Find out how the ninefold Mr. Olympia Arnold rocked his shoulders. Secrets of doing dumbbell presses that will help develop all three bundles of deltoid muscles. In any area, everyone can glorify their name by doing something outstanding. Smith's car is a great example of this when it comes to bodybuilding. Similar words can be said in relation to the press of Arnold, because it was not someone who began to perform it, but Iron Arnie himself.
Most likely, it was performed before, but it was after Schwarzenegger that it became popular. Today, a large number of bodybuilders use the Arnold bench press in their training programs. The movement is aimed at working out all sections of the deltas, which allows you to qualitatively form the muscles of the shoulder section.
How to do the Arnold press correctly?

To perform the movement, you need a bench with an upright back. Press your back against her as tightly as possible, and bend your legs at right angles. Dumbbells must be taken with a regular grip and the projectile must be raised to the level of the shoulder joints. Unfold the brushes so that they point towards you.
After inhaling, hold your breath and begin to squeeze the shells up, while turning your palms inward. In the final upper position, they must point up. Start turning the dumbbells at the moment when the hands pass the level of the "crown". Without pause, start lowering the shells down.
Now let's see when each of the muscles involved in the movement is pumped up to work. At the first stage, movement is carried out using the anterior deltas. Then, during the turn of the hands, they are abducted. When the hands pass the level of the head, then the middle section of the deltas is included in the work. At the same time, throughout the entire movement, the muscles of the chest are tense, and at the moment of rotation of the shoulder joints, the lats are also connected to the work.
Dumbbell Press Tips for Athletes

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to correct breathing. This is a very important aspect and should always be kept in mind. You need to deliberately hold your breath in order to reduce the load on the spinal column and partly on the shoulder joints.
Sometimes athletes shorten the trajectory of movement without lifting the sports equipment as high as possible. As a result, the deltas are not completely reduced and the efficiency of the movement decreases.
Also, most athletes always use the same trajectory, which is not entirely good, since the maximum muscle stimulation can be achieved through even minor changes. You can alternate the lifting of the shells along a strictly vertical trajectory, slightly pull together or spread the dumbbells.
If you think the Arnold press is a simple up press, you are wrong. Due to the fact that you pierce your palms during movement, muscle fibers located deep inside the muscles come into work. This allows you to increase the volume of deltas and push them out. To make sure that these words are true, you need to perform both movements and compare your feelings. Only in this case you will understand the difference between them. You also need to choose the right weight for the equipment and not use excessive load. Often, athletes are worried that they may feel dizzy while holding their breath. We hasten to reassure you and inform you that this will not happen, since the delay is insignificant.
We recognize that the Arnold press is a very effective movement that should be used by all athletes. If you have not yet included it in your training program, then it is high time to do it. It was not for nothing that Arnie did it.
Denis Borisov will tell you how to correctly perform the Arnold press in this video: