Black sapote

Black sapote
Black sapote

Where to taste real chocolate persimmon and what it looks like. Calorie content, composition and useful properties of black sapote, contraindications to use. Methods for preparing exotic fruits, interesting facts about a tropical plant. If the skin is very dry, cracks, after mechanical influences, micro-wounds appear, this fruit should be used not only for internal use, but also for cosmetic purposes. The pulp puree has a nourishing and softening effect.

Sick children refuse to eat. If you have a black persimmon fruit at hand, the problem is easy to solve. The chocolate fruit is peeled, kneaded, you can add a little honey - and the baby is fed. Each spoon should be washed down with warm tea with fennel or rosehip infusion. Such a meal will simultaneously saturate, replenish the body, exhausted by the disease, with a supply of nutrients and eliminate irritation of the larynx.

Salad of 3 fruits of chocolate persimmon nourishes, tones the body for the whole day and promotes weight loss. The composition of black sapote contains proteins and a lot of potassium - the "building material" of muscle tissue, if you go to workout after using it, the muscles will become denser.

Harm and contraindications to the use of black sapote


The taste of the chocolate fruit is so intense that it is very difficult to stop at a slice. In addition, there are few contraindications to use.

Contraindications to black sapote:

  • Diabetes mellitus - the fruit contains a high amount of sucrose, disacrose and starch.
  • The tendency to constipation is a relative contraindication, if you eat no more than half of the fruit at a time, there will be no problems with defecation.
  • Individual intolerance. If you have a history of allergy to common persimmon, then you will have to refuse to get acquainted with the new product.

If a child up to 1, 5-3 years old has already been given persimmon, then you should not deny him the pleasure of trying the chocolate version. The intestinal flora is sufficiently prepared for the new dish, and no problems will arise.

Black sapote recipes

What does a black sapote look like
What does a black sapote look like

Black sapote is delicious on its own - fresh. This is basically how it is used. Ripe pulp is conveniently eaten with a spoon, scooping up a little. The astringent taste, like ordinary persimmons, is absent in ripe chocolate. When preparing milkshakes, chocolate can be safely replaced with black sapote pulp. The cocktail tastes better than the original.

Black sapote recipes:

  1. Preparation for the winter … The sapota is cut into slices, left to dry in the sun for one day, then dried in a microwave oven so that the product is jerky. Then it is packaged in plastic bags and frozen. In such a blank, all the useful properties of the original product are preserved. In industrial preparation for sale, during filling in bags, fruit slices are treated with carbon dioxide.
  2. Smoothie … 3 ripe chocolate fruits, 1 citrus - a small red grapefruit or sour orange. You can use lime or lemon - half of the fruit. Cut the fruits into pieces, try to remove all the partitions from the citrus fruits, beat the pulp in a blender. To taste, drive in ginger powder - you can grated fresh root. Cinnamon is used to improve the taste. It is advisable to chill the smoothie before use. You can combine it with ice cream - sundae, crème brulee or butter.
  3. Salad … Ingredients - 4 sapots and 1 apple. Cut apples into slices, chocolate persimmons into thicker slices, add red onion rings and season with sauce. Sauce recipe, the proportions of products are measured with tablespoons: 2 parts lemon juice, 3 parts olive oil, 5 parts soy sauce. Pepper and sugar to taste. Some people prefer to add salt to the salad.
  4. Delicate casserole … Black sapote - 3 pieces - are dipped in boiling water and a little lemon peel is added. It is enough to cook for 30 seconds, then the water is drained and allowed to stand in a sealed container. Beat an egg with 1, 5 tablespoons of sugar, add the same amount of flour and half a glass of sour cream. Mix the sauce thoroughly. Lubricate the form with sunflower oil, lay out the peeled fruits, cut into cubes, pour in sour cream sauce. Bake at biscuit temperature for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon or vanilla before serving.
  5. Pudding … This is a traditional American dish. Cooked in a steam bath. If corn flour is not available, wheat flour can be used. Ripe fruits are interrupted on a blender until puree. You need to calculate so that you get 2 cups of jelly-like pulp. Mix it with baking soda - 1 teaspoon is enough, with 1, 5 glasses of sugar and a chicken egg is driven in. Mix the flour separately, 1 glass, with a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of baking powder. You can add half a teaspoon of clove powder to improve the taste. The whipped pulp is carefully combined with buttermilk and very heavy cream is poured in - half a glass, a tablespoon of honey and 4 tablespoons of butter, melted at room temperature, are added. Mix everything with slow movements. Pour the dough into a greased mold. The pudding can be baked like a sponge cake in the oven or in a slow cooker on the "frying" mode, but it is better to put a closed dish in a double boiler and wait until the dough rises and the consistency becomes airy. The finished pudding is placed in an open very hot oven for 1-2 minutes uncovered to brown. Experienced cooks use a gas burner for this purpose. When serving, you can pour over melted liquid chocolate or boil sugar syrup. To do this, melt half a glass of sugar, add a tablespoon of flour. As soon as the consistency becomes homogeneous, remove the syrup from the heat, cool slightly and add vanilla essence.
  6. Dessert of black sapote … In a blender, mix the pulp of 2 chocolate persimmons, a quarter cup of coffee liqueur, a packet of vanilla sugar and 4 tablespoons of heavy cream. Cool. Served with ice cream.
  7. Healthy breakfast … Unsweetened yogurt is mixed with 2 fruits of black sapote crushed into a pulp, sprinkled with cinnamon.
  8. Vegetarian breakfast … An apple, a banana, an orange and a large peeled black sapote fruit are cut and mixed into slices. Mix the pulp with whipped cream, season with cinnamon and season the salad.

All dishes are delicious if they are prepared from ripe fruits - sapots, covered with a brownish-brown skin, with dark stripes on the surface. The unripe pulp tastes bitter and "knits" like a regular persimmon, the dishes will turn out to be tasteless.

When cooking black persimmon jam, add a little zest or lemon juice, otherwise the dessert will turn out to be too cloying. 1 kg of black sapote pulp is mixed with 0.5 kg of sugar. You cannot take less sugar, despite the sweetness of the fruit - the jam will not be stored. If you plan to eat the dessert right away, you can experiment with the amount of sugar.

Interesting facts about black sapote

Black sapote on a branch
Black sapote on a branch

Black sapote matures only in tropical climates - it is impossible to get a truly rich chocolate taste of the fruit pulp in greenhouse conditions.

The Aztecs prized the black sapote. Bernardino de Sahagun, conquistador, describing the area that was called "New Spain" in the time of Columbus, mentioned the tree under the name "Totolcuitlazaputl" - this is the name of the plant by the locals, described the taste of the fruit and praised it, marveling at the beauty of the trees and the unsightly appearance of the ripe black persimmon …

The first attempts to sell black sapote in the markets of countries in which it is not grown have been unsuccessful. In appearance, the fruit is too similar to a rotten apple, and they bought it with apprehension. The sale of dried slices proved to be successful, and then ripe berries became popular.

On the territory of the CIS, the black sapote has a "competitor" in name - chocolate persimmon is often called a variety of ordinary persimmon "king". These fruits are similar in origin, similar in preparation, but they have different tastes. In addition, the color of the flesh of the chocolate sapote is black, and it has a richer chocolate flavor, while the kinglet is a light aftertaste.

The best harvesting of fruits is deep freezing. In the future, the fruits are used as semi-finished products for preparing various dishes, you can defrost them, add mashed potatoes from black sapote to ice cream or use them to make alcoholic cocktails and soft drinks.

If you freeze unripe fruits, then the astringency and bitterness is lost. Fresh defrosting is no longer used - only as a filling for baking or an addition to the preparation of desserts with heat treatment.

In Europe, it is possible to buy a chocolate sapot, but it does not reach the consumer of the open spaces of the CIS fresh. To feel the chocolate taste, soft fruits should be removed from the tree - they are not stored for a long time. The maximum shelf life at moderate temperatures on a refrigerator shelf is no longer than a week.

Watch the video about the black sapot:

If there is an opportunity to try a tropical fruit, do not neglect it. Black sapote is tasty and healthy - ascorbic acid in a ripe fruit is 4 times more than in an orange.