Types of workout schedules in bodybuilding

Types of workout schedules in bodybuilding
Types of workout schedules in bodybuilding

To be successful in bodybuilding, you need to know the training schedules used by great champions like Arnold Schwarzenegger. The training schedule of an athlete depends on his level of training, as well as on the goals that he pursues. In addition, it affects the required number of sessions per week and the volume of each workout. There are other factors that influence the choice of schedule. Today we are going to take a look at the main types of bodybuilding workout schedules.

Training Session Schedule for Beginners

Girl performs dumbbell swings
Girl performs dumbbell swings

Perhaps the main factor affecting the quantity and quality of classes is the goal of the training. Novice athletes need to prepare their body and body for the upcoming hard workouts. During the first 3 or 4 months, you need to lay a quality foundation for future growth.

During this period, you cannot constantly increase the working weight of sports equipment or use various training methods. If at this stage you do not lay the foundation, then the body will adapt for a long time. It is likely that in this case you will not be able to see significant progress during the year.

Very often this becomes the reason for the completion of training by beginners who are simply disappointed in the training. If they had not made these mistakes, then, for sure, having seen progress, they would have continued their studies. Since your body is not yet ready for heavy loads and work in the mode necessary for muscle growth, it is necessary to train often, but not very much.

You need to use circuit training every other day and focus on large muscle groups while doing basic exercises. Each session should last about 40 minutes. It's too early for you to progress the load and you need to work with light weights. Particular attention should be paid to the technique of performing the exercises.

Weight training schedule

Example of load progression
Example of load progression

When training for mass, you need to achieve muscle hypertrophy, which means creating the necessary stress and allocating sufficient time to restore the body. Also, do not forget about training the central nervous system and the body's energy reserves. All of this implies microperiodization.

Your sessions should last no more than one hour, excluding warm-up time. This usually takes 10 to 20 minutes. When the warm-up is complete, you need to do the first exercise in the warm-up set with an empty bar. It is from this moment that the countdown of 60 minutes begins.

To determine the optimal training time, you need to know what type of muscle fibers you will train. For the oxidizing and the fast ones, this is the evening. During this time, testosterone levels are higher, as well as body temperature. Your weight training schedule may vary depending on the division of your body into muscle groups. In the event that you work in one lesson on one large and 1 small groups, using microperiodization of large groups, then the best option is training every second day. It is advisable to train the biceps together with the chest, and the triceps with the back. The shoulder girdle is best trained on the day of leg work. If you are going to train large groups of muscles separately from small ones, then you can do it every day.

Strength training schedule

Example of a strength training schedule
Example of a strength training schedule

To increase your strength, you should develop glycotic and high-threshold fast fibers, as well as pay attention to the development of the body's ability to obtain energy from creatine phosphate. These fiber types are trained once every 14 days, and in between these sessions, you need to work on oxidative fibers.

When scheduling strength training sessions, you should use microperiodization, which is more complex than mass training.

The session should last about one hour. This is due to the fact that then the level of the male hormone begins to decrease, and the synthesis of cortisol increases. For this reason, dividing one session into two days is ideal. As you know, the reserves of creatine phosphate are restored within 5-10 minutes of rest between sets and if you perform five approaches, then it will take all the time of the session. At the same time, if you are not doing powerlifting professionally, then you will not need it.

It is better to train in the evening, since in addition to the higher testosterone levels at this time, the risk of injury due to a higher body temperature is reduced. But if your biorhythms do not correspond to such a training schedule, then you can fully train in the morning.

The scheme of your training can be as follows: work on the glycolytic fibers of a large muscle group, then train the oxidative fibers of another, and at the final stage you train high-threshold fast fibers of the third.

Drying workout schedule

An example of a graph for giving the press a relief
An example of a graph for giving the press a relief

The main goal of drying training is to burn subcutaneous fat deposits, but it is necessary to preserve the muscles. It is also important to remember that drying is not possible without diet, and for this you can use a carbohydrate nutrition program.

While drying, your exercise should last about 40 minutes. If you need to burn fat, then it is better to do it using a nutrition program, and exercise during this period to maintain muscle. The time of the classes depends on the type of load that you will use. If you have planned cardio and anaerobic activity on the same day, then between them you should give the body a minimum of six hours to rest.

Training schedule for girls

Girl performs lunges with a barbell
Girl performs lunges with a barbell

The main challenge for girls is to create a seductive buttocks and tighten other body muscles. You also need to burn fat. Unlike guys, girls shouldn't divide their training into different types.

The duration of the classes directly depends on the degree of preparation. If you are starting out in the gym, use circular workouts lasting 70 to 80 minutes. For more experienced athletes, it makes sense to increase the intensity of the training and reduce the training time to one hour.

Learn more about how to set up a training schedule for a beginner in this video:
