How to make a hair mask with oils

How to make a hair mask with oils
How to make a hair mask with oils

Useful properties of hair oils and contraindications for use. Mask recipes based on them with various ingredients. Vegetable oils are components that were used for cosmetic purposes already in Ancient Greece. Today, their popularity has only increased as more and more women choose natural beauty products.

Useful properties of hair oils

Hair mask with oils
Hair mask with oils

The use of oils for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes is due to their unique healing properties. It is these characteristics that make these components indispensable in highly effective hair masks.

The beneficial effects of oils on curls:

  • Nutritional value … Vegetable oils are a natural storehouse of nutrients. They are able to saturate the hair with a variety of vitamins, essential trace elements, life-giving proteins and essential amino acids.
  • Stimulating blood circulation … These solar fluids significantly intensify the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, contributing to a better supply of important substances to the hair follicles.
  • Moisturizing … A number of chemical constituents of oils help to better saturate the hair with moisture and its longer preservation.
  • Recovery … Numerous nourishing ingredients allow the oils to be used to renew the structure of damaged, weakened hair.
  • Fight grease … Properly selected vegetable oil is able to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, for a long time relieving curls from untidy oily sheen.
  • Growth stimulation … Improving the blood supply to the hair follicles, optimizing their nutrition with useful substances stimulates the acceleration of hair growth.
  • Treatment … The unique properties of the oils have a healing effect on itching, seborrhea, flaking and inflammation of the scalp.
  • Improving appearance … Ensuring the health of curls, oils give them vitality, lively shine, natural elasticity, real firmness.

Various masks with oils are used for hair of all types, especially with fragility, loss, split ends, exhaustion, slow growth, excessive greasiness, dandruff, itchy skin and other unpleasant problems.

Contraindications to the use of hair masks with oils

Proper use of hair oil
Proper use of hair oil

Despite the long history of using oils for effective care for problem hair, on the issue of their specific use, it is worth consulting with a qualified trichologist who knows your type of curls and can accurately justify the need for the procedure.

Contraindications to the use of oil hair masks:

  1. Allergies or intolerances … If the test application of the product for 10 minutes on the wrist or elbow area has passed without consequences, for example, itching or burning, the mask can be applied. If negative symptoms appear, the risk of allergies or intolerance is high, it is better to refuse the procedure.
  2. Pregnancy … Although doctors advise the use of natural cosmetics during this crucial period, qualified recommendations are required in each individual case. So, for example, experts voice contraindications to the use by pregnant women of formulations based on peanut and cedar nut oils.
  3. Dyed hair … The oil in the mask helps to quickly wash out the color, but if you do not consciously strive for this, then it is better to wait with such a procedure.
  4. Improper use … Unreasonable and uncontrolled use of oil can lead to an increase in the amount of sebum, which clogs the pores and disrupts the blood supply to the hair follicles. Curls will lose their shine, strength, and may even begin to fall out.
  5. Unsuitable shampoo … Try to choose detergents that guarantee the maximum effect. To prevent the pores from clogging with excess fat, the head should be cleaned thoroughly after the procedures.
  6. Bad smell … Mask oils should also be selected based on their scent. If the product smells unpleasant, then it is better to refuse to buy and use it, and choose a substance with a neutral or pleasant aroma for you. This will avoid psychological discomfort.
  7. Unscrupulous manufacturer … You can save yourself from problems by carefully considering the purchase of ingredients for oil masks. You should not prefer cheap products of dubious brands to quality products of well-known manufacturers.

It should be noted that the opinions of experts about hair masks with oils are different - from supportive recommendations to categorical rejection. An experienced doctor will always be able to correctly calculate the effectiveness and risk of home procedures, the main thing is to contact him on time.

What oils to use for the mask

Oil set
Oil set

High-quality vegetable oils, collecting mostly positive reviews, are a natural multifunctional product, unique in terms of demonstrated properties, that meets the highest requirements for current natural cosmetics. They provide an opportunity to achieve beauty and perfection in the shortest way and in harmony with nature.

Recommendations for the use of oils:

  • Burr oil … It is very often used in effective folk medicine and home cosmetology. Its unique components rapidly penetrate the problematic scalp, providing a significant stimulating effect, intensifying blood circulation in the tissues and nourishing the bulbs. Roots are strengthened, hair grows faster. The oil fights dandruff, dryness, hair loss, seborrhea and itchy skin, making curls pleasantly soft and elastic.
  • Castor oil … Obtained from the fruits of the castor bean, mainly growing in the very east of Africa. Has unique properties. Masks with it heal and strengthen curls of all types, eliminate dandruff, nourish tissues, preventing hair loss. Castor oil restores the hair column by gluing the scales and nourishing its surface. Renewed hair gains shine and strength.
  • Olive oil … This is a real storehouse of nutrients. A regular mask with it contains an impressive complex of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, often allowing even very damaged hair to be brought back to life, making it softer and more manageable. Regular treatments with this oil restore curls, leaving them strong and radiant. Olive oil relieves scalp irritation, flaking, burning and dandruff.
  • Coconut oil … One of the most fatty of these products, 90% of its composition falls on fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, lauric, linolenic and others). The oil applied to the hair envelops it with a protective film, restores and moisturizes. It is important to remember the concentration requirements when using the product. So, for dry curls, a 50% concentrate of this oil is suitable, for oily strands the concentration should be several times lower. Proper and timely use of such masks restores healthy shine to hair, preserves its strength and natural elasticity.
  • Linseed oil … This is an amazing combination of vitamins, minerals and life-giving fatty acids. Masks with him make it possible to carry out comprehensive care for burnt and dry strands. This oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, effectively strengthens the hair follicles, has a beneficial effect on the disturbed hair structure, making it stronger and accelerating its growth.
  • Almond oil … Contains important vitamins E and F, phytosterols, oleic and linolenic acid glycerides. This composition turns it into an excellent remedy for restoring thinned and damaged curls. This oil improves the scalp, removing inflammation and optimizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which makes it possible to use it even for those with excessively oily hair. Masks with it effectively nourish the strands, strengthen them, activate the bulbs, which stimulates the hair to grow faster, and refreshes its appearance.
  • Jojoba oil … It is non-oxidizing and has healing properties, which makes it popular in the beauty industry. Its composition is rich in vitamin E and proteins, so it perfectly cares for brittle and excessively dry hair. Its components are able to provide restoration, hydration and nutrition to damaged curls, helping to heal them. Also, jojoba oil in masks helps to eliminate dandruff, strengthen roots, and fight split ends.
  • Argan oil … Produced from the fruit of argan, a wonderful tree growing in Morocco. This exotic product contains 80% of the most valuable saturated fatty acids called beauty helpers. Protects hair from changes in humidity and temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, exposure to harmful substances. It has an extremely favorable effect on the structure of the curls, nourishes and effectively moisturizes them. Regularly applying argan oil in masks, you can really get rid of annoying dandruff, prevent hair aging, noticeably accelerate hair growth, make it more obedient and thicker.

Here are just a few of the more popular oils that can benefit your hair. Of course, their list is much more extensive, as is the palette of their remarkable capabilities. Studying the characteristics of these natural remedies and using them in home cosmetic and medical practices is a necessary task for those who want to preserve the natural beauty of their curls.

Oil based hair mask recipes

An elegant appropriate hairstyle is a significant accent in the look of every well-groomed woman. This simply requires healthy, strong, shiny hair. Vegetable oils are an effective natural protection for our curls, stimulators of their growth, guarantors of good nutrition. They contain many nutrients and are simply irreplaceable.

Hair masks with burdock oil

Burdock oil
Burdock oil

Burdock oil is a truly magical remedy. It allows you to restore health to the strands as soon as possible. To increase its effectiveness, traditional medicine advises to mix it with certain plant and essential oils, add healing vitamin A to it.

Recipes for hair masks with burdock oil:

  1. With pepper … Mix burdock oil (30 g), castor oil (30 g) and pepper tincture (30 g). Rub the product into the roots, stand for an hour, rinse gently.
  2. With nettles … In 200 ml of boiling water, boil nettle leaves (2 tablespoons), insist until cooled, drain. Add burdock oil (1 tablespoon) to 100 ml of infusion. It should be done twice a week for a month.
  3. With vitamins … Vitamins A and E (10 drops each) are added to a mixture of burdock (35 g) and olive (35 g) oils. The product is slightly warmed up and treated with dry hair. Wash off after an hour. Can be applied in a course of 1 month every other day. Hair grows much faster.
  4. With aloe … Burdock oil (50 g) is combined with aloe juice (90 g). The mask is kept for half an hour or an hour. Apply 1-2 times a week for a whole month. This composition also accelerates the growth of curls.
  5. With lemon … The mask includes: burdock oil (50 g), lemon juice (35 g), liquid honey (60 g) and two yolks. The oil is slightly warmed up by adding juice and honey to it. The yolks are ground, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The composition is applied from the roots, rubbing into the bulbs. The rest of the product with a comb is distributed along the length. The head is insulated, kept for an hour, then washed well. For the purpose of treatment, do 2-3 times in 10 days (full course - 15 procedures).

Burdock oil can also be used in its pure form. But here it is important to follow the recommendations. Owners of excessively greasy strands should be especially careful when using this product, so as not to aggravate an already unfavorable situation.

Burdock oil sold in a pharmacy is represented by a decoction or infusion of burdock root, popularly called burdock, in peach or high-quality olive oil. Making it on your own does not guarantee the desired result. Pharmacy oil is easier to rinse off and does not make hair too greasy.

For light curls, the degree of purification of this oil is not indifferent. You should choose transparent or yellowish, since in the presence of a greenish tint, it can color the strands.

Hair masks with castor oil

Castor oil
Castor oil

Castor oil is certainly very effective in keeping our hair healthy. It is also used to improve the condition of eyelashes and eyebrows. This product is used both in pure form and in formulations with other nutritional components of masks and compresses.

Castor oil hair mask recipes:

  • Traditional … Pure castor oil is heated a little and rubbed thoroughly directly into dry skin and roots. Do not distribute the product along the length of the strands - the oil is too thick and does not wash off well. After that, you should wrap your head and after 2 hours wash it with a mild shampoo. It is advised to use it twice a week for about 3 months. The hair will become lush and thicker.
  • Dandruff … Add tea leaves (teaspoon) to boiling water (50 ml). Insist, cool, filter. The resulting tea broth is well mixed with castor oil (5 g) and vodka (20 g). The composition is applied to the skin, kept for 2 hours, diligently washed off with warm water. The frequency of application is 2-3 times a week.
  • Dry skin … Tincture of calendula (40 g) is mixed with castor oil (40 g), then applied directly to the skin. Wash off after half an hour.
  • For hair growth … Half a glass of kefir is slightly heated right in a small container with hot water. Castor oil (5 g) is added to it, mixed and rubbed vigorously into the skin and roots. The head is insulated, and after half an hour they are washed well.
  • Against falling out … It is recommended to rub a composition of castor oil (60 g) and medical alcohol (20 g) into the hair roots. After two hours, gently rinse the curls with a mild shampoo, then rinse abundantly with a fairly weak solution of vinegar or lemon. To this end, for the upcoming rinse, add the juice of half a lemon or 40 g of vinegar to the water.
  • Against fragility … They make a mixture of castor oil (35 g) and onion juice (35 g), rub it diligently into the roots, warm the head well. Wash off with heated water after 40 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that the greatest benefits castor oil can bring only in combination with proper care of existing curls and a healthy diet rich in vitamins to preserve hair. Fulfillment of these conditions will allow you to maintain attractiveness and charm for a long time.

Hair masks with olive oil

Olive oil
Olive oil

Olive oil is especially popular in cosmetology. Its nutritional qualities are valuable and it is highly digestible. It has a rich chemical composition, disinfecting properties, and a moisturizing ability. It does not clog pores, soothes the skin, makes curls obedient, and does not oxidize on the skin.

Olive oil hair mask recipes:

  1. With mustard … Mustard powder (20 g) is diluted with warm water to a semi-liquid gruel. Olive oil (35 g) is added to the mixture, then applied to the roots for half an hour. Stimulates hair growth.
  2. With lemon juice … Stir in olive oil (50 g) and lemon juice (50 g). The composition is applied to the curls without rubbing into the roots. Leave under a warming cap for an hour. Slightly brightens the strands.
  3. With banana … Olive oil (20 g) is added to the pulp of one mashed banana. The mixture is covered with curls, keeping for half an hour or an hour. The mask transforms damaged hair into moisturized, manageable and shiny hair.
  4. With cocoa … Cocoa powder (20 g) is mixed with olive oil (40 g). The tool is distributed over the strands for half an hour. Cocoa minerals are good for restoring weakened hair, making it shine. The mask is ideal for nourishing brown-haired curls, giving them a light chocolate shade.
  5. With yoghurt … Combine olive oil (50 g) and natural yogurt (50 g), which can be replaced with mayonnaise or kefir. The mass is applied to the strands for 1 hour. An effective way to properly moisturize and nourish your hair, making it manageable and silky.

