How to get yourself to do bodybuilding?

How to get yourself to do bodybuilding?
How to get yourself to do bodybuilding?

Many people want to go in for sports, but this turns out to be not so easy from a psychological point of view. Find out how to get motivated to do bodybuilding. If you look at bodybuilding with the eyes of a common man, it seems like an extremely simple sport. You just need to visit the hall and lift mountains of iron. After a certain period of time, you will turn into a pumped-up guy. Unfortunately, the same can often be said about the majority of specialists, who give completely useless recommendations as a result. This fact has led to the emergence of a huge number of different brochures copied from foreign sources.

Novice athletes often use the training programs of famous bodybuilders and make a mistake. An individual training program should be selected for each person. Reading books about the life and training of famous people from the world of bodybuilding, of course, is possible and even necessary. But their training programs will probably not work for you. Rely only on facts from scientific research. Let's talk about how to get yourself to do bodybuilding.

How to start bodybuilding classes?

Athlete chooses dumbbells in the gym
Athlete chooses dumbbells in the gym

First of all, you need desire. If it is not there, then you will not be able to force yourself to go in for sports. Perhaps a friend will persuade you to start going to the gym, but this will most likely not last long. You must understand that bodybuilding is not just heavy lifting. The training process must be approached wisely.

Analyze your genetic potential. There is no way you can fix what nature has endowed you with. It is only necessary to develop these indicators. Also, you shouldn't have any health problems. Although almost no one undergoes a medical examination before starting visits to the gym, do it for yourself.

After that, you should find a good instructor. It is quite difficult, but necessary. When you are in a state of looking for a room for future workouts, then find out if the trainers can create a training program or you will have to limit yourself to studying posters and videos from YouTube. If you get a positive answer to your question, then just compare a couple of programs designed for people with different body types. If they have a lot in common, then look for another room.

Also assess your financial capabilities. You will have to pay for the subscription all the time, and at some point you will want to start using sports supplements. If you cannot “pull” all this financially, then collect money and buy a barbell (maximum weight about 100 kilos) with a set of dumbbells (up to 50 kilos). You will also need barbell discs of various weights, squat racks and a bench (width / height / length - 28/42/150 centimeters). After that, you can train at home for the first time.

If you have not exercised for a long time or at all, then you should not immediately use large weights. It is better to start classes at 18 or 19 hours. At the same time, count so that at least two hours pass after lunch. If your previous lifestyle was a sedentary one, then start with daily half-hour walks at a brisk pace for a couple of weeks. After that, move on to jogging, gradually increasing the distance. This will prepare the body for strength training. Start with a dumbbell weight of 3 to 6 kilograms and do the following complex every second day:

  • Flexion of the arms.
  • Flexion of the arms, reverse grip.
  • Dumbbell press from the shoulders in a standing position.
  • Breeding hands to the sides.
  • Raising arms with dumbbells in front of you.
  • Straightening the arms back in a slope.
  • Push ups.

All exercises are performed in one set of 20 repetitions. An exception may be push-ups, which can be performed in two sets. Probably, many will consider that one set will not be enough. But for beginners who have no experience in sports, this will be quite enough. You should use this scheme within a month and a half.

Initially, you should train the entire body at once and not pay attention to individual muscle groups. Use only basic exercises in the amount of 8 to 10 in one session. The workout should be about 60 minutes long. If you need more time, then most likely you are doing extra exercises or using long pauses between sets. After one and a half months of classes according to the above scheme, move on to two or three classes a week. Now you need to start paying attention to each muscle group. The duration of this stage is also 1.5 months. Here is the training outline for the second stage:

  • Squats.
  • Pullover.
  • Standing Calf Raises.
  • Bench press in the prone position.
  • Bent over rods.
  • Flexion of the arms.
  • Prone Triceps Extensions.

Perform all exercises in two sets of 8-10 repetitions. It is also advisable to combine the first two movements (squats and pullover) into a super series. This concept means the execution of movements without pauses between them.

Remember that warm-up sets must be performed before each exercise, it is possible with an empty bar. At the same time, do not forget about the general warm-up at the beginning of the lesson.

Get motivated to do bodybuilding in this video:
