When playing sports, it is important to eat right. Without this, it is difficult to claim high results. Learn how to craft the perfect weight gain diet. Often, when you see people with gorgeous figures, it seems that it is simply not realistic to achieve this yourself. However, in practice, you need a desire to become beautiful, proper nutrition and exercise. Today we will give some tips on nutrition in fitness and bodybuilding.
1 tip - buy only healthy food

Today supermarket counters are plentiful with brightly packaged products. They seem to call us to buy them, but do not give in to the desire to buy semi-finished products. Of course, they will help save time when preparing food, but they certainly will not add beauty and health.
Convenience foods are not natural foods and should be avoided for this reason. In most cases, they contain harmful impurities that may not be indicated on the label. Try to buy only natural products. Replace dumplings and sausage with fresh meat, and instead of chicken cutlets, get chicken and cook it according to your favorite recipe. Don't forget about dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits and nuts.
Tip 2 - eat small meals often

Try to eat small and frequent meals. If you go into the kitchen with a strong feeling of hunger, then overeating will be difficult to avoid. However, this is not the only benefit of fractional nutrition. Drinking every two and a half to three hours can help you avoid hypoglycemia (low blood glucose), which will keep you feeling good at all times. Eat chicken, porridge, pasta, and meat.
Tip 3 - don't gorge yourself in the evening

In the evening, you need to consume less food than during the day. This is due to lower energy costs. It is best to eat vegetables at this time. This advice does not apply to days when you exercise. After class, you need to eat well.
4 tip - eat a hearty breakfast

In the morning, there is a lack of nutrients in the body and the catabolic background is increased. One cup of coffee and a sandwich will not be enough to replenish all the nutrients. If you eat breakfast like this, then you will lose muscle mass. For breakfast, you need to eat something like you do after training. If you have problems with appetite in the morning, replace solid food with liquid.
Tip 5 - carry food with you

We have already mentioned the need for frequent meals. On weekdays, you should also eat at least five times, and going to a cafe or restaurant can be expensive and often harmful. But if you carry food with you, then there will be no nutritional problems. Today, there are very convenient plastic containers on sale, just designed for this purpose.
6 advice - be careful with alcohol

We will not talk about the fact that alcohol is hazardous to health, it is a well-known fact. But this is a very high-calorie product, the use of which increases the appetite. Remember this.
7 advice - drink water

Some people use diuretics to fight overweight and go to the bathhouse. Be careful with these weight loss methods, as they help eliminate fluid from your body faster. If you are dehydrated, your electrolyte balance is disturbed. Also, with a lack of water, the muscles recover worse after training, since harmful metabolites are not removed from the tissues. During the day, you must drink at least two liters of water.
8 tip - take sports supplements

If you are using a balanced diet, then this is just fine. At the same time, when playing sports, you need a lot of nutrients and things will not be limited to food alone. Use specific nutritional supplements for athletes. Of course, there is no need to buy everything. Use only those that will help you achieve your goals. These are primarily vitamin and mineral complexes, protein supplements and amino acid compounds.
9 tip - food shouldn't be a cult

Don't make a cult out of food or the process of consuming it. Think of it as a prerequisite for life. Eat on a schedule and within the calorie range of your diet. It is certainly difficult to refuse food when meeting classmates or childhood friends. But this cannot be a reason for gluttony.
How to eat right and make up a daily diet to gain muscle mass, see this video: