Types of barbells in bodybuilding

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Types of barbells in bodybuilding
Types of barbells in bodybuilding

Today, athletes use different types of barbells and bars. Find out why it is better to use a weightlifting bar and what are the benefits of short barbells. Every person has seen a barbell at least once in his life. However, not many people know that there are several types of barbells in bodybuilding. For many athletes, this sports equipment is sacred, because thanks to it they achieve high results.

Barbell evolution history


Everyone imagines a barbell, which is, in fact, a metal rod, at the ends of which discs are attached. In ancient times, people were involved in sports much more actively than in the modern world. They had to use beams and logs made of stone or wood. After the advent of metallurgy, iron sports equipment also appeared.

In ancient Greece and Egypt, people especially appreciated the beauty of the body. It was during this period that the first mentions of the progenitors of the modern barbell appeared. Most often, these were beams of a round or square shape, the length of which was up to three meters, and the diameter was from 40 to 50 centimeters.

Sports equipment, which resembled the modern barbell, was created in England at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. Scientists have found recordings that tell of competitions between English sailors in lifting weights. As a projectile, they used an iron rod, at the ends of which weights were attached.

The term "barbell" itself came into use in Germany. By the way, from the German language, the word stange is translated as a rod or a rod. It happened in 1896, when the first collapsible bar was invented. Let's see what types of barbells in bodybuilding exist today.

Types of rods

The athlete performs a squat with a barbell on his shoulders
The athlete performs a squat with a barbell on his shoulders

For the classification of this sports equipment, it was decided to use the neck type. It turned out to be very simple and convenient.

Olympic barbell

Olympic barbell
Olympic barbell

This is the most popular type of barbell in bodybuilding. Each hall has an Olympic barbell. Note that they are quite expensive, especially if they are made by well-known companies. The Olympic bar is perfectly balanced, it has Kraevsky's markings and soft knurling. This sports equipment is standardized. Let's note the main features of the Olympic barbell:

  • The bar weighs 20 kilograms;
  • The length of the neck is 220 centimeters;
  • The neck measures 28 centimeters in diameter.

Barbell for powerlifting

Athlete performing deadlift
Athlete performing deadlift

This type of sports equipment differs from the Olympic barbell in the greater strength of the neck. If the Olympic barbell bounces when you perform the movements, then the powerlifting equipment is stiff, which makes it strong. Among the main characteristics of a barbell for powerlifting, we note:

  • The bar weighs 20 kilograms;
  • The length of the neck is 220 centimeters;
  • The diameter of the neck is 29 centimeters.

Standard rod

Standard rod
Standard rod

The name of this sports equipment is rather arbitrary, since it does not have such exact standards as the two previous types of barbells. Here are the main characteristics of the projectile:

  • The bar weighs between 10 and 20 kilograms;
  • The length of the neck is from 150 to 220 centimeters;
  • The neck diameter is 20 to 25 centimeters.

Squat bar

Girl squats with a barbell on her shoulders
Girl squats with a barbell on her shoulders

This apparatus is designed for powerlifting competitions. However, it is devoid of standards, since each federation of this sports discipline has its own requirements for the barbell.

Deadlift bar


The situation with this type of sports equipment is similar to the previous one. The only major difference between the two is the softer deadlift bar, which allows it to spring back into the movement.

Olympic barbell for girls

The girl performs the push of the Olympic barbell
The girl performs the push of the Olympic barbell

Similar to men's sports equipment, but slightly lighter. Its main parameters are as follows:

  • The bar weighs 15 kilograms;
  • The length of the neck is 205 centimeters;
  • The neck diameter is 25 centimeters.

EZ neck

EZ neck
EZ neck

The name of this type of neck comes from the English word easy, which means easy. The first letters of the word got into the name. This neck has a curved shape that allows you to quickly change the angle of application of the load to the muscles. Performing with a regular barbell, say, a French press or extension of the arms from behind the head is not very easy. It is for these exercises that the EZ bar was invented.


T-bar training
T-bar training

A very popular sports equipment in bodybuilding. It works the back muscles well and can be found in any gym. Its shape, as the name implies, resembles the letter "T", the base of which is attached to the frame.

Trap fretboard

A girl performs an exercise with a trap bar
A girl performs an exercise with a trap bar

But not everyone could see this type of neck. The trap neck looks like a hexagon, to which bushings are attached on both sides, on which weights are attached. It is a great tool for working on the muscles of the arms, although some athletes do deadlifts with it.

You will learn what barbell bars are in this video:
