Would you like to cook a delicious, soft and tender beef brisket steak in a frying pan? Then you are here! Read the step-by-step recipe with photos, technical nuances and cooking secrets. Video recipe.

Brisket - A piece of meat from the front of a beef carcass. The meat is dense and contains a lot of connective tissue fibers. Cooking such a piece requires effort and patience, then the result will exceed all expectations. The brisket is effortlessly cooked on the grill, in the oven, in a pan. Today we will cook beef brisket steak in a frying pan.
Steak is a piece of meat fried in a pan until golden brown. It is prepared only from premium beef. Different parts of the carcass are chosen for the steak, for example, fillet with a minimum amount of connective tissue. Tenderloin possesses such qualities, tk. it is not involved in muscle movement. The flesh of the brisket is not bad, it is soft, without veins, so it cooks quickly. Use a thin and thick edge for the steak. It should be borne in mind that only young bulls, whose age reaches 1.5 years, are suitable for a steak. In this case, you can not use fresh meat. It must lie in the freezer for at least 20 days for fermentation to occur in it, from which the pulp fibers will soften. From such meat, the steak will turn out to be especially soft and juicy.
Read also TOP 5 best beef roast beef recipes.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 135 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 30 minutes

- Beef brisket - 1 steak
- Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon for brushing a steak and 1 tbsp. for frying
- Ground black pepper - a pinch
- A mixture of freshly ground peppers - 0.3 tsp
- Salt - 0.3 tsp or to taste
Step-by-step cooking of beef brisket steak in a pan, recipe with photo:

1. Rinse the meat under running water and dry very well with a paper towel. You can even leave it on the plank for 10 minutes to dry it better and avoid contact of oil with water during frying.
If you have a whole large piece of meat, then cut it into large pieces across the fibers. At the same time, keep in mind that the steak is cut with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm, but not more than 5 cm. Strongly thin layers of meat are easy to overcook, and very large pieces are difficult to bring to readiness. Cooked moderately sized steaks will remain juicy. During heat treatment, the heat passes into the fillet faster, and it warms up evenly.
If you have frozen beef, then defrost it in the refrigerator for several hours. Do not use a microwave oven for defrosting, as the temperature regime is violated and the meat is fried unevenly.

2. Lightly saturate the dried steak with vegetable oil on both sides.

3. Then rub the meat well on all sides with ground black pepper and freshly ground pepper.

4. Pour a small amount of oil into the pan and heat well. You can generally grease the pan with oil using a silicone brush so that the bottom is oiled with a minimum amount of oil. Then add the prepared meat to the skillet.
Fry a steak in a pan with a thick bottom; a cast-iron surface is ideal for this.

5. Fry the meat on both sides over high heat until golden brown, which "seals" the juice inside the meat. If this does not happen, the juice will drain out and the meat will turn out to be stewed. For the same reason, do not touch the steak, do not press down with a fork or knife.
After a quick, strong fry, add salt to the meat, cover the pan with a lid, screw the heat to medium and cook for 10 minutes so that the inside of the fiber becomes tender and soft. Serve the finished beef brisket steak in a frying pan immediately after cooking. Serve it with a vegetable salad or any side dish.
See also a video recipe on how to fry a steak.