Melanotan 1 and 2 in bodybuilding

Melanotan 1 and 2 in bodybuilding
Melanotan 1 and 2 in bodybuilding

Melanotan does not promote weight gain or physical performance, but is used to increase tanning. Find out about the effectiveness of this peptide. Melanotan belongs to the group of peptides and is completely similar to the natural substance melanocortin, which accelerates the production of melanin and thereby increases the tanning of the skin. Also, scientists have proven the presence of aphrodisiac properties in Melanotan.

When purchasing Melanotan 2, it should be remembered that a drug approved for human use has not yet been created. At the same time, this peptide is distributed very actively on the Internet, which increases the chances of purchasing fake products.

The history of the creation of Melanotan

Melanotan in suspension form
Melanotan in suspension form

The peptide was first obtained in the United States and was marketed as a means of fighting skin cancers. This is due to the fact that Melanin plays a protective role in the body, protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Since natural melanocortin has a very short half-life, it was necessary to make changes in its structure.

The scientists managed to stabilize the molecule of the substance, which turned out to be about a thousand times stronger than the endogenous peptide. This peptide was named Melanotan 2. There is also Melanotan 1, which has successfully passed all clinical trials and has been approved for human use. It is distributed under the Scenesse brand.

In the first trial of melanotan 2, it was found that after five subcutaneous injections, the skin acquired a tan. There were also minor side effects such as nausea and increased erection. After that, scientists found that when using Melanotan 2 in an amount of 2.025 milligrams per kilogram of human weight, the drug eliminates erectile dysfunction.

Melanotan 2 Effects

Melanotan in packaging
Melanotan in packaging
  • Accelerates the synthesis of melanin, which leads to increased tanning;
  • Increases sexual desire and rapidly increases the efficiency of erectile function;
  • Reduces appetite;
  • It has a fat burning effect.

Application of Melanotan 2

Melanotan in the form of drops
Melanotan in the form of drops

The daily dose of the drug is from 500 to 1000 micrograms with a duration of use from 15 to 20 days. It is best to start with a minimum dose of 100 or 200 micrograms to establish the body's response to the introduction of a substance. The peptide works quickly enough and the results appear within the first two weeks. There are two schemes for using Melanotan 2.

No freckles

Girl smears her face with sunblock
Girl smears her face with sunblock

It must be said right away that you should not use large doses of the peptide and spend a lot of time under the sun during the first seven days. You should also periodically moisturize the skin. The average dosage of the drug is 100 to 200 micrograms. The peptide can be administered daily or every second day. The duration of the course is from a week to 10 days.

When using Melanotan 2, you should spend no more than half an hour in the sun in order to prevent freckles from appearing on the skin.

Quick tan with freckles

Girl with freckles on her face
Girl with freckles on her face

This scheme involves the use of high dosages in the first days of the course. From the first day of application of the peptide, its dose is 25 percent of the normal. For each next day, you need to increase the amount of peptide by 25 percent.

As a result, on the fourth day of the cycle, you need to take a normal dose of melanotan. The only question is what should be the dosage rate for the drug. Most dealers use the skin phototype classification for this. You should also remember that if you spend a lot of time in the sun, then melanotan cannot save you from burns.

Possible side effects from the use of Melanotan 2

Melanotan Formulas 1 and 2
Melanotan Formulas 1 and 2

We have already said that Melanotan 2 is not yet approved for human use. To date, some side effects have been observed. These include nausea, a state of fever, redness of the skin, dark spots may appear on the skin (reversible), a strong increase in erection, which can cause some problems.

If we talk about the use of high doses, then so far only one case is known. After the introduction of six milligrams of the peptide, the blood pressure increased and the heart rhythm increased. After this incident, scientists discovered that the use of more than 6 milligrams of the peptide during the day can lead to the destruction of muscle tissue. You should not consume more than 1000 micrograms of the drug during the day.

For more details about Melanotan 1 and 2, see here:
