How to add volume to the hair at the roots

How to add volume to the hair at the roots
How to add volume to the hair at the roots

The reasons why hair lose volume, ways of giving pomp to hair of different lengths, folk methods and salon procedures. The root volume of the hair is a special condition of the curls, in which they appear more luxuriant, healthy and vibrant. It can be achieved using various methods: modern styling methods, traditional medicine and salon procedures.

Reasons for loss of root hair volume

Girl's stress
Girl's stress

The lack of root volume is explained by a number of reasons: frequent stress, polluted ecology and genetic predisposition.

Hair can be oily and close to the head, or it is straight, not thick enough, or long and loses its splendor under its own weight. At the same time, it is not recommended to use styling products abundantly, since the unlimited application of mousses or foams will weigh the curls even more.

Fatty, fried foods, lack of vitamins of groups B, A and E have a bad effect on the condition of the hair. You can replenish their supply by eating eggs, beef, liver, various cereals, rye bread and greens. Hair can also lose volume and look weak and lifeless if you don't sleep well, smoke a lot, and are nervous. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of curls without volume in an integrated manner, taking into account external and internal factors.

How to add volume at the roots to hair of different lengths

There are many different ways to create volume at the roots. They depend, first of all, on the length and density of your hair. Consider options for giving volume to curls of different lengths.

Volume at roots on long hair

First of all, you must follow the rules for washing long hair. They will help ease your further attempts at styling. To tone the scalp, add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to cool water. It is a good remedy to neutralize the alkali that builds up on your hair after shampooing. When the curls are dry, they will gain volume and look beautiful and organic. Use a shampoo that suits your hair type. You should not choose one that contains silicone or a lot of nutrients. They even out strands and weigh down long hair, which is already heavy. Accordingly, the hair becomes less voluminous.

Don't neglect masks. Use them once a week to nourish curls and add volume to your hair. The same goes for salt peels. They help to exfoliate the dead layer of the epidermis, improve blood microcirculation and allow the scalp to breathe.

At the end of washing, blot your hair with a towel, and then use your fingers to make movements to lift the curls up. If possible, try to shake your head more often so that the strands fall apart and fluff. Continue this until the hair is dry. This process is lengthy, but the result is clearly visible.

When changing the parting line, the curls will show "resistance", and thus they will look more magnificent and "lively".

If you don't want to put too much effort into creating hair volume, then weaving braids at night will help you. Braid slightly damp curls into thin braids, the more - the more "magnificent" the result. Untwist them in the morning - and you will be content with curly voluminous strands. If you want to make them straighter, then go through the comb several times. Your hair will become thick and natural. When handling hair dryers and other hot styling devices, you must be aware of the risks your hair is exposed to. This can dry them out and lead to a deplorable appearance. Therefore, you should sometimes refer to the natural drying of the hair.

The most effective and optimal way to create volume is with the right haircut. This is achieved by cutting the curls in layers, making the upper strands shorter than the lower ones. For long hair, such shortening is often done with a razor, as it softens the hair structure and makes the transition smoother.

Volumizing medium hair at the roots

Rubbing hair with a terry towel
Rubbing hair with a terry towel

To give more volume to medium hair, after washing your hair, let the curls dry a little on their own, blot them with a warm towel. The movements should not be sharp, in no case should the strands be squeezed out, because in this way you will damage their structure and squeeze out internal moisture.

Then tilt your head and start blow-drying against the growth of curls. Mousses or foams can help in this process. Their principle of operation is that they create a thin film around the hair and thus fix it in an elevated position.

Almost no manipulations associated with adding volume to the hair are complete without varnish, which at the end fixes the effect. However, it should not be applied to the entire hairstyle, since the hair should not lose its lightness. The fixation level of the varnish is determined by the installation option.

One quick way to add volume to medium-length hair is to style it with fluff. These are special wavy nozzles that are put on a curling iron. They are used as follows: we take a small strand at a distance of 5-10 cm from the roots and grab it with an iron, but for no more than 6 seconds. We do this procedure with all the curls. Hair will become wavy and full.

Alternatively, you can try to create lush styling on medium hair with a fleece. It is better to carry out this the next day after shampooing, then the volume will last longer. Use a flat comb. The distance between the teeth is chosen depending on the length and type of hair. It is desirable that the main material is wood. Then your root area will not suffer from mechanical stress. First, you should make an arbitrary parting, then separate a small strand and, as it were, put a comb on it at a distance of 12-15 centimeters from the roots. Then start slowly moving it from the ends of the hair to the roots, five strokes are enough. Do this with other curls. Secure the result with varnish.

Curlers will help to create volume of hair at the roots. These are devices that are in the form of a cylinder (made of various materials) with small protrusions. The use of curlers on medium hair is optimal, since short ones can end up sticking out and look sloppy, and long curls fall apart under their own heavy weight. Curlers do not have such a harmful effect as hot air on hair. The shorter the haircut, the smaller the diameter of the curler is needed. First, comb your damp, clean hair to prevent frizz at the roots. Then take a strand, pull it perpendicular to your head and start winding it around the curlers. The movement should be carried out from the bangs, then to the crown, back of the head and temples (in this part, the winding goes in the direction of the growth of the curls). Remove the curlers in the reverse order after the hair is completely dry. You can comb it only after 2 minutes, and use varnish to fix the effect. The most popular for medium length hair are torn haircuts, which at the same time have a clear geometry of lines. Also, for medium length curls, stepped haircuts such as a cascade and a ladder are suitable.

Volumizing at the roots on short hair

Drying your hair with a hairdryer
Drying your hair with a hairdryer

Drying with a hairdryer will help to add volume to short hair. Its power should be strong enough so that the curls do not dry out and become brittle. It is necessary to have two temperature regimes - warm and cold. The latter is used to secure the styling. You will have more opportunities to create volume if the set includes a special nozzle - a diffuser. It is most suitable for drying short hair, as the effect is not noticeable on long, heavy curls. After washing, let your head dry naturally for 2-3 minutes. Then we take a hairdryer with a nozzle, place it to the hair at an angle of 90 degrees and try to wind the curls onto the “fingers” of the diffuser. Hot air streams are evenly distributed and curl the strands. Then, when the hair is almost dry, it is recommended to turn off the hair dryer, apply styling products, and then resume the procedure with a diffuser. Shorten the drying period for short strands with a towel, as it makes the curls less pliable for further manipulation. Not only do you reduce the volume of the hair at the roots by pressing them, but you also take away moisture from them, drying them out from the inside. It is enough just to get wet several times with a waffle towel and let the hair dry on its own.

After washing, it is recommended to comb the hair with a wooden brush. This should be done until you notice that they are visually dry, but still slightly damp when touched. After that, you need to take a round brush - its large diameter will allow you to twist beautiful curls. Choose a bristle type depending on your hair type. It can be natural, plastic or combined. Comb the strands in an arbitrary direction with twisting movements, like paper that you are rolling into a tube. As a result, you will get voluminous curls.

Asymmetrical ragged bangs will visually increase the overall mass of short hair. It is advisable that there are at least 5 steps of the strands, so you will get lush hair. For fine hair, a pixie cut is recommended. It suits any type of face and creates a beautiful texture on the strands.

How to add volume at the hair roots

Those wishing to create an impressive root volume of hair have a wide range of possibilities and means for this. Dyeing curls, homemade masks and rinsing, salon procedures will help women achieve results.

How to create volume at the hair roots with coloring

American hair highlighting
American hair highlighting

To create lush hair using staining, you should contact a qualified specialist in the salon, because this is a rather complicated process that is difficult to cope with on your own. There are several techniques for dyeing your hair to give it extra volume. Consider them:

  • American highlighting is done by applying foil to individual curls. They are painted in different, but well-combined shades. Usually 4-5 colors are used, their transitions are smooth and create a natural volume. This type of highlighting is more suitable for dark hair of any length.
  • For light blond hair, majimesh is used. This is a gentle method that does not have a detrimental effect on the hair structure. The paint is made on a cream basis, does not contain perhydrol and has wax in its components. You will not get a radically new color, but visually increase the volume at the hair roots.
  • The ombre hair coloring technique has also become widespread. The bottom line is that the ends of the curls are painted in a lighter shade. This effect is called "burnt hair". The volume of the hair visually increases due to the transition from dark to light.

Hair volume at the roots at home using masks

Kefir hair mask
Kefir hair mask

You can create voluminous curls by using homemade masks. They are often made with ingredients at hand and are easy to apply. In addition to visually increasing the splendor of the hair, the hair receives the whole complex of nutrients.

There are such types of masks to add volume:

  1. Kefir mask … You will need to slightly warm up low-fat kefir, add (at your discretion) a few drops of your favorite essential oil and apply the ready-made mixture to your hair without getting on its root part. It is recommended to keep it for half an hour.
  2. Cognac honey mask … Stir a glass of rock salt with a glass of warmed up honey, then pour in 50 grams of brandy and stir thoroughly. Essential oils can be added if desired. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar, close the lid and put in a cool place (just not in the refrigerator). After two weeks, you will have a tincture that you can apply to your hair. It is recommended to keep it for an hour.
  3. Pine nut mask … We take 100 grams of pine nuts, grind them, add warm water to get the consistency of sour cream. Then we pour this liquid into an earthen pot and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. It is recommended to apply the resulting mixture to curls, keep for 30-40 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool water. As a result, you will not only have voluminous hair, but also healthy hair.
  4. Gelatin mask … Add one spoonful of gelatin to the container and fill it with 100 milliliters of water at room temperature. In another plate, mix the egg yolk with a teaspoon of mustard. Then we combine the two resulting mixtures. Apply the mask to the hair for no more than half an hour and rinse with cool water.

How to add volume to hair at the roots with folk remedies

Burdock root
Burdock root

The principle of action of traditional medicine is to strengthen the internal hair structure. So the hair becomes thicker and more voluminous.

Rinsing curls with herbal decoctions is popular. Their cooking method is the same, only the components differ. You will need to brew two tablespoons of a certain herb in a liter of water and let the liquid sit for at least an hour. Strain the broth and rinse your hair with it after washing.

Each herb has its own characteristics, choose the best option for yourself:

  • Nettle, thyme and hops strengthen hair follicles and give them shine.
  • Plantain and sage help fight split ends.
  • Burdock root prevents hair loss.
  • Onion peels and tea make curls wavy and are recommended for girls with dark hair.
  • Calendula and chamomile are suitable for blonde hair.
  • The henna will significantly increase the volume, the effect lasts until the next wash.

In addition to herbs, you can also make a bread tincture. Cut brown bread into small cubes, let it dry for several days, and then fill it with water. When the pieces are soft, mix the tincture thoroughly and strain it to get rid of the crumbs. This mouthwash is beneficial because it contains B vitamins and amino acids. Hair will acquire natural strength and elasticity.

Volumizing hair with a boost-up procedure

Boost-up procedure
Boost-up procedure

Boost-up (translated from English. "Boost up" - "increase to") is a modern procedure that is aimed at creating root volume of hair. It is extremely difficult to carry out it at home, since you need special means and the help of a specialist, so it is better to visit a beauty salon.

The process consists in winding thin strands on special hairpins, then they are rinsed with a solution that fixes the shape. After that, the hair is washed and dried. During the procedure, the curls seem to be crimped, due to which the root volume of the hair appears. Boost-up can not straighten neither washing, nor drying, nor hats. It lasts for a long period of time (from two months to six, depending on the length). After that, the curls return to their previous shape. This biowave is as gentle as possible, especially since only part of the curls is affected during the procedure. It is especially good for those with oily hair, because the strands are slightly dry.

How to add root volume to hair with extensions

Extension of strands
Extension of strands

Extension of strands is a hairdressing procedure aimed at increasing the density and volume of natural hair. There are two varieties of it, differing in the fixation of the strands: cold and hot. With hot extension, donor hair is soldered to the curls using keratin and a special curling iron. A small capsule appears at the junction, which is almost invisible and does not interfere with combing. This procedure is designed for 3-4 months, after which correction is required, since natural hair grows back and the transition becomes visible.

For cold build-up, high temperatures are not applied. There are several types of it:

  1. Hair band soldering … The procedure lasts no more than an hour. For her, they take a tape on which other people's curls are evenly glued, and fasten them to the bulbs of your strands. The transition is imperceptible.
  2. Spanish gluing technology … It is used on blond hair, as a capsule forms at the seam, and in brunettes it is easy to see it.
  3. Fastening with metal beads … This procedure is carried out without chemicals, the hair is attached using small metal balls, the color of which is matched to the curls.

As for the harmfulness of the build-up procedure, there is definitely a risk if an unqualified master takes over and uses low-quality materials. In addition, it is important to take special care of your hair in the following months, follow the advice of a hairdresser. How to make root volume of hair - watch the video:

To create the effect of voluminous hair, you should use a complex effect on the curls. The styling process begins with proper shampooing. Remember, you should not get carried away with the use of hair dryers and hairs, they negatively affect the structure of the hair. Also, try to eat right and take care of your curls with the help of traditional medicine.
