to train the athlete, but the result is important. If professionals stop using doping, then high-performance sports can simply be forgotten. The growth of sports performance in all sports is inextricably linked with prohibited drugs. Is it better to allow the use of doping in professional sports and not deceive each other? It should also be noted that many drugs on the prohibited list do not pose a direct health hazard. At the same time, some of the products that athletes can use freely are just dangerous. It must be recognized that today WADA is more like a financial and political machine that can easily eliminate unnecessary athletes and make money. It's time for everyone to admit that professional sports and doping have been together for a long time and there is no point in fighting this. Worse yet is the use of doping by people who have nothing to do with sports. They do not need doping at all and probably the main focus of WADA should be on them. But sports officials stubbornly continue to put a spoke in the wheels of professional athletes. All sports lovers should make their choice - professional entertainment sports or fair competitions in which one should not expect high results.

For more information on the use of doping in bodybuilding, see this video:

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