According to scientific research, olive oil can solve various hair problems. For their treatment, it is recommended to use a product mainly of the extra virgin brand, which is recognized as the most useful and high-quality, with regenerating and moisturizing characteristics.

Hair masks with coconut oil

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

Coconut oil is obtained from dried pure coconut pulp. It envelops the hairs with the thinnest film that protects them from harmful substances, ultraviolet radiation. The product nourishes and perfectly moisturizes dry strands, eliminates split ends.

Coconut oil hair mask recipes:

  • For hair growth … Directly in an appropriate container, knead half a ripe banana in mashed potatoes, adding coconut oil (40 g) and fatty homemade sour cream (20 g). The product is thoroughly mixed and warmed up a little. With delicate massage movements, the resulting mass is applied along the length. From above, the hair is wrapped. Wash off everything after 40 minutes with a suitable shampoo.
  • For a lively shine of hair … Rosemary and rose essential oils (2 drops each) are added directly to the heated coconut oil (50 g). The product is applied directly to dry hair, insulated. Wash off after an hour and a half with heated water and an appropriate shampoo.
  • For oily hair … Stir the coconut oil (40 g) and sea salt (60 g) vigorously. Heat the composition in a regular water bath, stirring until the salt is completely dissolved. Cover the hair length with the mixture and insulate. Continue the procedure for an hour, then rinse everything off with shampoo.
  • For weakened hair … A mixture is prepared from coconut oil (40 g), milk (40 g) and ground oatmeal (30 g). Then it is applied to the curls, warming from above. After half an hour, rinse off diligently with a suitable shampoo.

Coconut oil is effectively used directly in pure form and in masks. When it is dosed into the usual shampoo, the loss of the necessary protein from the hair, noted during washing and subsequent combing, is significantly reduced. It is recommended to increase the amount of ingredients in proportion to the length of the existing curls.

Hair masks with honey and oil

Vegetable oil and honey for the mask
Vegetable oil and honey for the mask

Numerous hair masks with honey and various vegetable oils restore obedience and softness to curls, gloss and strength, relieve irritation and dandruff. These masks stimulate the growth of thick and surprisingly long hair, renew the hair after unsuccessful dyeing or a merciless perm.

Recipes for hair masks with honey and oils:

  1. Burdock … Gently mix burdock oil (20 g) and liquid honey (10 g). The composition is rubbed directly into the roots, washed off after an hour. Accelerates hair growth.
  2. Burdock with aloe … A mixture of burdock oil (25 g), aloe juice (25 g) and liquid homemade honey (25 g) is prepared. All this is applied to the strands for an hour. The composition strengthens the curls, accelerates their growth, is favorable for the skin.
  3. Olive with henna … Take olive oil (20 g), colorless henna powder (20 g), fresh homemade honey (30 g) and egg yolk. Lubricate the strands with a homogeneous mixture and leave for half an hour. Restores dry curls, moisturizes and nourishes.
  4. Coconut with banana … Coconut oil (20 g) and honey (60 g) are heated and mixed in a water bath, adding mashed potatoes from one ripe banana (for a thinner consistency, it can be slightly diluted with water). Moistened hair is covered with a homogeneous mixture, covered with a film, insulated. After 40 minutes, the mask is washed off. Nourishes and restores lifeless damaged strands.

The largest number of positive reviews about masks with honey and natural oils can be heard from the owners of long hair. Due to the difficulty of natural nutrition, their ends often split and break. And the means in question become simply an irreplaceable salvation, returning strength to the curls along their entire considerable length.

Hair masks with egg and oil

Egg and vegetable oil mask
Egg and vegetable oil mask

A lot has already been said about the benefits of natural oils. And what is the use of an egg as a component of hair masks? For example, the amino acids contained in it make curls shiny and protect against dandruff. Lecithin in its composition is able to bring damaged strands back to life. And the vitamin E present in the egg can protect them from fragility, make them more elastic.

