

Volnushka: nutritional properties, calorie content and chemical composition. Who is it useful for and when it should not be eaten. The best mushroom recipes and recommendations for cooking and harvesting. How to distinguish a wave from a mushroom. Due to an increase in the secretion of bile acids when eating waves, food is absorbed in full, but at the same time, the accumulation of harmful cholesterol and its deposition on the walls of blood vessels is not allowed.

Harm and contraindications to the use of waves

Abdominal pain when poisoning with a wave
Abdominal pain when poisoning with a wave

A contraindication to the use of a wave is an allergy to mushrooms and an individual intolerance to this particular species. There is also such that it is possible to enter into the diet only Volzhanka with white caps or, conversely, rubella.

You cannot include dishes with waves in the daily menu:

  • With low acidity of gastric juice;
  • With gastritis and pancreatitis;
  • With cholecystitis - with an increase in bile secretion, the disease may worsen;
  • After surgery on the organs of the digestive tract for six months;
  • It is categorically impossible to use waves after removing the gallbladder.

If the waves are improperly prepared, then even a healthy person develops intoxication. Whatever dish you plan to cook, the mushrooms need to be washed, soaked in cold water for 12-14 hours, changing the water 3-4 times and rinsing the contents of the container, and then boil for 15 minutes. If this is not done, stomach cries and intestinal spasms appear.

Intoxication can be caused by volzhanki grown in ecologically unfavorable areas. To accumulate harmful compounds, heavy metals and carcinogens are the properties of all mushrooms. In conditionally edibles, which include Volzhanka, this quality is more pronounced.

Recipes for dishes with a wave

Hot salting of waves
Hot salting of waves

To enjoy the taste of the dish and not be disappointed, you should only pick white and pink young strong mushrooms. In marsh and orange volzhanks, the taste of the pulp is more pungent, they need to be soaked for a long time, and sometimes it becomes already slimy, unpleasant, but the pungency remains.

Recipes from waves:

  1. Cold salting … When salting, the waves are not boiled, so more attention should be paid to soaking. The mushrooms are sorted out, washed and poured with cold water with citric acid. For every 1 kg of mushrooms - 2-3 g of citric acid and a little salt - about a tablespoon. The water is changed 2 times a day, the volzhanki are washed and salt and citric acid are again poured. On the 3rd day, everything is washed for the last time, the mushrooms are placed in a salting container with caps down in rows, laying with salt, dill and spices. Salt for 1 kg - 40 g, spices and dill at your own discretion. The container is closed, oppression is installed on the lid. Store the container with mushrooms only in a cool place. They start to use it after 40-60 days, you shouldn't try it before.
  2. Hot salting … Suitable only for young white waves. For 1 kg of mushrooms, 35 g of coarse salt is used. Spices that improve the taste of the marinade: black peppercorns - up to 10 pieces, bay leaves - 2-3 pieces, allspice peas - 3-5 pieces, cloves - 3 pieces, juniper berries - 3-7 pieces. The mushrooms are not soaked, they are cleaned and washed, then boiled in 2 waters for 7 and 5 minutes. After cooking, the volzhanka is thrown into a colander and allowed to drain. You can additionally blot with a paper towel. The dried blanks are laid out in a pan - preferably enameled, poured with cold water, add 7 g or 1/2 tablespoon of salt to each liter of water, half of all the spices. Boil for 10 minutes. Then they rinse with cold water and spread the mushrooms with the cap up in a salting container, add 30 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms, the remnants of spices and garlic. Press down with oppression and put it in a cold place for a week. Regardless of the type of salting, it is necessary to constantly remove the mold from the salting. To do this, the lid is wrapped with gauze, which is either changed, or washed, and then ironed. The oppression and the lid are scalded with boiling water. When the mushrooms are salted, they are re-soaked in cold water for 2 hours, washed. When serving, season with vegetable oil and add finely chopped onions.
  3. Fried waves … Mushrooms are fried only after pretreatment - it is described above. A more delicious dish will turn out if you use only hats. The vegetable oil is heated in a pan and onions and one carrot are fried in it. When the vegetables are ready, they look appetizing, transparent, they smell delicious, they are served with boiled mushroom caps cut into small pieces. After 10 minutes of frying, add the contents of the pan - up to 1.5 teaspoons of salt - and pepper. Frying continues until golden brown appears - the onion is fried so much that it ceases to be felt. At this stage, undiluted thick sour cream is poured into the pan, so that it completely covers the surface, cover everything with a lid and leave for 25 minutes over low heat, simmer. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before serving.
  4. Soup … Before cooking, mushrooms - 350 g - are processed. Cut the onion into cubes, 3 prongs of garlic into slices, chop parsley and dill, chop the mushrooms. The pan is heated, the butter is melted, the onions are fried, then garlic is added, then the mushrooms - as soon as they release the juice, sprinkle the contents of the pan with salt, dill and other spices - black pepper and ground paprika. Another 2-3 minutes, and the pan is set aside from the stove. They put an enamel pan on the fire, heat the bottom, melt 3 tablespoons of butter and add 2 tablespoons of flour. When the mixture becomes chocolate, with a caramel shade, pour 2 cups of meat or chicken broth and 1 cup of milk into the pan. Stirring, achieve complete homogeneity of the mixture. Neither potatoes nor other vegetables are reported in the classic soup, but if it is impossible to imagine mushroom soup without potatoes, then 1 potato is dipped along with the contents of the pan. Cook for 15 minutes, add sour cream and cook for 3-4 minutes. Serve with parsley. The variant with potatoes is eaten right away - without it, you can eat it for dinner or for breakfast.

The main recommendations for the preparation of waves: for the broth in the first water, pots made of copper, cast iron and tin are not used, and after cooking the first water must be drained. Boil mushrooms in small portions, preferably in two waters. The washed mushrooms begin to cook immediately - unused semi-finished products will have to be thrown away.

All ready meals should be eaten within 12 hours. In between meals, food must be refrigerated.

Interesting facts about volushka

Pink hair
Pink hair

It is sometimes difficult for inexperienced mushroom pickers to understand what they have found, a mushroom or a wave. To determine, you need to turn the mushroom head down. A pink leg with fluff on the bottom half of the hat clearly indicates a wave.

When picking mushrooms, you should pay attention to the color. The smoother the circles on the cap and the more symmetrical the color, the higher the quality of the product.

If, after purchasing or collecting waves, there is no time for cooking, then you will have to spend it on preparing for storage. Each mushroom is individually set aside and wrapped in a paper napkin, and then wrapped together in a cloth and put on a refrigerator shelf.

For long-term storage, the waves are frozen. They clean it from dirt, remove part of the leg, especially if it was not collected according to the rules and captured part of the mycelium-mycelium, and then put it in the freezer. When frozen at 18 ° C, beneficial properties are retained for 8-12 months.

Watch a video about mushrooms volvushki:

Despite being classified as conditionally edible mushrooms, on the territory of Russia and in Finland, they occupy one of the leading positions in harvesting for the winter. They are not popular in pickled form - they are harvested by salting.