Concentrated dumbbell press on a horizontal bench

Concentrated dumbbell press on a horizontal bench
Concentrated dumbbell press on a horizontal bench

Find out which bodybuilding exercise can maximize your chest muscles without the need for isolation movements. The dumbbell bench press is a basic method for training the muscles of the chest. Together with this, deltas and triceps can take part. Bench press, lying with one hand or sitting, brings usefulness in many ways, if you have some knowledge about the features of their implementation.

What is a horizontal dumbbell press?

An athlete performs a concentrated dumbbell press on a horizontal bench
An athlete performs a concentrated dumbbell press on a horizontal bench

Most often in bodybuilding and powerlifting, an exercise is required - a dumbbell press. Such a projectile is endowed with a plurality of positive qualities, to which the action of a huge amount of muscle can be attributed.

First of all, it should be noted that dumbbell presses are of different types: presses with both hands and press with one hand. Two-handed presses are also quite effective and efficient. They are most commonly used to target the lateral deltoid and pectoral muscles. All exercise methods must be performed synchronously.

In this case, we'll look at the one-handed press. Each hand repeats, as if in a mirror image, each other. If this recommendation is not followed, asymmetrical muscles can be built up. Most importantly, never fold your hands forward or backward. Otherwise, it is possible to easily injure the shoulder joint.

Each set of exercises also includes triceps, so it is advisable to perform such exercises during the period when your program is designed to increase the triceps. Pressing one dumbbell means the presence of the past stage. But, with this method, there is some negative indicator, which consists in the inclusion of each hand in turn. With this exercise, the strength potential is lost faster.

Therefore, when doing the press with one hand, you should do repetitions of the same exercise for both hands, but this is quite difficult. This training becomes less effective. Fatigue can be blocked with every exercise. The one-handed press is not comfortable enough. That is why it is worth including other exercises in the course with him.

Exercise technique

Girl performs dumbbell bench press
Girl performs dumbbell bench press
  • Lie horizontally on a bench. You should take a dumbbell in your hand and sit on the end of a horizontal bench. The palms should be facing each other.
  • When lying down, it is worth helping yourself by pushing the upper thighs. Gently lie down on it, throwing a dumbbell in your chest, and straighten your arm up.
  • With the other hand, you need to grip the end of the bench to be more stable.
  • Legs are best placed wide. Turn your hand so that your palm is facing in front of you. This position is called the starting position.
  • Lower the dumbbell to the chest, while taking the elbow joint to the side to pump the chest. When exhaling, squeeze your hand up. It is necessary to control your movements and perform the exercises extremely carefully.
  • Maintain your balance until you are completely confident.
  • It is worth doing a few repetitions, until fatigue begins, and then change hands and perform the exercise with the other hand. The main thing is to keep the proportion in the amount of exercise.
  • Tear off your legs from the floor, bending them at the knees, should be after the end of the exercise. Turn the wrist so that you can turn the other part of the hip joint. This movement can help turn to a different position. In this position, it is worth putting the dumbbells.

Benefits of the one-arm bench press

Side Dumbbell Press
Side Dumbbell Press
  • The pectoral muscle groups are involved.
  • Basic type of exercise.
  • It additionally affects the shoulder joint and triceps.
  • It is a strength exercise.
  • Only dumbbells are required.
  • It can be suitable for both experienced athletes and beginner athletes.

Features and recommendations for performing the exercise

One-handed dumbbell bench press
One-handed dumbbell bench press

This exercise is best performed in certain situations.

  • When training the assistant muscles, which are responsible for the balance and stability of the body.
  • Exercise helps to improve muscle coordination, that is, the combined performance of various muscle groups, which are aimed at performing certain complex tasks.
  • Trains the part of the body that is lagging behind in development. With ordinary traction exercises, one hand is not much involved, then it is worth increasing the load. You should not continue the exercises with a lagging hand, as the muscles will not develop proportionally.

Also, when performing the exercise, it is worth lowering your elbows down gradually, and without being distracted. When experiencing pain or discomfort, it is worth turning the dumbbells towards each other with your palms. Then the load will be slightly reduced, and the exercise will become more comfortable and will not reduce efficiency.

All the nuances of doing a horizontal dumbbell press in this video from Denis Borisov:

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