Egg and oil hair mask recipes:

  • Olive … Mix olive oil (35 g) with one yolk until smooth and lubricate the hair. After 40 minutes, they wash their hair. Has nutritional properties.
  • Olive with lemon … Olive oil (35 g), yolk and fresh lemon juice (10 g) are thoroughly mixed and applied to the curls for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water. This vitamin composition is suitable for all existing hair types, beneficially transforms the skin.
  • Burdock with cocoa and vitamins … A mixture is prepared from burdock oil (50 g), two yolks, cocoa powder (10 g) and vitamins A (5 g) and E (5 g) in an oil solution. Everything is vigorously mixed and distributed through the hair with delicate massaging movements, covered with cellophane and wrapped in a terry towel. An hour later, wash off with water acidified with fresh lemon juice. Copes with loose, dry strands.
  • Coconut … Coconut oil (50 g) is mixed with yolk (1 pc.). The composition is applied for 2 hours directly to the hair. Then they are washed off as usual. Provides shine and wonderful nourishment to curls.
  • Arganovaya … Stir heated argan (50 g) and burdock (50 g) oils with whipped yolk. The product evenly lubricates the hair, wrap it up. After 40 minutes, wash off. Strengthens curls, heals split ends, nourishes the scalp. Treatment course - 2-3 times a week (15 procedures in total). Preventive use - 1 time per 10 days.

The necessity, frequency of using masks with eggs and oils and the number of procedures, with the exception of specially stipulated cases, should, as always, be discussed with a specialist.

Egg formulations are not rinsed off with hot water, as this beneficial ingredient can curl up and greatly complicate the cleaning process.

Argan oil hair masks

Argan oil
Argan oil

Fragrant, soft, light masks with argan oil - an unsurpassed life-giving medicine for brittle, damaged, exhausted, thinned curls. It is important to learn how to use this product correctly and you can enjoy an unstoppable cascade of healthy hair.

Argan oil hair mask recipes:

  1. Mask-compress … Heated argan oil is applied directly to the skin, then distributed along the curls and left under insulation for an hour. Rinse off as usual.
  2. Balm mask … Apply warm argan oil to dry palms and lightly lubricate the strands with it. Like a quick-acting balm, it doesn't need to be rinsed off.
  3. Firming … A mixture of argan (40 g) and burdock or castor (40 g) oils is applied to the hair. They are insulated, kept for an hour, then washed off.
  4. Moisturizing … A mixture of ingredients is prepared: argan oil (5 g), olive oil (15 g), whipped yolk, essential oils of sage (7 drops) and lavender (10 drops). The finished mask is diligently rubbed into the roots, gradually distributing along the length. Withstand 20 minutes, wash off later.

Argan extract is a very expensive pleasure, but its competent use can justify the money spent.

The dosage indicated in the proposed recipes is very approximate and should be adjusted according to the length of the curls being treated.

Anti-hair loss masks with different types of oils

Essential oil set
Essential oil set

Constant stress, adverse external influences, dyeing and curling, lack of vitamins, chronic diseases, tight hats - this is not an exhaustive list of factors that pose a threat to the density of our hair. Hair loss that has begun is very difficult to stop, but it is still worth trying.

Recipes for anti-hair loss masks based on a mixture of oils:

  • Oil combination … Prepare a remedy from olive (17 g), burdock (17 g), almond (17 g) oils and jojoba oil (17 g). Heat and lubricate hair. They are insulated and kept for an hour. Wash off with an appropriate shampoo.
  • Coconut with essential oils … Straight to the base - coconut oil (85 g) - add essential oils of chamomile (3 drops), rosewood (3 drops), coriander (3 drops). Slowly rub the composition into the roots, then distribute it over all the strands. Withstand 20 minutes, then rinse off diligently.
  • Butter cocktail … Take and mix 30 g of burdock, almond and castor oils, slightly warm up and apply diligently to the roots, gradually distributing along the length. Keep for 2 hours under a warm hood.
  • Coconut with rosemary … Honey (10 g) and ordinary rosemary essential oil (3 drops) are added to coconut oil (40 g). Everything is carefully mixed and heated. The tool is applied, distributed along the length, the head is insulated. Wash off after half an hour. Nourishes damaged hair.

If the curls begin to fall out, you, together with a specialist, have established the cause and are working to eliminate it, hand-made masks with oils against hair loss will help on the way to gaining strong strands. After all, it is healthy and well-groomed hair that largely determines the positive image of a woman.

How to make hair masks with oils - watch the video:

Masks with natural vegetable oils are a very ancient and recognized remedy for the intensification of growth, effective strengthening and proper treatment of hair. They are extremely easy to use, even in ordinary household conditions. Such a tool perfectly provides nutrition directly to the scalp and existing curls. Homemade effective formulas are a great way to restore shine and volume to weakened strands.
