How quickly cosmetics deteriorate

How quickly cosmetics deteriorate
How quickly cosmetics deteriorate

The type of skin depends not only on a person's nutrition, how he takes care of himself, etc., but on whether he adheres to the rules for storing cosmetics and whether he throws out the product after the end of its life.

How to determine the suitability of cosmetics by smell and color

Unsuitable cream
Unsuitable cream

Regardless of whether you have a cream, powder, eye shadow or other cosmetic product in front of you, if the product looks different, and even smells unpleasant, it must be thrown away. Otherwise, you can get allergies, skin rashes or other skin problems.

Some representatives of the fair sex, seeing how the consistency of the cream has exfoliated, became liquid and watery, changed its shade, continue to use the product they once acquired. It will be cheaper to buy a new cream than to be treated later for all kinds of skin defects. Pay attention to the uniformity of the emulsion, structure, shade, as well as the presence of foreign grains. This rule also applies to foundation. A good foundation should not clump or give off an unpleasant scent. Such a product will not only harm the skin, but will also stain.

If the color of the product was initially white, and after some time acquired a yellowish tint, do not doubt the presence of microorganisms in the product. A tainted cream may have a rancid smell.

Video about the shelf life and shelf life of cosmetics:

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