Step-by-step recipe for pasta casserole with stew, cooking technology. Video recipe.

Pasta casserole with stew is an economical and tasty dish that allows you to serve pasta in an unusual way. The cooking technology is very simple, the list of ingredients is small, but at the same time, the food turns out to be visually attractive, has an appetizing aroma, and satisfies hunger well.
The basis of the dish is boiled pasta. Their variety and shape can be any - it depends on individual taste preferences. It is important that they are not overcooked and keep their shape well. Durum wheat pasta is the best choice. have the highest nutritional value and are less likely to lead to weight gain.
Stew can contain any type of meat - poultry, rabbit, pork. Choose according to your own preference. It is important that the product is of high quality, tasty and does not contain hazardous components. You can also use any meat boiled in salted water with bay leaves, onions and black pepper to make pasta casseroles with stewed meat.
Red fish in a slightly salted form allows you to diversify this dish and brings a special sophistication to it. It can also be made at home from the freshest carcass, salted for 12-24 hours in a little salt and refined sunflower oil, or you can buy a ready-made product at the supermarket.
The tomatoes in this stewed pasta casserole recipe are used not only to improve the taste, but also to make the food easier for the digestive system to absorb. Their number can be large, but it is important to remember that excess moisture that is released from this product during baking can spoil the result.
The rest of the ingredients in the stewed pasta casserole are also important in this dish. The eggs are used to shape the casserole. Sour cream softens each ingredient and serves as a binder along with eggs. Greens improve taste and aroma. And cheese allows you to make a spicy crust on the surface.
We offer a simple recipe for pasta casserole with stew with a photo.
See also how to make pork noodle casserole.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 180 kcal.
- Servings - 4
- Cooking time - 50 min

- Boiled pasta - 200 g
- Stew - 1/2 can
- Tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.
- Greens - 1/2 bunch
- Eggs - 3 pcs.
- Mayonnaise or sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
- Hard cheese - 50 g
- Lightly salted red fish - 100 g
Step by step cooking of pasta casserole with stew

1. Before preparing the pasta casserole with stewed meat, boil the pasta in a large amount of salted water until cooked, put it in a colander and let all the liquid drain. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes. If they are very juicy, then the seeds should be removed, leaving only the pulp for the dish. We place them in a deep container, add chopped red fish and stew, disassembled into small pieces, to them. Pour in the chopped dill and mix thoroughly.

2. After that add the boiled pasta and mix again.

3. Prepare a suitable form for cooking pasta casserole with stew - one large or several small ones for serving the dish in portions. Lubricate from the inside with refined vegetable oil. Put the pasta inside.

4. Drive eggs into a separate container, add sour cream or mayonnaise to them, add a little, if necessary, and beat thoroughly with a fork, whisk or mixer.

5. Pour the resulting egg mixture into the pasta and distribute evenly.

6. Rub the hard cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle it with the future casserole of pasta and stew.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the filled mold in it. The baking time is 25-30 minutes. To get a crispy brown crust, fry for 3 minutes under the grill.

8. Delicious pasta casserole with stew in the oven is ready! This dish can be served both warm and cold, garnished with fresh herbs and accompanied by fresh vegetables or pickles.
See also the video recipe:
1. Pasta casserole with minced meat