Dorian Yates training secrets

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Dorian Yates training secrets
Dorian Yates training secrets

Dorian Yates is known to all bodybuilding fans. He managed to achieve great results. Discover the secrets of the Mr. Olympia title holder. Probably there are no people interested in bodybuilding who have not heard of Dorian Yates. He is a famous and legendary person in power sports. Today we will introduce you to a few secrets of Dorian Yates training.

Secret # 1: Concentration

Dorian Yates
Dorian Yates

To achieve great results in any business, inner concentration is important. Sports in general and bodybuilding in particular are no exception. Lifting weights is not enough for you to train effectively. Sports equipment is just one of the tools to achieve the goal.

Inner concentration is essential to gain muscle mass and shape. Admittedly, this is not as easy to achieve as it might seem. It is very important to develop neural connections between the brain and the target muscle.

It is best to start concentrating on the evening of the day before training. Adjust your thoughts to the work ahead, and before going to bed, remember the atmosphere of your room.

A training diary is essential for achieving inner concentration. Before going to the gym, review the latest entries and make a plan of action for today. Program yourself with this information and mentally go through the entire workout.

This will get rid of the question of what I will do today in class and why I need it. If there are few people in the room, it helps to concentrate. However, not every athlete will benefit from a half-empty gym. Someone prefers to study at a time when there are a lot of visitors.

After the projectile is in your hands, you should already know how you will feel. To do this, you must first mentally simulate everything in the brain. It is necessary to imagine which muscles should work and which ones should be excluded from the movement. Try to constantly monitor the weight, stretch and contraction of the muscles. When performing all movements, try to emphasize the negative phase. This will help you concentrate even better. Perform the movement more slowly in the negative phase than in the positive one.

If you train with a friend, then you need to understand that he is not your opponent. You help each other achieve the tasks set for you. In addition, with joint training, it is easier to maintain concentration between sets, since at this time you help a friend. It depends on the person, though. Don't train for long. It is quite enough to work well for 40 or 45 minutes.

Concentration is influenced by various factors. If, say, you are low on carbohydrates, then brain activity will be slowed down and it will be more difficult to concentrate. You shouldn't look for magic drugs that will allow you to increase your concentration. They just don't exist.

Insufficient concentration of the athlete increases the risk of injury. Most often, injuries are the result of fatigue or the use of a large working weight. You need to train enough to get the desired result.

Secret # 2: Think Mass

Dorian Yates training
Dorian Yates training

Dorian is often asked why on the left hand visually the biceps are larger than the left. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the meaning of concepts such as symmetry, proportion and balance. If you think that they are synonyms, then you are greatly mistaken.

Balance means that both paired muscles have the same volume. Proportion is the ratio of muscle volume that creates a visual impression. Symmetry, in turn, implies the same shape of the muscles of the right and left halves of the body.

But you can't focus on symmetry. Every person's body is asymmetrical and this is quite normal. Natural asymmetry is practically invisible to a simple glance. If you notice it, then you need to take certain actions. Use a barbell instead of dumbbells. It allows you to fix the hands and eliminates auxiliary muscles from work. However, do not pay attention to the differences in the size of the biceps. Try to think only about the mass.

Secret # 3: Pyramid by Dorian Yates

Diagram of the pyramid by Dorian Yates
Diagram of the pyramid by Dorian Yates

You must remember that this principle is based on the number of repetitions in the next set, and not on the working weight. Decide on the required number of repetitions in the first set and select the appropriate weight. For example, you should do 4 sets with the following repetitions: 15-12-10-8.

In the first set, you need to use such a weight that muscle failure occurs after 14 or 15 repetitions. Similarly, it is necessary to select weights for all subsequent sets. You need to find your own pyramid execution scheme and only in this case it will be effective.

Secret # 4: Exercise Frequency

Athlete takes a barbell
Athlete takes a barbell

This question is most popular among novice athletes. It's important to let your muscles recover. On average, this requires a couple of days and for this reason, training every second day may be superfluous.

Dorian Yates is sure that it is necessary to allow the body to recover within three days. For this reason, it is best to use three split sessions a day. Divide your body in two and train them in one session.

With the growth of muscle mass, it is required to increase the load. However, the body's restorative ability does not progress as quickly as weight gains. This must be remembered and at a certain time it will probably be necessary to make changes in the training process.

The symptoms of overtraining are known to everyone, and when they appear, it is worth taking a break from classes. Getting enough sleep is also important, as the recovery reactions are speeded up during sleep. The nutritional program also has a great impact on recovery. Your diet should contain from 55 to 60 percent carbohydrates, 25–30 percent are protein compounds, and the rest of the calorie intake is given to fats.

Dorian Yates High Intensity Training Secrets In This Video:
