Sports rubber for training

Sports rubber for training
Sports rubber for training

Find out what exercises you can do with rubber if you don't have time to go to gyms. Learn the training methodology and all the technical nuances. If you use sports rubber for training, then with the right approach to training, you can effectively replace the barbell, dumbbells and horizontal bar with this sports equipment. A rubber band can be used equally successfully in the gym or at home. Let's note the main functions of the rubber band:

  • Able to replace traction simulators.
  • When working on the muscles of the arms, replaces the dumbbells and the barbell.
  • Exercise can be made more difficult by increasing the resistance of the rubber.

You can use sports rubber for training, which has a different resistance from 5 to 100 kilos. This indicator is indicated in the instructions or can be applied to the harness itself.

Using this sports equipment, you can effectively pump the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, as well as develop a muscular corset. The load is selected depending on the tasks assigned to the athlete. If you need to get rid of fat mass, then focus on working on problem areas - stomach, back, legs and chest. Work at a fast pace for 0.5 hour. Start working on the big muscles first, and then work on the small ones.

To gain mass and increase strength, perform 6 to 12 repetitions of each movement. If you do less than six reps, you can increase your strength indicators. If there are more than 15 repetitions, then endurance develops. For the progression of the load, you can increase the number of repetitions, or use harnesses with a high resistance index.

How to use sports rubber for training?

Exercises with sports rubber
Exercises with sports rubber

Train with rubber every other day. For maximum benefits while losing weight, combine exercise with sports rubber for training with walking or other aerobic exercise. Do not ignore the warm-up, as you need to prepare for the main workout and sweat a little.

  • Pendulum flexion of the arms. Stand up straight and tighten your abdominal muscles while lowering your shoulder blades. If you are just starting to train with a rubber band, then just stand in the middle of it. More experienced athletes can use additional dumbbells. Perform alternating arm curls. At the same time, it is important to perform the entire movement at a slow pace and avoid jerking. The duration of the movement is two minutes.
  • Twisting while standing. Take the tourniquet in your hands and stretch it over your head. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, and to the right, bending at the knee joint, lift it up, while stretching the tourniquet. Repeat the movement in the other direction. Do 30 reps in each direction at a medium pace. Inhale with effort and exhale with relaxation.
  • Side steps. Twist the tourniquet in front of you and put your feet in the loop formed. Begin to perform side steps. Work each leg for two minutes.
  • Squat Rise. Stand in the middle of the tourniquet, twisting it so that you can experience a slight effort. Pick up dumbbells weighing two kilos. Perform squat raises while working your leg muscles.
  • Pendulum leg abductions. Stand up straight and make a loop out of the tourniquet, placing your legs in it. Pull the tourniquet to your chest, and pull in your stomach. Begin to swing your leg to the side doing 30 reps. Then repeat the exercise with the other leg. This is a great movement for training the muscles of the glutes and thighs.

For information on how to use sports tires as efficiently as possible in your workouts, see this video:
