Each athlete has their own secrets when doing the exercise. Learn how to pump up with dumbbells. The secret is shared by professional bodybuilders. In a certain period of time, when an athlete becomes sufficiently experienced, he finds his own peculiarities in almost every exercise. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the training. Professional athletes have a lot of such secrets and very often they tell the general public about them. Today we want to introduce you to the secrets of the dumbbell bench press in bodybuilding from Michael Eisis.
Dumbbell Press Technique

Sit on a bench with a vertical back as deep as possible. It is very important that at the same time your back is pressed strongly against the back of the bench. Place your feet on the ground and tighten your abs. Sports equipment is located slightly in front of the shoulder joints, the elbow joints are widely separated to the sides, and the palms are directed forward.
After taking a breath, hold your breath and powerfully press the shells up in an arc trajectory. After passing the most difficult point of the trajectory, exhale. It is very important that at the end point of the trajectory the dumbbells are located as close to each other as possible. Lower the shells slowly, controlling movement.
To maximize bench press performance, you shouldn't stay in the low position for long. This will allow not to remove the load from the deltas. When reaching the top position of the trajectory, you can make a short pause. As soon as the shells have lowered, immediately start a new bench press.
You should not use inertia when moving up and yield to the weight of the shells when they move down. Any sudden movement while sitting can cause injury. Holding your breath after inhaling is necessary in order for the chest to expand and thereby give additional support to the spinal column. In addition, this way you can mobilize before passing a difficult segment of the trajectory.
You should not chase dumbbell weights or cheat. In the first case, you simply will not be able to maintain the maximum amplitude, and in the second, the risk of injury increases.
What muscles are involved in the dumbbell press?

In the work of the shoulder, the supraspinatus muscle is important, as well as the central and anterior deltas. The supraspinatus muscle is small and not visible, but it should be developed. Of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the rhomboid, anterior dentate muscle, as well as the upper and lower parts of the trapezium, take the maximum part in the work. The trapezium is a large muscle and with its strong development it resembles a diamond. For this reason, it is often confused with the rhomboid muscle located just below the trapezium. The serratus anterior muscle is located under the arm and covers the ribcage.
The main tasks of the supraspinatus muscle and deltas is to raise the arm to a horizontal position. At the same time, the maximum trapezium contraction can be achieved at the time the arm passes the section from the shoulder joint to full extension.
The serratus anterior muscle, together with the upper and lower trapezium, are reduced as much as possible when the scapula rotates. With the function of the muscle that lifts the scapula, everything is clear from its name. Using the dumbbell press, you will not only be able to work out the deltas, but also the muscles of the upper back. The bench press uses a lot of different muscles. For this reason, the shoulder joint is much more secured in comparison, for example, with side bends. The development of these muscles is important in many sports disciplines.
Ronnie Coleman's Dumbbell Bench Press Tips

Ronnie very often repeats in his interviews that the dumbbell press is one of the most favorite exercises. Not a single lesson aimed at training the muscles of the shoulder girdle at Coleman is complete without a bench press.
The starting position that Coleman takes before performing the bench press is exactly as described above. According to him, this allows you to isolate the shoulders as much as possible.
In the upper position of the trajectory, the projectiles must be reduced, but at the same time they must not touch each other. Ronnie does not use heavy weights during the exercise, but does a lot of reps. He also uses tri-sets and supersets. However, they often should not be performed so as not to overtrain the muscles.
Ronnie devotes one lesson to training the muscles of the shoulder girdle. For this reason, the muscles are not warmed up and you first need to perform two dozen warm-up reps in two approaches. Only then can you perform working sets containing 12 to 15 repetitions. We also note that Coleman trains separately the shoulder girdle only once every seven days. At the same time, the rest of the muscles work twice a week. This is due to the fact that a large load falls on the muscles of the shoulders in the remaining classes.
Check out Ronnie Coleman's technique for doing 90kg dumbbell bench press: